by Charles Hamouth |
absence, leaving, lost love,
Had she looked back at me
Even for just a second ...
Our encounter might have been the stuff of tabloid frenzy.
But she left quickly a coffee in one hand,
A shopping bag in the other,
And I waited for my turn next in line.
by Stanley Harris |
blessing, food, funny love, memory, peace, war,
>I do love food.
When I was young, food was rationed.
So much of this, or that, you were allowed.
Each person had a ration book for adults and a child.
So much butter so much sugar, a few ounces of meat.
If you grew your own produce, fresh veg was a treat.
And what was put on the table, you did love to eat.
Many years have passed, and food is not rationed anymore.
The choice on the supermarket shelf, tells there is no sign of war.
Now we are leaving the EU, what will the supermarkets do?
Will the shelves be empty and bare?
Or will more British produce be for sale there.
I do love food, so hope it’s there.
British, nice with a price that’s fair.<
by Kim Rodrigues |
So many nice people today…so nice.
God had mercy on me, not once…thrice.
I needed that. Kindness of doctors,
Kindness in the supermarket. …and cake,
but that’s just the frosting on the top.
The supermarket worker told me
they were trying to be extra nice
to each other today…funny that!
Turns out a lady gave birth in aisle 7 or 9.
That is seventh heaven or cloud nine.
Heaven sent, all this niceness.
Hope you had a nice day today too!
Have a N I C E weekend too!
Love you Soupers!
by Jan Allison |
humorous, i love you, money, romance, satire, valentines day,
I see it piled sky high on the supermarket shelves
Perfect pink packaging containing calorific chocolates and cute cuddly toys,
seductive scents or sexy silk underwear
Slushy Valentine’s cards with ridiculous romantic rhymes
Stick on a cardboard heart and it's not just the vendor who is smiling!
A sea of red roses that stretches as far as the eye can see
Notice how the prices inflate higher than a helium 'I Love You' balloon
Yet on 15th February everything will be half price
Is this the price of true love or am I just a cynic?
Valentine Shmalentine Contest
Sponsored by Nicola Byrne
by Jackie Lines |
The absence of your voice
Kind words, kinder deeds
The radio can continue playing the lovers tune.
The emotions yawn like a tiny stop gap
You reached me, dolphin kisses we shared, eyes locked in our own embrace, every inch of
your face.
Otters ottering about in the pod sharing a snog. Holding hands in the flat as we cooked the
tea, I know you never kissed another as many times as me, In the supermarket, in the car,
cycling, showering, kisses, kisses, kissing me.
I wait for when I;m lonely and it's just me.
by Jan Hansen |
cool, corruption, courage, crush,
The sex life
I met her a the supermarket
there was a strong sexual attraction between us
which was odd I hadn`t thought of sex for years.
We came to a house with a myriad of rooms
took one of them, but as the act was to commence
I had to pee, looked for a loo couldn’t find one,
found a sink but a man come and said it was his place.
Back in the love nest, the woman had gone I dressed
drove home and peed on the flowers on the terrace
as I didn`t want to wake up my wife.
Back in my med with my wife in, I pondered about
I have not had an ******** for ten years, so the conclusion
was I had had a nightmare.
by Seeyam Brjmohun |
lost loveprayer, me,
No one to hold, leave home I had been told
A parent teen who lives in Bordesley Green
It was so cold only sixteen years old
No nicotine, no partner to be seen.
And Social Service, made me quiet nervous
They served me gruel for lunch with arsenic punch
An arrogant crevice with no justice
They sit with evil stench in selfish trench.
Purse in pocket at the supermarket
With a prayer to above in search of love
Find a packet of hope for my basket
My faith soon leaves of dreams, a soul lost dove.
I am not free to be what I may be
Community, prejudged, excluded me.
by James Horn |
Poem Will Write
Saw Driving Miss Daisy and poem will write
Which had been playing on a Friday night
When there was nothing else left to do
So took wonderful wife who I love true.
Valentine's Day was one it had been
And the traffic outside was very thin
For Brunswick County and I swear
It's like living in the middle of no where.
