Love Poems About Turtle or Turtle Love Poems
by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: candy, drink, love, sky, stars, uplifting, words,

Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day is a day for love
do you want to be my turtle dove
are you as sweet as candy
here is a glass of brandy
let's go out and watch the stars above

by Mark Martin |
Categories: word play, words,

Message In An Acrostic Contest

A nickname for night soil, that's surely no lie
  Pair upwards to double, a straight multiply
   For music we're singing a simple duet
   Use binary coding for computers, no sweat
We're even the first that's not at all odd
  With religious duality, Satan and God
   The turtle doves given by Christmas day love
     To walk without hopping, our legs total of
 Twin oxygen atoms in water or ice
Line's second word - there's no need to say twice

Entry for "message in an acrostic" contest

Note: take first letter from second word in each line - and time is ticking

14th January 2017

by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: animals, life, love, natureromance, love, romance,

Romantic Ways To Say

We are surrounded by romance everyday
As the crickets serenade us with their play
The rushing water of the creek opens the door
To tunes our love hasn't heard before..

This romance that feeds our love 
When we observe the Turtle Doves
The Bluebirds that flirt and cavort
Romance abounds close to us

We dont' have to run about
Miles away to have fun and play
So glad that each day offers
Romantic ways for couples to say

I love you.......

by John Fedele |
Categories: beautiful, beauty, devotion, i love you, inspirational love, lost love, love, poetry, romance,

A Love Story

She looked up at him and said,
I wish i could hear your voice.
He looked at her, with her face so red,
"I wish it were our choice".

He looks at her, so in love,
and signs the words "I love you"
there's no one else, to me that's above,
and for you, there's nothing i would not do. 

Gods plan was for you to not hear,
and that's ok my love,
you can still see and feel me, my dear,
let's fly away, like turtle dove.

There's nothing that will break our love,
he tries to tell her everyday,
he may have taken a sense from you,
but I am here to stay.

by John Gondolf |
Categories: longing, love,

Wrapped In Your Words

I hear your tender words of love 
      that echo in the winds, 
   and float on wings of turtle dove
         as loneliness rescinds.

Your words so gently hold my heart
      wrapped in a warm embrace,
   and visions that your thoughts impart
         will make my heartbeat race.

But words are tempting heart’s desire;
      my passions growing strong;
   please share with me, as needs require,
         the love for which I long.

Please hold me like you mean it now,
      for words do not have arms;
   please show the things words don’t allow,
         and share with me your charms.

December 17, 2018

by Tirzah Conway |
Categories: animals, funny

Turtle Soup

I love to slurp up turtle soup
It always makes me want to whoop

Soft-shelled turtle or red snapper
Cut up and stripped of their protective wrapper

Like a thick gravy with turtley parts,
Little beady eyes and turtley hearts;

Chopped up into turtle stew,
Come on people try something new.

~For P.D.'s Turtle Soup contest~

by Panagiota Romios |
Categories: imagery, romantic, spring, stars,

A Hot Spring Nights Dream

The stars sizzle and sparkle this hot night
And I think of you, my love.
When days and nights, were so right.

A tall glass of ice chips, jasmine tea.
We were close as hand in glove..
Dreams of us dance across the room tonight.

Romantic am I, let there be no doubt!
Yes, you,my sensuous turtle dove.
Outside, “I love you”, to the universe,I shout!

The stars in that second, heard me and blinked!
Then.......a velvet softness from above.
With tea in hand, I toasted them, with a sensuous wink.


by Vladislav Raven |
Categories: love,

We Stand By Valentine's Shores - Valentine's Collection - 2020

Beloved, we stand by Valentine's shores, 
we are as gentle as a turtle dove, 
our dreams ever open up Heaven’s doors.

Together we do share a precious love, 
as we both do lie by the starlight stream, 
our love does raise us to Heaven above.

We shall ever lie beneath starlight gleam, 
where our hearts shall take flight and peaceful soar, 
we ever find ourselves in starlight dream.

We shall ever stand by Valentine's shore, 
as we stand together in the divine, 
you shall ever be the one I adore.

Divinity sings as Luna does shine, 
You are now my eternal Valentine.

by John Watt |
Categories: age, bird,


Dove, dove, little dove,
What do you see in me -
A smiling man who seeks out birds
For his society?

Dove, dove, hungry dove,
What do you see today?
Old man with scraps of nuts and bread
He could have thrown away.

Dove, dove, with baby dove,
How do you treat your young?
You feed them well, as I once did
And teach them songs you've sung.

