Love Poem: An Unspoken Love
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Written by: Jessica Tippin

An Unspoken Love

They look at us with their noses in the air,
They give us a look with a deadly stare.
Why is our love being challenged and put to the test,
Why cant people be happy we are in love like the rest.
We are just like other couples we have our spats and fights,
We are just like them when we make up u kiss and hold me tight.
They cant understand our love because they are closed mind,
They don’t understand our love, our love "of a different kind".
To some we are shunned and frowned upon,
To some we should be killed, but why do we get this judgment put on.
Do they not understand that I love you,
Do they not think we could be capable of these feelings too.
Why is our love not considered "right" or "normal",
Why do we get put in a category, love isn't to be formal.
Our love is true, our love is real, our love is complex,
Our love should never be challenged because we are the same sex.
How we feel should not be changed but embraced,
For love does not see colours, religion, sex or race.