Love Poem: A Troubled World

A Troubled World

In this world, we have troubles; we shed tears and grow weary We forget we're not alone and try to carry the burdens of life Weighed down heavily, we become sad, bitter and discouraged Holding on to our disappointments, losing the battle over strife But God has promised He will never leave us on our journey His love shall be our guide; if we ask we shall receive When we feel like failures, not seeing light in the darkness Jesus says take my hand, walk with me and believe Take heart, when you feel overwhelmed and burdened Look for the Lord and find peace, be diligent in prayer Love Him with all your heart, cross over from death to life We never have to search for Him, He is always there In this world we have troubles; we lose hope and grow faint But God promises to restore us; the hope he brings is boundless The world will try to deceive us, separating us from His glory Take heart, Jesus has overcome the world; His love is endless