Dove, dove, turtle dove
You coo, "where is your love?"
She's gone to soar on higher breeze,
My lovely turtle dove

Dove, dove, little dove
What do you see in me?
A lonely man who seeks out birds
For his society.

written 1 Aug 2020

by Panagiota Romios |
Categories: cute love, kiss,

Wicker Bench Lovers

Simple, singular, shards of silver moonlight,
Fell magically over our shadowy bodies,out of sight.

Twas on that vibrant, virginal, bench, oh love,
My being so young, heard the angelic sound of turtle doves.

Oh, heavens, that with musical madness seem to fall.
On two sweet young lovers, who gave that very first kiss, their all.

                           May 20, 2020
                             7pm PST
                           Poem# 1284

by Danielle Deason |
Categories: humor,

My Green Sea Turtle

wonderful slick shell,
Brown and golden, the color of a shell.
That perfect shaped shell.
The shell of my turtle i know too well.

You are the greenest.
The most bravest.
And fastest (i think)
And maybe the smartest too.

You slick and slide,
And glide on by,
The water is what you love.
And you swim in the water, like a dove in the sky.

May 29,2013

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: depression,

My Depression

Some days I see the rain clouds coming in
Then pull my head beneath this turtle shell
The world outside takes on a fetid smell
And all the vivid colors bleed and blend
Each sound that's heard enters right through my skin
The madness feels just like an ocean swell
I'm sinking like a rock and I can tell
Then suddenly I am my lonely twin
There is no room for love inside my heart
Pure wretchedness becomes my only friend
I feel the loss of all my normal senses
Withdrawing to my hideout in the dark
The strain of never knowing when it ends
Confuses me with past and present tenses

   an original poem by Daniel Turner "poemdog"

by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: childhood, family, introspection, love


To the Build-A-Bear Store
With granny in tow
Do you remember?

What was you four?
Say you remember
Only one or two

Well maybe  three
Still sitting upon
Granny's knee

When we opened
The door to
The place

Why it was a
Virtual zoo
Animals wasting

To be filled 
Waiting to be glued(sewn)
First you

Had to put a
Heart from
The very start

Then you
Pressed the
Button and 

Filled the
Animal with

Then she
Sewed him

But he had 
No clothes
You got

To pick them
Out from
500 different ones

You picked 
A camoflauged

Outfit just
For your

Green frog
Which you

I remember

by Earle Brown |
Categories: food, love, mystery, passion,

Turtle Soup?

Some call it an aphrodisiac.
They say it gives a man a strong back.

Like a good woman, turtle soup makes no sense;
 Can something so delicate be so intense?

Like a woman, the flesh has several delightful flavors.
Remember, each mouthwatering sensation should be savored.

When you taste her, bask freely in the sapidity,
Acquire the feel for this pure tortoise delicacy.

Don’t rush, familiarize your taste buds.
There is no such thing as a first sight love.

Recognize, there is a mystique behind that hard shell.
Did someone say turtle soup? That does not ring a bell.

by Trash Boat |
Categories: bridal shower, death,

My Turtle Named Joe

Joe the turtle
He was purple
He loved taking naps
Hes my pet and i love to rap
Joe never moves
His stinky shell has a lot of grooves
He always stinks
i try putting him in the water but he just sinks
He is so thin
I've had him ever since i was ten
He hasn't ate anything in weeks
His neck has a lot of kinks
Joe is very skinny
He looks super wimpy
Wait a minute, i think hes dead
well i guess i'll go bury him again

by Pradipta Roy Choudhury |
Categories: allegory, allusion, analogy, animal, beach, creation, imagery,

The Creature and the Olive Ridley Turtle

The wind in wilderness, Kisses your lips, The desolate shores, Makes you weep. O dear Oliver, What made you beach, Amidst the long evening shadows, In this strange streak? The curious little creature, Near at hand, Approaches you with caution, With a little, yellow band. He places it with love, Over your flipper gash, And returns to his father, In a sporty dash. He waits at a safe distance As he expects you to walk, But menacing larger creatures, Attack with tooth from sharks. Strange are the ways of nature, That this creature runs in its vein, Willingly it kills you for pleasure, After tending your pain.

by June Fone |
Categories: nature

My Birthday Garden

In a corner of the garden
where the honeysuckle blooms,
where the air is sweetly scented
with a mixture of perfumes,
High above me in the willow
sits a snow white turtle dove,
who sings his wife a ballad
to celebrate their love,
I watch the evening sun create
such colours in the sky,
almost as if to imitate 
the rose trees just nearby,
In this corner of the garden
all my birthdays should be spent,
for the gifts that live around me
are most truely heaven sent.

