by John Monteblanco |
confusion, love,
I'm depressed
My anger- fueled by the words "I love you."
I'm under the stars
Ice cold rain smashing the ground like Thor's hammer through a skull.
Yeah I'm mad
And f#cked up, but my insanity can convert back to sanity
And my anger can and will be tamed like a wild boar.
I will scrap those three words, but I won't forget your face
Yes I act like an animal
Because THAT is how we started.
I'm happy to have met you in all your clothed magnificent glory...but it's time that I let go.
by Veerle Heyninck Florimond Margriet |
when one thinks about the truth
go down the cave of
love are called angular
rivers across the landscape of the resistance
we know the existence of happiness is
not an impulse in
yourself or a mourning of
the absolute risk with the
air cleared up visions of our heaven
comes off the stand and the wild boar of Tempt
the defendant wishes to be the one to do revolutionary
thinkers tie on the sidelines of balance
by Darla Seely |
animal, murder, old, success, violence,
Tigers are the biggest cat in the wild
They love to pounce on their prey.
They lunge at animals' necks.
With their powerful jaws they hold on tight.
They pounce on and attack
Deer, wild boar and baby elephants.
When ill or injured, they will kill people
They can't catch their normal prey.
Tigers are known to hunt from dusk until dawn
When their prey are more active.
Their strong legs and sharp claws
Help them take down their prey efficiently.
Their keen sense of hearing and sight
Allow them to attack with precision.
Their unique coat patterns allow them
To get close to prey without being detected.