Love Poems About Supplies or Supplies Love Poems
by Albert Ahearn |
Categories: lost love, on writing and words

Idiom: No Love Lost

Love poems, how trite they become.
Their hackneyed themes we want to scream.
We purposely shy away from
That genre, teeming so it seems
With grandiloquent, large supplies
Of conjured words with empty rings
Of cheating hearts and love that dies.
Ad nauseam is all it brings.
We wish just once that we could read
Where love’s expressed differently:
Brand new verses that supersede
Love’s banal themes in poetry.
Love-lost poems are sickening
But most of all they are boring.

by Danielle Wise Baxter |
Categories: confusion, hope, imagination, introspection, life, lost love, mystery, nostalgia,

Life's Mysteries

Deeper my search party dives those soul seekers for my life the deeper they sink the more I find some of it is surprising some of it I do not like but each time they come up for air and supplies I am one search closer to the end of all my mysteries in life

by Jim Pemberton |
Categories: dedication, depression, devotion, faith, family, forgiveness, friendship, happiness, hope, inspirational, life, love, passion, people, religion, social, uplifting, life, me,

God's Purpose For My Life

God’s Purpose For My Life God’s purpose for my life, I don’t want to be missing. What he’s called me to do. I want to be listening! God has a plan and a life with true meaning. I need to open up his word and start reading! He knows what is best… And which direction I should go. I must trust and obey. That’s all I need to know! I don’t know right now, where he’ll lead. He has blessed me and supplies my every need! He brings a purpose and life worth living! I’m so grateful for all that he’s giving! Thank you my Lord for the work you want to do! I don’t know where I’d be… If it wasn’t for YOU! By Jim Pemberton

by Jan Allison |
Categories: food, humorous,

I'Ve Fallen In Love

Mix the packet contents with fresh cream and milk
Boil and stir the mixture until it’s a smooth as silk
Pour into ramekin dishes and leave it to set
Don’t reach for the spoon – it’s not quite ready yet

Sprinkle on sugar and put under the grill
When the topping is bubbling just leave it to chill
Reach for the spoon and break through the crispy topping
Crème Brulee I love you – my spoon wont be stopping

Jan Allison
9th April 2014 

Written after I made a packet mix crème brulee dessert on Saturday.
 I need to get my sister to buy me supplies as I purchased it in the UK.
We don’t have this particular shop on the Island  -  I should really have a go making it from scratch

by Betty Harp Butler |
Categories: god, religious, thanks,

Thanks Be To God

Thanks be to God, our Heavenly Father
Who daily watches over us all.
He loves us with an everlasting love
And always hears us when we call.

Thanks be to God for the benefits
He supplies to us each day.
He has provided for us abundant life.
Let us praise  Him today and always.

by Joe Flach |
Categories: adventuresun,

A Hiking Passion

Lacing up my hiking boots
A backpack full of supplies
Heading out on a new trail head
As the sun just starts to rise

Switchbacks up the mountain trail
Waterfalls at which I stop
Six thousand feet of elevation gain
Before I reach the top

Splash fresh water upon my face
Enjoy the flora along the trails
Rejuvenating my inner soul
This exhilaration never fails

Approach the apex of the mountain
As the sun reaches its summit in the sky
Looking over miles of God’s green earth
Puts a teardrop in my eye

I love each day I can spend this way
Enjoying life in this particular fashion
Hiking trails through the wilderness
Is my enriching passion

by Andrew Bovell |
Categories: inspirational, love,


Love is from the heart
Love is from the soul
Love is an essential element
Needed to make the human composition whole.

With it we are rich
Without it we are poor,
To receive it, oh yes we love to,
But to give it we are not sure.

For when we receive it
Our heart rejoices,
But when we lose it
our hearts are sore.

So we give it to those
Whom we believe,
Will return it back for sure.

