Love Poem: Blue
Andrea Dietrich Avatar
Written by: Andrea Dietrich


As the shadows flee,
my dear, you have me
but into the sea
the sun I can see
You are so carefree.
Please don’t let me be

Yes, it now is night,
and nothing feels right.
you say. That’s a slight,
for with all my might
I try
to keep you in sight.
Though sweet words you write,
you lie!

You say I’m your all,
then put up a wall.
It’s true!
And always I crawl
like a wind-up doll.
I’m blue.
You make me feel small,
yet I fall and fall
for you.

March 21, 2023
I thought I was writing a virelei  but was informed this is not one,
so I want to submit this to 'A BRIAN STRAND PREMIERE no 1202' Poetry Contest because I still look at it as a rhymed poem with a clear pattern
of stanzas!