Love Poem: Black Country Communion
Christuraj Alex Avatar
Written by: Christuraj Alex

Black Country Communion

Are you yearning for me, dear?
Does our departure kill you too?
The environs look so blear,
Midst summer, in my eyes, there's dew...!

You might not feel it within,
There's a blazing fire in me; 
In my flesh and blood and skin,
Can you hear my sorrow-filled plea...?

Gales and storms compete,
Coal-dust wraps roses and lilies;
The wheat field is a black sheet,
Who changed the shade of these chilies?

Sobs, like coos, are heard from far,
Your voice, too, is mingled in them;
In the sky, I find no star,
Poison fills each plant root and stem...!

Seasons have changed now brightly,
Come, dear, let's forget our breaches;
Let our oneness turn knightly,
Till our goal its zenith reaches...!