Love Poem: Christmas Moments
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Written by: Regina Mcintosh

Christmas Moments

On the night skies,
Drifting – solitary stars…
Collected, quiet, nomadic,
Free and flowing 
Gliding through the silence

On the gentle promises,
Wordless, but sworn…
In faith, never doubting,
Sure as the endlessness of stars,
Moon glowing – wise as the heart.

On the softest prayers,
Voiceless whispers, violet…
Kisses, like wonders, blessings,
Preparing the soul,
With hope, peaceful and low.

On the melancholic colors,
Visions in sapphire and gold…
Brilliant scarlet, nature glowing
Reflecting the joy,
Breathing elated splendor.

On the morning, dawning,
In echoes of grace…
Shedding the skins of a past,
When yesterday felt so hateful,
Yesterday, twilight feeling shameful.

On the edge of a song,
Captured by the heart, the knowing…
Breathless sighs, singing along,
Inspiring the feelings,
Consenting to acceptance.

On the shadows of Christmas,
When love falls all around…
Dusting the rim of our moments,
With heaven’s grace, 
Stirring awake the true praise.

On these precious moments,
Close as the twinkling…
Glistening on the easy silence,
In eyes, alive as stars,
Breaking through the dark –

Breaking down every wall,
Releasing the bonds of intolerance,
Destroying the fears, 
Cleansing the past with fresh tears,
Tears of hope, tears of faith –

Tears meant to embrace Christmas’ meaning –
The significance of kindness that gives…
From the heart, from the spirit 
Gifts of light sent down from above,
Gifts of His peace – the hope, faith and love
That only Jesus…
                            could have stirred awake inside us!