But, if we would only give it
Without regard,
Our hearts would not be sore
But rather twice as filled,
As our Heavenly Father supplies us with more.

by Jack Ellison |
Categories: moving on,

Wander Lust

When moving to a new location Love to survey the land Finding the nearest gas emporiums A Starbucks close at hand McDonald's which I frequent often Food stores with all the best deals Office supplies, lumber yards Great restaurants for yummy meals Soon we'll know where everything is But exploring is half the fun Discovering stores once far away Now are just a very short run It helps to eliminate those illegal u-turns Which are really hard on the wallet Soon we'll know where everything is Reducing our petrol wallop Moved quite a number of times in life Find it exciting and fun You'd think at the age of seventy-eight My wander lust would all be done © Jack Ellison 2013

by Phillip Garcia |
Categories: humor,

Valentine Shmalentine

When I do read the cards that sell like meth,
And see the crap men buy in hopes they’ll get laid;
When I behold the roses plucked to their death,
And wilted droops of petals proudly displayed;
When candy aisles I see are stocked with lies,
Which come in fancy boxes priced to sell,
And single broads in need of comfort supplies
Who on romantic nights feel lonely as hell;
Then of misfortune do I celebrate,
That I’ll not have to care about the day,
Since all my love the ex did confiscate
And spared me tons of stuff I hate - Hooray!
   It’s nothing ‘gainst our friend, St. Valentine,
   But less his holiday we’d be just fine.


by Nancy Jones |
Categories: family,

School Supplies

Baby's off to college
E-mailed pic of groovy dorm room
Where she'll absorb trite and knowledge
Rib-kickin' as if she were still in my womb
Mom-love surely heart-gut balmed unto the tomb.

by Flossie Gierke |
Categories: care, christian, conflict, faith, hurt, life, love,

Set Me Free

Jail time don't lock me up,
it sets me free.
Sickness can't keep me out,
because it strengthen me.
I may be in between jobs, but that's ok.
God supplies all my needs from,
I'm not rich with lots of possession,
But I love the Lord,
and that's my confession.
My circumstances will never hold me down,
Because God's love is all around.
Sometimes its what you don't see,
is the very thing that set how free.
He did it for you, and He did it for me.

by Dipankar Sadhukhan |
Categories: beauty, love,

Ecstatic Pleasure

I have written your name
Upon the ethereal layer
Of my memory
Which always supplies me
The life saving oxygen
To live in.

I drink the wine
Of your alluring beauty
And sacred Love
Which gives my heart
Ecstatic pleasure
On earth everytime.

by Jack Ellison |
Categories: moving on,

Wander Lust

When moving to a new location Love to survey the land Finding the nearest gas emporiums A Starbucks close at hand McDonald's which I frequent often Food stores with all the best deals Office supplies, lumber yards Great restaurants for yummy meals Soon we'll know where everything is But exploring is half the fun Discovering stores once far away Now are just a very short run It helps to eliminate those illegal u-turns Which are really hard on the wallet Soon we'll know where everything is Reducing our petrol wallop Moved quite a number of times in life Find it exciting and fun You'd think at the age of seventy-seven My wander lust would all be done © Jack Ellison 2013

by Mv Venkataraman |
Categories: god,

To Mesmerize God In Disguise

Time fast flies
Soul deals with lies
Humans easily snap ties
To love, none tries
Under the blue skies
God remains ever wise
And He makes mood nice
God takes when one dies
He is unseen by our eyes
Nothing can match His size
He cares not if we praise
Or very strongly criticize
If we kindly try to sacrifice
By using mercy as a device
His support, God will apprise
As, our heart, He will appraise
From Sun-set to Sun-rise
If pure love, our soul applies
Surely, the Lord somehow replies
And enough peace, He supplies
His presence, He ever implies
He will stop all our cries
Our troubles then melt like ice.

