Love Poem: H-E-A-R-T of L-O-V-E
Pace Ink-U-Script Avatar
Written by: Pace Ink-U-Script

H-E-A-R-T of L-O-V-E

Oh how I love you.
             Cherishing each moment,
            for you have opened             
           my heart with your
           everlasting and precious 
            love. Yet so tender;                  .uoy evol I woh hO
            You place God                   ,tnemom hcae gnihsirehC
             first in your life. And                 denepo evah uoy rof
              I love you more for that.              ruoy htiw traeh ym
                Hold on to the other           suoicerp dna gnitsalreve
                  half of my heart,                   ;rednet os teY .evol
                    for one day we                           doG ecalp uoY
                      Shall put them                 dnA .efil ruoy ni tsrif
                        Together                .taht rof erom uoy evol I   
                          As one                     rehto eht ot no dloH   
                            With                          ,traeh ym fo flah
                               God.                        ew yad eno rof
                                                            meht tup llahS
                                                                   eno sA

Pace, G
