Love Poem: Chapter 92 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: Family Affairs

Chapter 92 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: Family Affairs

Next day new school day. 
Amadeus was the first to
Wake then he woke DJ and 
Damali And all three went for
The showers. Twenty minutes 
Later they woke everybody else 
Including the adults. The Hakim 
Children were feverishly 
Excited about there new school. 
Anticipating all of the differences
They would encounter. 
Amadeus asked at the
Breakfast table, "are y'all ready
For your education." 
The children answered at once,
"NO! Nope."  and "heck No!!"
DJ roared, "scholars! Let's move
Be quick about it. The bus is
Waiting! Leave the food and go!"
Damali and DJ were the last to
Exit. The Hakim kids had their 
Own tinted windows jet black bus.
The bus was huge, collecting 
 Hakim kids along the
Way. Arrival to the school proved
To be an astonishing learning 
Exhibition. The school personnel 
And principal were anxious for 
The new wealthy Hakim students.
The staff escorted the younger 
Hakims away to their appropriate 
Classes. The older Hakim kids
were given a detailed tour of the
Area and classes they'd be assigned.

At that time Damian was on his
Way to the school to ensure that 
Everyone was placed in the
Correct classes. Including the 
3 year olds. It was a K - 12 school.
The school authorities didn't 
Want to place the three year olds
In the kindergarten classes.
Damian explained, "my 3 year olds
Know their numbers up to 50.
Number and alphabet recognition.
Etcetera etcetera.
When Damian 
Entered the school grounds he
Noticed a playground for the 
Younger kids, and an enormous 
7 story building which had the 
Appearance of a moderately 
Sized college. The school floors
Was of marble material. Decorated 
Blue Brick walls and glass cases of
Commendations,  trophies, 
High school jerseys on higher
Levels where the senior students 
Were. The lower floors were
Rightly Reserved for younger
Students. The exact environment 
He wanted. Many of the students.
Were Hakim Children and many
Were students associated by
Marriage and some were also
Before he left the school's 
Main office he was equipped 
With the information he came
To collect including, School
And class hours. Subjects,
Subject matters especially 
Concerning sex education.  He
Had possession of all of their
Upcoming activities. He noticed 
The absence of clocks on the 
Walls. Damian Flaunted his authority 
saying, "When you order clocks for the
Wall, see to it that one is placed 
On both sides of the room." With
The Charismatic glint of Authority 
He continued.
"And a Seal of....Solomon. I'd like 
To see that upon my return trip."
"Have an excellent day people."
It took the staff a minute to 
Recover from Damian's visit.
The principal emerged from his
Hiding place and said, "People 
Let's please this man and get it
Done. Make those orders!" After
Damian returned home he 
Went to his den made
Deals moved and mergered
Over the phone. He sat back 
Kicked his legs up onto his
Large desk. Relaxed smiling. 
Thinking of the wealth he was
Accumulating as he sat planning
Even further into the future.
He was a mover a shaker. 

" yeah. I am the situation. Major
 maverick Obligations." 
He pushed himself 
Away from his desk and went
To the kitchen searching for a
Meal,  saw the clock on the Wall.
The kids will be home in about 
An hour.  He ate a sandwich when 
worry flooded his mind about his 
Youngest children not being on
The bus. He Whipped out his
Phone and called DJ, "be sure
You get the babies on the bus
And sit them with you, Damali 
Amadeus and Desharah."
"Get Damali to 
Assist you. Amadeus too."  
Damian searched the backyard 
Saw Dolly and Molly there. He went
To greet them. "My lady loves.
How's your day been so far?"
He touched aroused groped 
With all of the power he possessed.
He aroused them leaving both in
Heaps of desire saying, "the
Children are home." The women 
Watched  him, dazed.
He walked toward the new
House which was now almost 
Completed, since he hired 
Construction teams to work 
Over time. The hour of the
Power Prestigious precious 

He Inspected every inch
Of the house. He 
Returned to the main house and 
Asked the kids, "How'd you 
Like K-12 Science and Arts 
"It's okay, Dad." Amadeus uttered.
DJ had the most feared 
Question, "Dad when was....the
Last time anybody checked 
Greatgrand?"  I'll check him, Dad."
Damali said, "Me too."  Damian 
Called them into the library for
Conference. Amadeus called 
Molly and Dolly from the backyard.
He said to the kids,
"The rest of you kids go to your 
Rooms."  He called Sidney over
The intercom and said "meet me
Down stairs in the library."
He left the door opened and
Explained to the 2 oldest kids
That "Greatgrand may have 
Passed during the night."
 Molly Dolly Sidney and
Amadeus all Entered one behind 
The other.  Damian asked both
His wives, "When was the last 
Time anybody checked Greatgrand?"
"Last night before I went to bed."
"Okay. What time was that?
"Ten pm" Molly said. Did anybody 
Look in on him today?"
"No" They were all dreading the
Results of the current 
Circumstances. Dolly agreed to
Examine him with Molly. Damian 
Called his father and told him
About the situation. He knew 
The father would bring the 
Calvary. Dolly began examining 
Greatgrand she touched his arm 
As the other family members 
Observed. She shook him and
Called his name. No response.
Molly helped her turn him onto
His back. They watched for
 The rise and fall of his chest. 
Nothing. Molly shook him.
No response. GrandDad! They
Looked around at the rest of the
Family members. And shook
Their heads. Molly said, "He is...
Unresponsive."  Dolly and Molly 
Both left the room grim faced
as Damian entered. Then DJ, 
then Damali and Amadeus. The 
Older teens
Asked, "What do we do now?"
Carter Hakim entered the room 
"How long?"  Damian was a bit
Emotional and he felt more
Emotion rise in him."  Damian 
Replied "since early this morning."
Carter Hakim said, "Call the 
Hospital. We'll make the 
Arrangements."We have to notify 
Plenty family members."