They were no Tandy or even a Freeman
But still would go back and see it again
Their all had been given by each one;
People applauded after play was done.
I'm glad Brunswick County has a place
Where you can see a familiar smiling face
Now make a supermarket at 17 and 211
And a lot of us will be in perfect heaven.
James Thomas Horn
by Jan Hansen |
conflict, courage, creation, cute love,
The Sexes
Man drives wife to the supermarket
Man finds a trolley
Inside woman takes over
Man picks up things like washing powder
Of the type wife
Decides is the best.
Woman takes the lead
Do the shopping
Man pays at the till
Carry the grocery to the car.
Man drives home
Carries bags into the kitchen
Wife put food in the fridge
Man, not competent
Has no sense of order
Man takes a drink
Watch football and shouts
To the players
When in fact he thinks
Of his wife.
by Stephen Pennell |
I’m here I’m there I’m everywhere
But I cannot be seen
I’m the bailiff when your skint
The traffic warden with pencil in hand
The ex-girlfriend with a new man
That cough, that ache
I’m the empty shelf in the supermarket
The que in the doctors surgery
I’m even on your news feed
I’m that bad smell that will not go away
My friends are fear and selfishness
I’m sure you will meet
I’m a Politicians promises
The good news I’m not staying
Its just a flying visit
But I might just come back next year
As covid-20
All my love covid-19
by Jan Oskar Hansen |
anger, betrayal,
Family drama
A couple, in their late fifties, is coming out of the supermarket,
he sits in a wheelchair, she is pushing him along.
He is grumpy swears at her perhaps she had spent too much
money on groceries
She loses her temper parks him on the pavement and drive off
While he sits there smoking a cigarette.
Five minutes later she returns helps him into the car, fold
the wheelchair drives off.
On his lips a smile quivers, triumph or love?
Le marriage est plein
De grandes esperances
by Timothy Kendall |
humor, humorous, lost love, love,
Our eyes met in the supermarket queue,
She sent my heart a flutter,
But then all thoughts of love ebbed away,
In her basket, margarine not butter.
by Jan Hansen |
absence, best friend, blessing,
I dream of a river clear
As a nun’s tears
In a landscape of flowers.
Bees, don´t sting
Nestles is banned.
Is a dulcet word.
I think of a woman
who came to my village?
Years ago.
Her smile lingers
Her laughter
Alentejo wine
Not the supermarket type
With plastic top
And fake labelling.
The river of love
Runs to Brussel.
This is odd, Brussel
Is a rain heavy place
And little else.
For wonderful chocolate
And tasty beer.
by Jan Hansen |
angst, destiny, devotion,
No water
The land is thirsty in Portugal.
Dams are like wadies
despair and dust
not yet noticed by city dwellers.
Flush their loos with enthusiasm
buy potable water
At the supermarket
More expensive than wine.
Meanwhile, tourists
Love Portugal
Naturally, they didn’t come
For rain.
by Marco Chies |
rain, sad love, weather,
none of the people in the supermarket said anything
when the bullets from the assault broke the glass
the first kiss was given by me
between shards and crying
it was one of those insane nights
and in that moment you were insecurity
holding my arm trust
sixteen days later the violent wind bent the antenna
broke trees
windows and walls
while we watched the rain
dragging our house and erasing what we were
when the world finished
i was stupefied...
your spirit danced where the room used to be
wearing only the smile I always loved in you
in your naive happiness continued to dance
without having the slightest idea
of what happened to us.
by Michael Shoemaker |
love, stars,
Stars of Clarity
It's a mysterious nonmystery.
As I contemplate numberless
stars with the same mind
that counts out my correct change
at the checkout stand at the supermarket
I am baffled by the mathematical infinity,
An expanse of beauty I see
and yet I do not feel alone or distant.
There is something right on the outskirts
of the soul that suggests stars of clarity
and lets me know I am in some way more a beloved brother
than rejected outlander
to these living rotating masses of hydrogen and helium.
So glad you are here to hold my hand.