Love Poems About Supple or Supple Love Poems
by Gregory Richard Barden |
Categories: analogy,


my fingertips
touch ...
tender, but with melodic intent
you tremble
just SO ...
and sigh sweetly
the delightful answer
to my questioning hands
a gentle press ...
your supple curves against me
fitting me like dovetail
your quivers ...
soft-thrumming my flesh
matching your moans
the hushing pulse of your body
urges me on ...
your swan-like neck
satin beneath my hot palm
as it moves lower
pressing ...
deft digits dancing across you
like a wild Spaniard
we are ... one
our purpose, the same
oh, sing to me now
let my passion be your cry
let our lullabies of love and desire
move souls ...
and ache hearts
my beloved ...

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: emotions, longing, love, memory, missing you, passion, romantic,

In a Nude Mood of Bittersweet Interlude

Romanticism descends an unbridled staircase
bittersweet; stripped bare and unleashed
passion in supple nudity
sashays down my spine
a ginned up shimmy and sway yearn
tingling every naked nerve with a sudden surge
of electric longing and unmasked pulses of pang and pleasure

Susan Ashley
October 11, 2019

*romanticism: romantic spirit or tendency*

by Heather Hill |
Categories: adventure, art, black african american, fantasy, girlfriend-boyfriend, husband, imagination, love, native american, nature, passion, romance, song-teen, visionaryme, me,

Jungle Love

Your sweet nectar
wraps around my senses
like jungle vines
steady drums beating
Your heart near mine

Your strong hands
hold me suspended
by my waist
Just enough pain and strength
against my supple skin
For my taste

The musk of your
sculpted body and the forest
has me going wild
But yet, the tender way you
protect me, reminds me of
Being a child

A safe familiarity
with a strain of animalistic
Your invisible hold over me
leaves me arrow poisoned
Unable to function

My long dark hair wraps you
with smells of coconut and ocean Sun
your locks full of mud and enemies
together, my warrior
We make One

by Laura Mckenzie |
Categories: desire, emotions, feelings, love, lust,

His Kiss

His lips inviting
The moment so exciting
He caught me and pressed his face to mine
A moment of savage intertwined
I will never forget he soft supple touch

I remembering wanting it so much
The flood of fever in a seconds kiss
The smiles the childish laugh the endless wish
And I won’t forget the pure bliss
All from the minds fabulous reminisce

by Michael Santner |
Categories: imagination, love, passionme, me,


Your warm supple lips press tightly against mine
My hand stroking gently your hair so fair 
Your arms hold me close embracing me tightly
My hand softly rests on your nape
Your arms draw me much closer than close
My hands bring you nearer still

Temperatures rise in passionate haste
Lying amidst scents of sweet summer jasmine
Bodies caressed by midnight’s cool breeze
Touched by soft southern mist in druidic dance 
Clutched closer than close
Held nearer still

by Jay Loveless |
Categories: love,

A Beauty Held Inside Eyes

Avast a beauty held inside. 
In fragile hands and soft lingering eyes. 
a supple smile burning as if a star 
for one who gazes through lenses. 
A galaxy of colors swirling and throbbing 
with electrical pulses beating blood 
through a maze of veins. 
Travel through hedges of high and low 
and run in circles before you know 
you are lost, lost within a heart. 
Secretive and full. 
Hopeful and despair filled. 
A contradiction of rigid gentleness. 
A beauty lost within closed eyes.

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: cute love, relationship,

Snuggle In

Snuggle in
    as snug as a bug in a rug

  Be it a struggle
  Be your limbs supple
  Be you a married couple
    or not ~ Snuggle in

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,


A whisper sits softly upon my lips   waiting patiently to seduce your ear   it thrums, it beats and it echos   hoping that you'll soon be near   It's gentle like the daybreak   as it caresses your very being   craving to gnaw upon your body   seducing every want and need   it wraps around your supple fortress   hiding deep inside your empty nest   suckling upon all of your goodness   with every rise of your bountiful chest     it grabs your hips and pulls you closer   and listens intently as you speak   knowing all of your deepest secrets   devouring with simplicity, both so weak

by Randy Steele |
Categories: best friend, life, love, wife,

Love of My Life

I ponder these things transpired in my life
Us crossing paths, you becoming my wife
Affections so strong etch deep in my soul
Encompass my heart you already stole

