Love Poems About Sunshine or Sunshine Love Poems
by Michael Tor |
Categories: dad, daughter, fate, longing, love,

Homeless Mans Love For His Daughter

A homeless man played his guitar,
for coin rewards put in a jar.
 A lonely life he always led,
but in his heart a love he had.
 This love he thought of all the time,
 during the cold days brought sunshine.
 His songs were of a girl he loved,
he sang to her, with stars above.
 So many years had gone on by,
but in his heart, and reasons why.
 There was this hope that would not die,
the thought of her just made him cry.

Dedicated to my 
daughter Ashley...
Michael Tor

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: appreciation, how i feel, love,

Within Her Heart

Within her heart is where I wish to be
To dwell inside the garden of her soul
Where each soft heartbeat plays a symphony
And all around is beauty to behold

The sunshine of her love would keep me warm
My one desire, to take life's pain away
Consoling her when clouds of sadness form
Removing troubles of each stressful day

Should something cause her fragile heart to break
I'd gather up the pieces tenderly
With love I'd smooth the sharpness of heartache
Then put them back together lovingly

Within her heart is where her beauty lies
Her love, the light that shines within her eyes

   original poem by Daniel Turner

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

My Heart Is Meant For You

Lights dimmed in a cool marbled hall
a solitary candle flickers
soft chamber music echoes 
and my thoughts turn to You
down on my knees 
memories come as love has gone
how many times have I begged
to have a heart to hold
a bond to build
an angel to adore
Again I beg for the courage
the strength to carry on
to lead
to live
to love
A bright ray of sunshine
filters through the stained glass window
illuminating your image
heartaches soothe as I take in your essence
and I know
my heart is meant for You

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: love, peace, water, youth,

Sounds of Eternity

Sunshine glitters across the water
in a tireless playful motion, and
a dreamy hypnotic music of eternity
ripples on through my nights.

I close my eyes, transported to a dock
of my youth where soothing waves 
greet me, enticing me, inviting me, rocking me.
And I abandon myself to the lullaby
that could just as easily be the arms of a lover.

AP: Honorable Mention 2023

Submitted on May 20, 2023 for contest A BRIAN STRAND PREMIERE no 1218 sponsored by BRIAN STRAND

POTD May 22, 2023

by Eve Roper |
Categories: dream, love, spring,

Dreams Hued In Cherry Blossoms

She walks underneath the pink sunshade trees dressed in flowing antique white bridal gown. Un-dissuaded heart, to laugh, love, a peace drawn to fragments of leaves rustling around. The start of spring; radiant glow of pink. A fountain of cherry blossom petals trace down to the ground dressing the green. A wink of amorous scene of warmth of her grace. Enthralled by sensation of sweet scent tease, gold sunshine rays' columns stand and solemn. Poetic strokes of emotions to please, a life draped in dreams hued in cherry blossoms. A blank canvas rich in true color spun in glaze memories not to be undone.

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

I Met Her On a Tuesday

Hints of lilac filtered through the garden
a pretty butterfly just sat at rest
me  lost in amazement
soft rays of sunshine clinging to my chest

The stone bench held my attention
as love notes floated through the air
my heart was in a flutter
sensing she was near

Her eyes were sweet as honey
her skin had that special glow
her lips so moist they begged for me
to memorize the passion that they showed

I met her on a Tuesday
that's when the world for me would shift
the stars shot past the heavens
as our souls would forever drift

by Akkina Downing |
Categories: adventure, how i feel, life,

I But Have Today To Know I Exist

Because I do not know of my tomorrow 
Yesterday is gone I've forgotten it 
I but have today to know I exist
I resist letting my today be wasted on drama
I am out sipping on sunshine 
Gliding on life
Dancing in the rain while drinking rain drops
Have my fill on ice cream till I'm well content 
Smile because I just love life 
Love every unloved one
Give and share 
because it makes me feel absolutely wonderful 

And when night comes I'm up eating chocolates
while writing poems of my life's adventure 


Akkina R Downing 

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: beautiful, care, flower, heart, love, magic, moon,

Held Upon a Moonbeam Sighs

Visions of a way forward 
raising the curtains dream magic
stepping into the spotlight view 
captivating under a harvest moon

Rocked in the cradle of thoughts 
your the flower sweetly awakening 
deeply flames warmly embrace sunshine beams 
growing beautiful rose petals tenderly touch deeply

When I trace your heart's echo 
kissing this soul softly within dewdrops 
weeping starlight tears of a breathless sigh 
where the sunbeams dance with brilliance

