by Mandell Smock |
animals, life, philosophy, tree, tree,
There's a shooting downtown. A tree frog
Chirps. Two young people discover love. A tree frog
Chirps. The Chicago Cubs beat the Toronto
Bluejays. A tree frog chirps. A bimbo
On the Internet becomes a celebrity. A
Treefrog chirps. Life goes on. Day by day,
Week by week, year by year. And a tree frog chirps.
Mandell Smock
by Sara Kendrick |
Out on the damp porch at daybreak
Rain pours from the dark clouds
Fog has settled in the valley
A bird sings very proud
A tree frog croaks piercingly loud
Love on his mind this day_
He croaked all night with his lover
Maybe he'll go away(to stay)
Duty calls even though rain drops
Necessary work speaks
If only I could soak in peace
And the Spirit seek__