by Kenneth Melvin |
Categories: i love you,

Admiring a Secret

Admiring the woman you love isn't a secret; The secret only admires shamed hearts and supplies courage to love the one who's a secret. 
- Loverboi

by Wren Rushing |
Categories: poets,

The Search

Many a night I cast my gaze, towards a distant star. To try and find the perfect phrase, the mind will travel far. A midnight dream can help inspire, the poet's inner light. But dreams soon fade and expire, when woken from the night. Nature's beauty brings love to bare, when seen by artist's eyes. Words the poet writes only dare, hold the muse that God supplies. With pen in hand I chase the words, that float on clouds of thought. And all the words I try to herd, only few I've ever caught. 10 / 20 / 18

by Hilo Poet |
Categories: analogy, extended metaphor,

To Kill a Mocking Bird

*Image of Harper Lee View by SMaga. To Kill a Mocking Bird A feared world like a Japanese *macaque, Terror strikes external, flys the war hawk, Ricochets Toccata & Fugue by Bach, As the free world furthers debate and talk, Astir and toss like in a Chinese wok, NATO military supplies ad-hoc, "People protect what they love," -- Cousteau, Jacques, Ukraine warns hope will run out on the clock, USA and Russia, the new, **Iraq. *macaque pronounced; ma-kek, or, ma-kok--I used the latter **Iraq pronounced; I-rek, or, E-rok--I used the latter 2022 October 06

by Linda Cable |
Categories: faith, lost love, love,

Building Supplies

There is no dream like flowers
There is no snow – but rain.
There is no love unkindled.
There is no song for pain.

Flowers die around their seed.
Snow melts to quench the dust.
Love dies in the growth of comfort.
Faith builds the house of trust.

by Beata Agustin |
Categories: appreciation, blessing, christian, encouraging, god, jesus, spiritual,

Blessings Source

Having God as our bountiful blessings’* Source We are well-provided along His boundless grace Toward faithful service harvest-resource Midst diligent toiling with worshipful praise. Being our abundant blessings’ Giver The Lord supplies our daily needs Granting each of us to be His love-receiver So we can live for Him as our souls He constantly feeds.
*Deuteronomy 28:2 And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God. July 30, 2019

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: love, valentines day,

Valentines Bee

A flower your heart

Love's divine nectar supplies

Bee my soul, bliss sips! 

© Demetrios Trifiatis
    11 February 2019


by Kewayne Wadley |
Categories: black african american, crush, for her, how i feel, i love you, love,

Lost At Sea

In the swift wind.
My hands set sail in a vast
Weary feet pointed left.
My heart steadfast to the right.
Her heart wild as the wind.
I sailed beside her.

Capsizing in her silk wave.
She was far from quiet, an abundance of thoughts. Opinionated from one wave to the next.
Without a single struggle. 
I sank.

I left my supplies by the mast.
Becoming easier to swallow. 
Everything scattered.
Topsy turvy in fascination. 
She kissed me and I never looked back.

by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: allusion, creation, extended metaphor, literature, love, poetry,

Brevettes - All About Love







by Emile Pinet |
Categories: feelings, friendship love, giving, heart, how i feel, image, people,


Take the time to lend a helping
Hand to those who would never ask,
Out of shame or embarrassment.
Under the guise of helping you
Get rid of your surplus supplies;
Help out, but let them keep their pride.
Take into account people have
Feelings; remember, be thoughtful.
Under certain circumstances,
Love should be inferred, not spoken.

by Robert James Liguori |
Categories: appreciation,


"Wishes are more powerful than dreams!" by Poet I wish my x-wife would love me again. I wish that wars would cease to exist. I wish that I could sleep again. I wish that the Red Skull would become good. I wish for endless supplies of parmesan cheese. I wish I could quit smoking. I wish I could lose 100 pounds of body weight. I wish that I will find true love one day. I wish that augmented Hell didn't exist. I wish for World Peace and harmony. I wish I could learn to sing. I wish for this poem to get first place.

by Janice Canerdy |
Categories: christian, food, friendship love,

Cheery Church Committee

Our Hostess Committee, comprised mostly of women, makes sure the kitchen is stocked with supplies, arranges and serves meals for major church events and bereaved families. Last, we clean up. We serve cheerfully, for we feel honored.