by Kim Merryman |
celebration, god, jesus, religious,
waving palm branches
people shout hosanna -
Christ the King has come
the Passover feast
preparation of the lamb -
Jesus' last supper
a time of prayer
Father, not my will but yours -
betrayed by a kiss
angry fists are raised
crucify! crucify him! -
hatred replaces love
Christ nailed to a cross
the Holy One rejected -
perfect sacrifice
the empty grave mocks
God's only son conquered death -
Jesus is alive!
For Brian Strand's All Yours (March 31) contest
by Vince Suzadail Jr. |
familyme, me,
I remember long ago when I was just a child
Climbing into Grandma’s arms and the way she smiled
She’d hold me close and rock me, kiss me on my head
When I’d fall asleep she’d gently put me in my bed
There was a coal stove in the kitchen used for cooking and for heat
When Grandpa picked blueberries, she’d bake us a special treat
For the little things in life, we would thank the Lord above
We had more than what we needed, we were enriched by love
While Grandma was doing wash, I would be playing on the floor
Sometimes we’d take a walk down to the grocery store
After supper she’d be tired and sit down in the rocking chair
I’d climb into Grandma’s arms. I was always happy there.
by Laura Leiser |
christian, heaven,
The future, like the wind, I cannot see
yet God has said my days He has ordained
my final breath remains a mystery
through veil of death, a life anew proclaimed.
Caught up into the heavens, I will go
before the throne of God, there I will stand
saved by the blood of Jesus, this I know
I'll join the marriage Supper of the Lamb.
A kingly table, beauty to behold
and people gathered, every tribe and tongue
in perfect fellowship, within His fold
with Jesus, the Good Shepherd, in His love.
For at that Supper we'll forget our strife
we'll feast and celebrate eternal life.
Written on 9/14/2016
by Victor Buhagiar |
clothes, old,
worn clothes,
same old love,
in solitude.
Time to go home for family supper.
Those days were joyful. never forgotten.
Time passes on,
same true love,
New car,
by Brian Strand |
faith, food, places
Elements of roasted lamb
Cups of wine ,nouveau
Sweet tasting spice nut paste
Eaten,without haste
and digested with
commands of
love !
by Leon Wilson |
faith, hope, love
Bread wine
by Ken Duddle |
eve, love, mythology, satire,
As Adam and Eve walked through the garden
Their love grew and grew
They gathered berries for their supper
And leaves for a brew.
Later as they lay naked under the stars
Adam kissed Eve and gently stroked her thighs
They heard a sound, turned in fright
And saw a vision before their eyes.
'Stop, sin no more or go to Hell'
Spake the fanged head
But then it spoke no more
As with a stone Adam hit it till dead.
Adam turned to Eve with a smile
'We still have much to learn and see
But what I'd really like to know
Is what was in that tea?
by Danielle Wise Baxter |
husband, joy, kiss, love, marriage,
Those kisses from behind
when I cooking supper
make me feel so wonderful
It is like being a newly wed
you taste wonderful
mixed with sauteed vegetables
Like you love a dab of onion behind my ear
those little bites you feed me
and then I share could make the blind see
And although I have kissed those lips a million times
it is not enough for me
I pray to be doing this with long white hair
on into our destiny
I just feel like being silly. I am going through the most wonderful
time with my husband of 26 years. He has become Romeo and
I have become putty in his hands. So be looking for cliched lovey dovey junk. hehehe
by Shahnaz Islam |
celebration, life, love, Lullaby, magic, people, poetry,
Lullaby of life
Quilt of ardours and lee sides
Bed of Foxtail Orchids
Melody of a song
You made me a cosy nest to rest
Before I fall slumber
The forenoon
I open my eyes
It was just a dream
How the monsters awaiting
For my flesh
Their victual on the platter for supper
'a little sac of pixie dust
i wish i would have
sprinkle all over and be it
a fairyland of nod of my own'
by Sean Rackley |
food, metaphor,
I love the way it looks,
Glistening and steaming on the stove
The way it smells,
Giving color to aroma
To taste it?
Oh! Gift from above!
Chocolate, cherry, apple, lime
Love 'em all—if only time
If I see a slice,
I'll want to smell it
When I get the scent,
I'll most assuredly want a bite
And if I taste,
I'll spoil my supper
It would be best for me to keep my nose in a book
And never ever enter the kitchen for a look
by Rebecca Treacy |
friendship, lost love, sadme,
Pastures greener
are calling your name,
but I cant seem to set you free.
The last supper, the last song still holds no support for me.
I need you to be here, selfishly, always.
Holding my hand, helping me find myself when I lose my way.
I now have to let you go.
Release you from my grasp or I will lose you forever, I know.
But just hold me one last time for one last moment
and I shall travel with you in your dreams now.
by Vickie Hurtt - Thayer |
child, granddaughter, grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, growth,
~Vickie Thayer~Poetry To Ponder~
by Damon De Ryckere |
desire, feelings, first love, heartbroken, imagery, lost love, love,
On a Sunny Day
Why is it that beauty
is so hard to attain
We try to reach for it,
grab it with our polished nails
Until they break off
Because we were to stubborn to admit
To admit is to realize
To realize is to be awake
To be awake is ought to be
Ought to be not deceived
Gautama on his side
entering the eternal light
I am asleep
Because I can reach for beauty
But it vanishes in Fall
Resurrects in Spring
Flourishes in Summer
And is gone by winter
As a little bird on the window sill
I tend to stand still
Looking inside the room
Eating my sweet potato pie in the afternoon
Supper is there, brown is her hair
by Joyce Johnson |
lost love,
It is the new year's eve again
And I am all alone.
My one connection to the world
My silent telephone.
There was a time in my long life
When he was by my side.
