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Written by: Yousef Alfil


Friday morning,
Words do fall short when I am trying to express my feelings in this written language. But anyway come to Daddy and listen to all his confessions. From the very first moment we crossed paths, I felt a connection that surpassed the ordinary; It was magical how our souls entwined, like strings on a musical instrument we aligned. they say real recognize real; it was my soul that run to yours on that day, i recooo... Aghh??????? a story that cannot be understood. There is one thing that is certain and true; Your presence is a constant source of comfort, just like a blanket so cozy on a day so chilly, wrapping me in warmth and reassurance, a feeling so golden, Rosey ??. Sthandwa, As I reflect on this ongoing journey, I can genuinely say I am grateful for the beautiful memories we've created together.  Every shared experience with you feels like a page from a storybook, written with love and laughter. Je t'aime (i love you)  more than words can express. Through you, i've experienced true love; imagine you stayed by my side during my toughest days, saying, "through thick and thin, i am not letting this bond break but i want our connection deepen," and instead of leaving you offered me a comforting shoulder. You've seen me at my best and held me during my worst, and your love remained a constant.  I owe you alot.  You trusted me with your plans since you believed in me that  us together they will come to pass. With you, I've discovered the true companionship. It's not just about the grand gestures, but those everyday moments where we share dreams, fears, and laughter. Consider how  you understand me without words, and how you support my aspirations with unshakable belief. You are not just my partner; you are my confidante, my biggest cheerleader, and that only person who sees a Champ in me even when the world whispers "Loser". As i continue this journey, With you by my side, I am confident that each upcoming page will be filled with love, growth, and shared adventures. I already cherish the chapters we are yet to write. Our love story, my favorite book.
Truly yours.
-No copyright ©? reserved-Explicitly in the public domain.
BY Yousef Alfil.