Love Poem: Crystal Clear
Ron Ryan Avatar
Written by: Ron Ryan

Crystal Clear

I've become mesmerized by the sapphire skies
by the vivid blue
by the view I see inside of you
Your possibilities swim past my sensibilities
and backstroke into my responsibilities
And dive down deep into dark blue tranquility 
where there are no boundaries
just an open sea
on the other side of me
turning into purple bubbles of cool perspiration
popping only out of desperation
and then savoring the sweet sensation
of deja vu
of a brand new view
of me and you
with a slight purple hue
made of my red and your vivid blue
echoes in the mist
tangerine kissed
echoes in the rain
and lavender lullabies 
kiss away the pain
washed away by the violet rain
along windswept beaches
and mesmerized 
by fluorescent flowers 
dancing in a brilliant breeze
that passes through 
agreeable trees
and brings you and me
to our knees
to enjoy
the glimmer
the shimmer
the sparkle of vivid blue eyes
tangled up in tangerine kisses
and whispering windswept beaches sweet as sugar
carressed by secret gardens of blue and green
that taste a lot like you and me and tangerine