I looked forward to New Year's Eve
And supper by fireside.
After dining we'd sit by the fire
And plan our happy life.
He was my faithful husband and
I was his loving wife.
Lovers can't always see ahead.
Sweet plans can go awry.
Our plans did not include the thought
That one of us could die.
Tonight my thoughts go back to then
As I sit all alone
And wish that Heaven could be reached
By my old telephone.
by Chocho Diva |
love, mother daughter, relationship,
In the warmth of a massive cozy bed, I lie
Enjoying the freshness of a washed sheet
Lost in a make believe world
Lovely enough, I can’t wake
But while in the deep of my fantasies
I am suddenly awakened by my little one’s silent echo!!!
Her turns and sucks,
Her little hand-full tummy, rumbling
Yet again, wet diaper.
Oh no!!! Why now?
Sleep never felt so lovely
But I just can’t ignore this growl
Am I not her supper-mom?
Sleep-walking; I grab some warm milk and fresh diaper
For who came from me, same flesh and blood!!!
by Stephen Pennell |
fun, romance,
Give me someone to cuddle and someone to snuggle
Someone that's no struggle to love and adore.
Someone that makes me chuckle, a true bundle of joy
My very own Helen of troy, she's the fairest of all
Give me a crackling wood fire, a candle light supper.
who's flames are reflected in her eyes
someone I can be eternally lost in her smile
for whom I would cheerfully die in her arms.
It's just a shame she's the hide and seek champ of the world .
by Brian Strand |
christian, food,
re-post inspired by Cindi contest
Elements of roasted lamb
Cups of wine ,nouveau
Sweet tasting spice nut paste
Eaten,without haste
and digested with
commands of
love !
by Janetta Harrington |
lifeold, halloween, old,
whimsical lass in a calico dress
holding hat on head
of a bob-cut tress
looking for one daisy in
a autum wheat field
.....and finding instead
an old wagon wheel
tom-boy/lady in between
hayrides and romance....
just looking for fun
she is a halloween queen
lovely lady in a long white dress
with slender white fingers
delicately holding a orchid
she looks at her love
with his strong lean face
fine old woman
in a blue cashmere......
holding her dreams
against the tick of the
stooped old granny
watching for him
lighting a kerosine
lamp .....
keeps supper warm
on his t.v. platter.
by Julie Heckman |
Up from deep sheaths of time
Working hands uphold the light
Picking through the fruits of lime
Finish in the cool dark night
Now with no alarming fight.
Sunrise works me in the cold
In fields of green trees bawling
I Flutter though these planted folds
Feeling daylight calling
To death dear fruits are falling.
In the morning mist I work
Almost till I break my back
Shale of earth and much mirth
To enrich the soil my only act
Now we all will know no lack.
Moon beguiles and evening falls
Yawning with the days demand
Supper and my love does call
Fortune now in my hands
Favoring my wills command.
by L'Nass Shango |
faith, religion
The cup of blessing now I take
I break the sacred bread
And no more again shall he make
Calvary's journey dread
Or sleep in a tomb for me
He opened that tomb for me
The hug of righteousness I feel
An outcast no more I
I wear love's sovereign seal
And joy for rags of sigh
His holy blood cleanses me
His broken body frees me
The cup of blessing now I take
I break the sacred bread
My soul a dove in praise awake
And in his footsteps tread
Sing glory to my redeemer
My God, my king, my savior
Sing glory to my redeemer
Love clothed him in his pain
For my sins you God did suffer
And grace flowed from your vein
I take the cup, drink by faith
And your coming soon await,
by Richard Karr |
Brother mine, remember when
We were just two country boys
Inseparable we were back then
Cowboys, Indians, and wooden toys
Racing a foot down to the barn
Some silly prize for he who won
Chores we did there on the farm
Supper when day was done
The many things we did as one
Regardless what the endeavor
Our love has lived as it begun
And it will be forever
by Louis Borgo |
art, love,
I had a song on my heart for a while I could not described the feel the emotion
Of a tone take from favorable to last supper what it mean of such love
Humanity don of time next saw the
Don of century seeing to reading I
Understanding the meaning of music
But this song on my heart it means the
World to hear it once again how does it go once more.
by Beata Agustin |
appreciation, blessing, childhood, christian, family, god, memory,
Sunday home bonding
festive midst fellowship bliss
dining as one team
over Dad and Mom’s menu
from luncheon to supper time…
Missing such moments
we still huddle together
though sometimes virtual…
siblings bound by parents’ love
thanking God* for childhood gems.
*Psalm 69:30 I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving.
August 14, 2022
1st place, "Childhood Nostalgia" Tanka Poetry Writing Contest
Sponsored by JCB Brul; judged on 8/31/2022.
by John Freeman |
devotionchristian, christian, love,
Heart essence perfect
One copy of Agape
Love’s own DNA
a·ga·pe [aa g? pay]
1. nonsexual love: love that is wholly selfless and spiritual
2. christianity Christian love: selfless love felt by Christians for their fellow human
3. christianity Christian communal meal: a communal meal held by a Christian
community, especially in early Christian times, in commemoration of the Last Supper
[Mid-17th century. < Greek agape "brotherly love"]
by Florence Mcmillian |
I truly enjoy watching
The Ellen Show
I’ve never been in person
But would love to go
There’s lots of laughter
Guaranteed for sure
No matter what ails ya
It’s a wonderful cure
It’s full of surprises
There’s just no telling
What all you’ll get
When watching Ellen
She dishes out joy
Inspiring the audience
And keeps us updated
On most current events
Her show only comes on
In the middle of the day
During the times I work
So it’s a recording I play
After I have my supper
I like a dessert that’s sweet
So I count the Ellen Show
As my night time treat
Florence McMillian (Flo)