Tough as an oak, you withstand our trials
Soft as rose petals, your victory smiles
The children, the stress, no getting you down
Those full, supple lips show rarely a frown

Near thirty-five years since we said our vows
Intimate moods you're still able to rouse
More than double our age since we first met
How you change my life I'll never regret

My darling, my bride, so much that you gave
A lifetime of love we'll take to the grave

by Kim Rodrigues |
Categories: age, love,

In Hindsight

Afghan, around shoulders,
crocheted winter-white.
Mama’s getting older.
Love her in hindsight.

Quiet, pretty, charming —
wise with snowflake hair.
Little sisters arming
her with loving care.

Forgives couple’s absence,*
our shamed shoulders bent.
Mama’s hearthstone immense,
with violet scent.

Grumpy, petty couple
has no right to frown.
Mama’s silver supple
knees, deserve a crown.

Joseph May’s 88 syllables
*line is 6 syllables not 5 (error on howmanysyllables)

by Ingrid Showalter Swift |
Categories: love,

Tis Simply Love

it moved on its own like electricity 

sparking in the wires
arcing light
like air in my tires rolled 

drove me
roved me with sleight of hand 
melt of my belts 

turn of the wheelhouse
you slid me to left
rocked me hard to right
dressed me 
cloaked me
in one single wild flower
you caressed me 
with silk
stole my left nothing of me 
I was the milk and honey
you drank 
grew tall and I small 
humbled before the tidal turquoise caverns 
deep trenches
rip tide pull

I am round as the supple pie
you lithe as stripped bark
my rings go round and ripple outward into the world
you satellite me 

I forever circle you

by Rick Parise |
Categories: love, nature,

Happy New Year

____________________________ She slept in snowflakes Drops of crystal memory Where love filled her mind Joyous as the supple wind Silent as the new days dawn ____________________________ A Modern Tanka

by Gerard Keogh Jr. |
Categories: husband, wife

Forlorn Ice Slit Bedroom

Haiku  Straying Husband

forlorn ice slit bedroom
frail flower between your legs...
ardor expires

Tanka   Stay At Home Wife

hours ravage ardor
supple sin envelopes grey
thick belly obscures
erotic athletes wrestle
loyalty in lieu of love

by Audrey Haick |
Categories: boyfriend, love, passion,

Caught In the Sun

I feel his heart race
His warm breath rustling my hair
My mind tells me, ‘run’! 
Then lips find mine, so supple!
Too late! We're caught in the sun!

by Caryl Muzzey |
Categories: love, passion,

Beyond Midnight

Amble with me beyond midnight, 
in the abyss; lacking all light.

Allow fingers to be our eyes,
until balmy- golden- sunrise.

Feel supple rose colored lips,
with sensitive fingertips.

Stroke lightly silken hair,
toyed with responsive care. 

Embrace passionate caress,
endorsed with fine finesse.      

Permit our souls to disappear,
in arms within midnight sphere.

Copyright © 2013 By Caryl S. Muzzey

by Just That Archaic Poet |
Categories: lust, romance, sexy,

Room Service

Satisfy my ugly needs-
While you're down there on your knees!

In your Garden spit my seed-
A flower blooms betwixt the weeds!

Gentle hands of supple Man-
Upward stroke to take a stand!

"Enter me!" your eyes command-
To an undiscovered land!

Oh, my Darling, sweetly spread-
Your love and limbs all o'er my bed!

*Lyrics to a song I wrote ;)

by Clifford Villalon |
Categories: home, inspirational, people, strength, symbolism,


Eden of my eye
Beauty in culture of ten million
Garden of my eye
Haven of brethren and sistren

Values never weakened,  in words spoken
Freedom strengthened, heritage golden

Sprinkled love in dynamite
Ceilings of heaven in stalactites
Grounds softened by stalagmites
Citizens' history, written in strobe light

Magnets of loving people
Ore of the grounds supple
Blanket of salvation
Tablet and core of the nation

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

When We Finally Meet

Ocean breeze gently blows her silky hair
Seductive sway, sauntering over here
Rich red ruby lips, soft, supple and sweet
Dreaming of the time we'll forever meet

