Love Poems About Suppositions or Suppositions Love Poems
by Phillip Garcia |
Categories: lost love, love, lust,

Lovely Suppositions

i have kissed beneath summer’s sweltering
fragrance your array of spackled decay

in lovely gardens; sweet roses weltering
plundered and plucked; an incidental lay

beneath your satin I have run my fingers, 
trembled as famished breasts groped my 
own; your mellow poetry still lingers
imperviously enriching - and when i try
to kiss another i feel your haunting roots 

encroaching my tingled thighs and i shake
beleaguered by your lavender; heat shoots

through laboring reeds sprouted mistakes
pale panhandlers passionately proposed

then by your tender 

i’m awaiting... (so you suppose)


by Nicholas Rush |
Categories: heart, heartbreak, love,


A's B/to Mercury/the sun
For me/your metallic/radium stun
Permeating pupils/my forever rising moon
Nightlight/keeping my suppositions alive
The chemical/cooling my mind
Boiling inside/my pining/my spine