Golden inside your rays honey 
deliciously lights up priceless perfect 
holding the breath for a moment love 
our time shining purely unique sharing

by Francis J Grasso |
Categories: devotion, joy, love,

Martha's Poem

I will love you like tomorrow Like the days that come to me Like the warmth of summer sunshine Like a wind that blows me free To hear the song of nightingales Beneath a crescent moon To share each simple pleasure On a rainy afternoon In the silence of a morning Deep within a restless sea Walking through the darkness And with everything in me For every precious moment That lives in effigy Love will grow within my soul To reach eternity And when we gather moonbeams After twilight steals the hours, Sleep with me through endless days Among a sea of midnight flowers.
written Aug 23, 2018

by Robert Johnson |
Categories: growing up,

Before the End

Sunflowers and dandelions. 
Sometimes in life it's a fine line.
We go outside to breathe the air.
Look around, try not to stare.

The little children play and run.
The girls are screaming, having fun.
Little boys follow along.
Learning the words to write the song.

A bouquet of summer's sweet refrain.
A timeless imprint on your brain.
To carry us into the night.
Beyond what sunshine brings to light.

After all the dreams come true.
But get lost in the dawning dew.
Only glimpses of love survive.
As you awake having to strive.

Finally finding out the truth.
About our fantasy's in youth.
All we wanted was a friend.
And a little love before the end.

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: age, anger, poetry, spring,

A Poet's Spring

I will absorb the warm sunshine today,
I'll wrap myself within a golden ray.
Nature's music enchants the tropic air
Where windswept waves will spur me to declare

The tender wishes I've been dreaming of,
That younger years when we first fell in love
Could cross the barriers of time's sweet past
And return pain free bodies that would last.

When the young speak about the golden years 
They do not realize the many fears 
That plague us as we reach that golden age.
They do not understand our pent-up rage

At doing simple things we used to do 
Can be too much and soon pain will ensue.
Poetry can return us to our spring 
Where youth of green is seen in everything.


by Eve Roper |
Categories: poets,

Friendship of Sunshine From Norway

Like leaves on ivy vines and the taste of fine wine In our hearts fill with tales of fairies, love, and sunshine Leaving her beautiful inspiring presence behind A goldmine of fine array of poems, friendships of sunshine 3/2/2020 From the poem "Sunshine Smiles" posted 10/18/2016 A tribute to a very lovely lady Anne-Lise Andresen

Categories: appreciation, happy, love,

To You with Love

In your eyes, I see stars align. In my world, you are the sunshine. Our love's boat, no waves can capsize. I see stars align in your eyes. Your smile, blossoming of flower. Your presence, warmth in my bower. With you I can trek any mile. Blossoming of flower, your smile. In trials of life, you stand strong. As prop, you are with me lifelong. With you by my side, there's no strife. You stand strong in trials of life. On your way, I wish every bliss. Pray, nothing you crave, you will miss. With you, joyously, I shall stay. I wish every bliss on your way!

by Vince Suzadail Jr. |
Categories: cowboy-western, life, love, me,

Angels and Outlaws

Come and sit here by the fire
Watch the flickering firelight
Let me touch your lips with mine
Will you keep me warm tonight

I've been here reminiscing
Just feeling kind of sad
Wondering why angels love outlaws 
And all the times we had

We've been through Hell together
Feeling the pleasure and the pain
Stood side by side against the world
In the sunshine and the rain

Outlaws live their lives on the edge
Their castles built with sand
Why angels fall in love with them
It's hard to understand

So while we're sitting by this fire
And thinking of all the times you cried
This outlaw loves his angel
I want you forever by my side.

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: cute love,

- Whatever You Do -

You're my sunshine
after the rain 
Whatever you do
whereever you are
Promise me forever

You're the light that
has always seen me through
Whatever you do
whereever you are
Promise me forever

Feels like I’m dreaming 
but I'm not sleeping
Whatever you do
whereever you are
Promise me forever

You're everything
that I ever wanted
Whatever you do
whereever you are
Promise me forever

