Love Poem: but a moment -

but a moment -

"Hurry, you've gotta see this!"
She yelled at me from a hundred yards down the beach ...
So I ran, barefooted, as fast as I could to where she stood

But when I got there ... nothing!
Just her smile as she nipped her bottom lip
"Gawd yer sexy when you run in the sand," she said
Are you kidding me - there's nothing here??

"Oh, I wouldn't say that I was ... nothing" she answered
She did have a point there
"In fact ... since you ran all this way"
She took handfuls of her knee-length hair and lassoed me with it

Pulling me into the dunes and marsh grasses
She had laid out a blanket, neatly
With a basket of food and wine, wrapped in red plaid
"That's dessert, cutie-pie," she motioned

But what about the main course?
She smiled again, falling back onto the blanket
Right hand grasping my belt
"Me," she winked.