Love Poem: Chapter 67 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: the Family Seventeen Xvi --Home Coming

Chapter 67 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: the Family Seventeen Xvi --Home Coming

The time was 11:05. Damian 
Made the essential announcement 
"HAKIM the time is now 11:05
We will leave this place at 11:15am.
That's 10 minutes from now.
So use the toilet, do everything 
You need to do for your 
Comfort. Be in the Limos in 10
Minutes, ready to go. When get
There you'll have plenty of time
For R & R. Alright? Any questions 
Concerns? Talk to me. Alright.
"GO!" The children scattered 
The five year olds took the
Seven with them outside to 
Play. Some of the kids waited
In the Limos. The five year olds
We're with the seven. Damian 
Reorganized them into their
Correct spaces. The kids were
Looking forward to their 
Home coming and their long
 summer vacation. Damian
Observed the order and was
Pleased. His car was up front
This time. He stuck his head 
Out in to the fresh Trinidadian 
Air and said, "Driver! Let's move."
DJ stuck His head out and said
"Drivers! Be about that business!"
Damian paid the hotel for the
Occupancy earlier so everything 
Was copacetic. They were 
Moving on their way to the
Private jet flight home. Damian 
Reminded the sisters, "Wife's,
The plane departs at 1:30 
Afternoon." Make sure Everything 
Is copacetic Alright my gentle
Flowers."  " Yes Damian." They
Said in unison.  "It's a 4 hour
Flight."  They made it to the
Airport with plenty of time to 
Spare. The twenty members 
Family squeezed into a ten chair
Space. Damian Laughed and 
Said "well, the seating works.
All of the twins are sharing 
Their chairs, Amadeus, 
Desharah DJ and Joshua have
Sperate seats. Look at them.
Each of the older children held
One of the seven and their
Three Parents had the other 
Three.  Now, the seven Little 
Ones were starting to be a bit
Cranky.  The more they tried
Soothing children the more
Cranky they became. Until
Everybody became crazy and
Crazy trying to stop the 
Tantrum flair ups. The mothers
Unfolded the strollers and 
Everybody took a deep breath. 
DJ said look half our family are
In strollers. Barrington Godfrey 
Shadir and Matthias were in 
Two stroller. The Quads and
Triplets were in multi strollers.
Finally it was 1:15 and time to
Board. They wouldn't fly until
1:30 pm.  They took their seats
Just as before. Six of the Seven
Youngest were in 3 seats with 
Pillows for added security. 
After all were settled in the
Plane made the take off. 4 hour
Later it landed. The Hakims
Collected their baggage and
Waited for their limo ride home.
Damian asked, " How's everyone
Are you alright."  They all replied 
With tired eyes answering.
Tiredly "Yeah Daad" Dolly said 
"Oh Desharah and Amadeus"
Are so sleepy. But it's early still 
They be perky and Bright Eyed
Once we get home."
Damian jumped to his feet after 
Recognizing their Limos 
On the grounds. "COME ON"

he said, "Family Let's be Quick
About our business HAKIM!"
Okay Daaad!" 
They enter both cars hungry for
Familiarity. Home summer respite
Cultural food and cousins 
Complete. Finally home they had
A decent welcome party to greet
Their limousine at the gates. 
Whaaat Dolly and heard the
Hakim boys chant rising from
The other car. WE HAKIM!
The limo drove to their mansion's
Front entrance they disengaged 
With all of their luggage. They 
Were followed by Hakim family 
Members some of which they
Didn't know. Damian had to
Shake hands and introduce 
Himself. And the Judges were
There hmm, Damian glanced in
Their direction then they began
Their approach behind and beside 
Each other. Damian went to meet
Across the crowded room. 
Damian spoke first, "Aah How
Have you been? How's business?"
Damian waited for a complicitated 
Answer as he shook each of their
Hands. Judge Malik Valus Hakim 
Spoke, "Well it could be better. We
Need territory we're in the
Process of a few purchases 
Damian we'd like to make these
Purchases with your involvement 
Come into business with us."
"What do you say Hakim, deal
The Hakim extended his hand.
Damian shook on it, "Deal" was
The only word heard.  The three
Agreed to constant conclusive
Communication in the future to
Formulate further steps.
The summer season had arrived 
There would materialize a 
Broad daylight blistering 
Barbecue to remember.