My heart will always be broken
many hearts have been broken too 
the future feels hollow
there is no substance felt in the soul when love dies

There are reasons for the break
but no rationale
Isn’t love supposed to be forever?
For better or worse?

Sometimes, one wonders if this is true
yet we, the older ones, who have gone through the fires of hell know
true love needs time to ferment
like a good apple cider or a good cigar soaked in aged brandy

In the meanwhile, hormones take over
and we are shot to the four winds
to fester until love grabs a hold of us
or realities of Life take over

Then we see truth
How much love there was at the beginning
or how much truth was there in your heart 
when chores and responsibilities become too much to bear
or imagined like seeing a mirage or a Hollywood romance movie

Love is forged in the fires of necessity and compassion
Love also has its roots in affection and caring
Love is strongest where the self is subjugated for your mate
It is also most powerful when one sees holiness in the home

Love is forever, that is true
but it has to be earned
it is a blessing when one appreciates our mates 
and the daily burdens they endure for the family

Bliss can be had if we understand 
that marriage is a commitment to a marathon
for  as long as you both shall live together
as long as you are steadfast with love

You will weather all storms into the future
and come to know the real meaning of true love
and greet it with  a big huge smile
that comes from a well lived life, 

Giving, sharing and enduring life's trials.