Those deep passionate eyes, batting at me
Gaze into my soul, seek to set me free
Wry little smile, sprinkling angel dust
Giving you all my heart, my head, my trust

A pure smooth skin glistening in the light
That first nervous smile, making things right
Her playful giggle, laughing at my jokes
Brush against my arm with those precious strokes

One day you'll be mine and time will be ours
Two hearts beating as one, minds in the stars

by Brandon Dee |
Categories: desire, flower, girl, longing, love,

Can'T Be Held

I chanced upon a spinny overgrowth, in which a sole rose had born,
her supple blossom shone like balefire, even against her thorns.

“Come to me” she beckoned, yet the bracken warned with wicked teeth.
The lone hint of ruby in a palette of sepia, ashened against her thorns,

before I suckeled at my finger, and tasted the droplet of red iron
she had painted on me with guilty bite, pricked against her thorns.

At this task I would not falter, straining to grasp, again and again,
flesh and sinew rendered pulp, stripped away against her thorns,

leaving me naked until nothing remained but hope, a simple dream
that one day I may finally lay down to rest against her thorns

by Tom Larrow |
Categories: life, love, romantic, satire,

Romantic Thought

My thirst, to taste the sweetness of life, within your eyes
Will not be quenched, by watching the moonlight skies

Your eyes are like blue green pools, that envelop my soul 
With waves that caress my essence, making me whole

I see the waves pulsating, watching your lips, inviting my hope
Eagerly anticipating, life's true joy, held in your lips supple slope

As our fingers touch fingers, our lust, desire bursts into a flame
That light sky and heaven, as our love and devotion we proclaim

With our love, passion, and desire, at last released with our vows
Live Life with, Passion, Love and Laughter, no need to browse

by Rick Parise |
Categories: love,

Love Note

Soon daytime shall drown
in supple lavender mist  
where your loving cries
brushed in eloquent starlight    
tumble free through twilight's door

by Ngoc Nguyen |
Categories: desire, love, lust, passion, relationship, romantic, sensual,

Taboo Love

With ardent hands about our hips
and our thoughts being so unchaste,
let us together lock our lips
as love compels our lovers's haste.

This moment in time we're a pair
as we both do our very best
to disrobe our gowns without care 
and explore our round, supple breasts.

We are moved with a lovers's zeal
to mate and join as one tonight
without need to doubt or to feel
if what we are is wrong or right.

Now our defiant love must dare
to earn its rights and longed-for rest
so Love's unwritten laws can declare
our union stronger than Hate's behest!

by Molly Cooper |
Categories: love, romancesun,

Wet and Supple

Many of summers went by
To taste the sun and say good-bye..
Enveloped by the time 

Watching your smile 
As the sun and the sky
All melting my heart like 
Ice-cream on apple pie
I see you there, 
Your chest so strong and bare

Wanting you, needing you…
Close my eyes as your
 Kisses linger on my lips
Wet and supple, salty just a bit
Steamy Summer Love
Again is about to say good-Bye

You will go your way, I will go mine
But just for a moment
Enveloped by the time

by Sadashivan Nair |
Categories: beautiful, beauty,

You Are So Beautiful

World is so beautiful,
But view through dazzling eyes; 
Supple heart softens,
Kneels before the virtues, 
Non can deny,
The beauty thou hast;
It isn't about eyes, 
Neither cheek, nor is thy lips;
All that drags, 
Is thy beautiful heart;
Compassion, love for all,
All like me yearn to cohere,
Seek amour of thine;
Voice of thy so sweet, 
Ears mellow as honey in hive; 
The company with thou,
Coses me in dark side of life;
Thy tipsy beauty glares from inside,  
Luminate so the world fills with joy;  

© Sadashivan Nair

by Amy Green |
Categories: body, love hurts,

My Supple Whip

Supple, limber perfect leather
Graceful in it’s agility when I
wield it by hand. 
Supple are the contusions upon 
your back as I teach you
to tease my attack-

When I train you, bull whip in hand.
Supple is your insolence- soon it shall
No longer exist, 
after my punishment.
Darling I love you so supply and intimate.