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: beautiful, feelings, happiness, how i feel, imagery,

Simple Pleasures

A baby’s first gibberish talks,
or a feather tickling your cheek.
Water cascading over rocks,
or the laugh of a chuckling creek.

The spectacle of a sunrise,
or the coo of a turtle dove.
The glow within a infant’s eyes,
or memories of your first love.

A saffron moon's celestial light,
or mountains glistening with snow.
A sprig of stars hung in the night,
or a day watching tulips grow.

Remember just how good it felt,
to recall such simple pleasures.
Little things that make your heart melt,
trigger reactions God measures.

Written Jan.16th, 2016 for  “Simple Pleasures - Poetry Contest.”

by Jean Murray |
Categories: betrayal, break up, heartbreak,

Sleep Talk

You've been talking in your sleep.
I wake each night and weep.
When I realise what you keep.
The hurt it runs so deep.

You speak her name and sigh.
It's time to say goodbye.
Your subconscious mind can't lie.
I wish that I could die.

It's clear you love her still.
And most likely always will.
I can never replace the thrill.
I now swallow that pill.

As I put my hand in glove.
Beg for courage from above.
You can at last be turtle doves.
When I am gone my love.


by Heather Hill |
Categories: adventure, anniversary, art, dedication, devotion, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, husband, imagination, life, love, mother, people, romance, song-teen, uplifting, wedding, wifelove,

When I Hold Your Hand

When I hold your hand
I know its true
your love for me
has truly grew
from a hill to a 
your the only one
I can count on
to be there when times
are lonely
in all your sweet
kisses and hugs, you
have shown me
your love is my treasure
and we can stand strong
through any weather
as turtle doves,
we fly together forever
when I hold your hand

by Brenda Rose |
Categories: bereavement, bird, christmas, emotions, friendship, love, symbolism,

The Magical Dove

This Christmas I have something
That’s magical for you and me
I so want to share it with you
So open this box and you will see.

There’s two turtle doves inside
Now please place one in your hand
And I will take the other
To help you understand.

You keep one and so will I
And best friends we’ll always be
No matter how far you go away
Hold the dove and you’ll see me.

And if you’re lonely and in need
Just send it back to me
Alone you will not be for long
Because that’s where I will be.

So now you know the story
How they tenderly hold our love
I’m talking about the magic
Of the magical turtle dove!

Brenda Elizabeth Rose

by Jack Ellison |
Categories: love, love, passion,

Rinky Dinky Doo

Rinky Dinky Doo I love you Loved you from the very start You're the sunshine In my life You banish all my strife You've stolen every part Of my heart Rinky Dinky Doo I love you It certainly is a special kind of love With lots of happy times A passion so sublime With cooing like A couple of turtle doves Rinky Dinky Doo I love you This passion has left me all aglow Ain't no greater feeling Really so appealing Wanna hug you tight And never let you go! © Jack Ellison 2013

by Mockingbird Stevenson |
Categories: cute love, feelings, love,

Bid On My Love - Contest

Bid on my love

Crashing waves, thunderstorm
Soaking wet, yet I'm warm 

Blooming flowers, turtle dove
All four Seasons,  show me love 


02-12- -2015

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: beautiful, rainbow, simile,

An Assortment of Rainbow Smiles

A darker shade of white ~ pearl indigo

Night skies and city lights~ a starry sky aglow

Yellow daisies in gold fields~ red sunsets in a sea ~ of aguagreen

A lighter shade of brown ~ olive moonshine 

Lilac turtle doves~  pink love divine

Purple ribbons in blond hair ~ eyes of silver gray stare~ into the nowhere

A glittering from within~  regardless of race or skin

Black sets the stage to win ~ from soul to soul it brings

Heavenly colors paint my mind~  Angelic crayons redefine

~ An Assortment of Rainbow Smiles ~

by Shelby Wood |
Categories: love

Rocky Roads

Hey there my little goofball.
Just landing in to say,
Rocky roads seem oh-so-smoothe when I'm with you.
My worries leave,
But just in case they don't,
You're always there to hug them away.

Through the easy and tough,
Smoothe and rough,
Babe, I'll always have your goofy back.

Note: This poem is written on a picture I drew of an anime turtle with a lady bug on its back.