A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love, nature,

The Perfect Day

Mist rises from the valley floor Sunshine peeks over the mountain top silhouetting the Coopers Hawk soaring in the southern breeze I sit in my old oak rocking chair drinking my dark black coffee taking it all in. Mornings don't get any finer I am one one with nature. The smell of flapjacks fill the air Then out walks you my heart skips a beat as you smile brighter than the clear blue stream blending in beautifully with the azure sky your caramelized eyes glisten each time you glance my way I can't help but smile for this is the perfect day

by Carol Sunshine Brown |
Categories: friendship,

Flowers In the Soup

I stir very gently my special soup
Stirring in more love just for you
Sweet and spicy aroma so uplifting
Sprinkling in some sunshine now
My soup has blossomed with faces
Friends who mean so much to me
Always there to help when needed
You are and always will be to me
"Flowers In My Soup"
Dedicated to all my old and new Poetrysoup Family You are "The Flowers In My Soup"

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: beauty, emotions, feelings, heart, love, pain, paradise,

A Teardrop Falls

A teardrop falls deeply—slicing and aching  
hurt twisting knots around the deepest fingers 
love you from my heart warmest emotions so 
in each kiss of your beauty I feel all of you 
worth the suffering and pain that happens 
gaining rewards in the end—undiminished love 
happiness such a precious gift for us forever 
the teardrop falls now freely in your honor
it spills warmly and gently in your name love 
as grace is my honor to bear this noble sacrifice 
with joy and I find you now my sweetest sunshine 
with happiness being my one-way ticket to paradise 

Gary Bateman and Liam McDaid – A Collaborated Poem,
Copyright © All Rights Reserved (June 9, 2015)

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

Moment In Time

A moment in time, frozen in my mind Vision of beauty, an angel in my eye Sunshine sparkling down Brightening up my cloudy days Life was on the downturn spiraling lost... out of control Nights of loneliness. days of false smiles A few choice words, consoling my cries Those killer smiles you gave Those deep caramelized eyes, giving solace to my broken heart Taking my hand, you lead me from the deep, into the light. Upon the next shooting star To you, I devote my heart.

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: inspirational, smile, trust, wisdom,

Don'T Worry About a Thing

Smile today ~ everything's gonna be OK
Whether it's Sunshine or Skies of gray
Things will get better ~ 'cause Nothing really lasts forever 
So Smile today ~ free your heart to play

What's yours no one can take ~ things must get brighter
Surely love will find a way  ~ Smile today

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: angel, beauty, dream, emotions, feelings, love, sun,

Lost In Loves Space

love the style of your morning kiss 
dancing lips deeply dazzling bliss

Catch you after curtain calls my dreams tonight 
until the sun kisses your eyelids with golden light

Beautiful in one's mind weakness sang a dream
just floated to you dancing upon sunshine beams 

Captivating ball of flames burning bright not the past 
radiating golden warm future holds destiny our torch shines a light everlasting

Holding inside believing crowning beauty silently whispers without sound 
Rising as night's tears leave a dew upon the ground 

Crystal blue clear the happiness within joy brings
inside every wish was your desire softly feathers touching wings embracing sing

by Eve Roper |
Categories: birthday, granddaughter,

My Granddaughter

My sweet girl, 
    you are my butterfly 
       that flutters with grace, 
          under the golden sunshine; 
  as zephyr breath blows 
    you from one petal to the next,
       slowly through pinnate leaves.

  You are my sunshine that blooms my life.
  Love you my special girl


by Winged Warrior |
Categories: beauty, emotions, fairy, imagery, morning,

It Was One of Those Mornings- For Contest

Concaving thought’s that try to escape
They have no substance in the life awake
Like an amoeba a thoughtless form
Trying to manifest in the early morn...

Morning has broken near the wishing well
As the fairies cast their magic spell
Love and sunshine be their quest
And thus invite you as their guest...


by Michael Wise |
Categories: allusion, birth, cheer up, peace, philosophy,

Born Once Again

The gift of a new day
holds the promise of a new way

A new way of seeing
A renewed way of being

The shedding of old skin
A fresh place to begin

Resurrected once more
for the treasures in store

A farewell to the old
A chance for the gold

The sunshine above
Another day to love

With strength in your flesh
and a mind that is fresh

New ideas to conceive
with more grace to receive

To dance in the dawn
and forget what is gone

To sing like a bird
and speak a new word

To celebrate when
you are born once again

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: inspirational, motivation, uplifting,

On the Road To the Sky

Nothing ventured
Nothing gained
If you’re giving up
Then tell me, who’s to blame

The road’s ahead 
Time is now
Make that change
You’ve been dreaming of

Open up your heart doors
And set your soul free
Feel the inspiration
The sunshine and breeze

Whatever it takes
However, life goes
Give it all the love inside of you
Believe you’ll achieve your goals

And if you have to rise to meet your destiny
Then take to the Sky
Fly up high…
High, High, High