Love Poem: Acceptance


Today hot chocolate, TV, laziness…
Tomorrow grass juice, oat, fitness…
Now I could eat you, bite you, chew you all!
Later on I can´t hear a word from your mouth!

I curse, then I bless,
I sin, then I confess,
I repent, then sin again!
This is my very own refrain…

Will you take me, stand me, love me
The way I am and the way I am not?
Will it work and last, will you want me
Whatever it takes, despite things get hot?

Say you will or say not!
Show me instead, go, take a stand,
Shut me up, get me out
Of my own weak ‘n hesitating hand.

For you only make me want to be what I am not,
And you alone make me want not to be what I am,
Even when you speak not any words or complain,
Even if you don’t ask me to change a single spot.