Love Poem: A Gift of Love

A Gift of Love

In Heaven’s light, a babe at peace,
the King of kings wrapped warm in fleece.
We heard the angels’ trumpets sound. 
His gift of light shone all around.
A worship song, I could not sing.
I had no gifts of gold to bring.
For I was just a gentle lamb, 
led to the town of Bethlehem.
My shepherd traveled to that place
with tears of joy upon his face.
He bowed in prayer then danced and leaped
until he heard the Christ child weep.
He saw him shivering on the hay,
met Mary’s weary eyes and prayed.
Without a word, God stirred his heart.
He sheared my wool, and filled his cart.
Then, pushed it to the stable where,
he warmed the babe with loving care.
A smile parted Mary’s lips,
and Joseph’s hand, she gently gripped. 
With glory, angels sang on high
as man and beast looked to the sky.
I had no gifts of gold to bring.
A song of praise, I could not sing,
I gave the Lord a gift of fleece.
Oh, holy babe, He sleeps in peace.

For Isaiah's Christmas with Christ Contest, 11/25/15