Love Poem: The Broken-Heart, Fallen Angel
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Written by: G. Jay

The Broken-Heart, Fallen Angel

Pouring drops tumble as Sin shares her final sensual treasured embrace prior the sanctified storm

Once the Crowning Rays threshold is now the traverse shadow, tattered and tangled amidst destiny’s yarn   
Warn decree, reminisced jeweled land plateau accuse is now stone-cold alleyways aging in silence 

Damned light, the heart forever shattered, yet the flesh remains unbroke, never
to be unsaid it was love

The crystallized vastness of stars anesthetized the vagabond vampire within the valley of death
Breath of beauty wins by retrofire corresponded aura humanized exemplars on atlas skies          

Yesteryears memories are the futures joys for no weeping words or heroic deeds will redeem

Updated 5/14/2019