by Tim Smith |
Cinderella dreams across yellow brick roads
Creating Prince Charming out of simple silly toads
We play hopscotch, jump rope and other little games
Trying to produce magic and a feeling quite the same
Dancing through life with rose colored eyes
Wishing and hoping love doesn't float on by
Finding the one that just makes us smile
Holding on tight, hearts entwined for awhile
Happiness comes to those who are blessed
Sharing our all when two lips are pressed
Suns set, moons rise but one thing still remains
When fairy tales meet blood pumps in our veins
Whether young or old we seek out love to surround
There's no greater feeling when a heart in love pounds
by Lisa Ricci |
love, romance,
"the promise"
reflective stars
guiding moons
shining suns
wishful dreams
what are these
our glances
our whispers
our embraces
our touches
what are these
the promise is passioned
the promise breathes
the promise is alive
the promise is ours
these we hold
by Gail Foster |
betrayal, grief, loss, passion, relationship, sad love, sorrow,
This is my first Petrarchan sonnet...
Grey days of loss and loneliness are here
Sad nights as long as shadows in the deep
No joy, no hope, no gentleness, no sleep
No ray of light predicted to appear
Just disappointment, emptiness and fear
And sacred dreams discarded in a heap
By some abyss of faith too wide to leap
In ruins lies the love we held so dear
Wise folk will say there will be love again
That suns come up, and suns go down, and yet
All I perceive is darkness, drear and grim
All I can feel is searing hurt and pain
My heart, my fingers, too burnt to forget
All blistered, from the flame I hold for him
by Gail
by Heather Ober |
life, loss, solitude, sorrow,
How many suns have I seen?
I hope I see thousands more.
But I don't want to lie awake,
begging for sleep, for puzzle-piece dreams,
crossed wires beneath my skin.
They spark and spasm down my side.
The tingling hurts, the cold converts
the numbness into pain.
I need more time to write, to rhyme.
I need more time to love.
I need more time to watch the sea
while sunsets bleed
and rain clouds weep
upon me from above.
Where's my unchained melody?
Where's my time to shine?
Don't cheat me out of time with him,
Don't rip me from his side.
Have you ever tasted metallic fear?
It feels heavy on my tongue.
I crave today
as I hear them say:
But, how...? She's so young.
by Danielle White |
anniversary, husband, lovegod, god, time,
In the beginning, before time began,
before God envisioned the concept of man,
as God was pondering His incredible plan,
we stood together, hand in hand.
Before there were stars, or planets, or moons,
in silence and darkness all drifted, immune,
before God had cast the very first rune,
we stood together, completely in tune.
And when it's all over, once God is done,
when there's no moons or planets or suns,
like the beginning, before time had begun,
we'll stand together, together as one.
©2010 DanielleWhite
by Tom Cunningham |
Small print
Eyes squint
Deep snow
Tread slow
Strong gales
Drop sails
Score high
Bulls eye
Great whites
Big bites
Dark rum
Warms tum
Thin hair
Thread bare
Small tent
Legs bent
Wide load
Hogs road
Strong cheese
Bees knees
Flash drive
Clear night
Stars bright
Peace dove
Spreads love
Suns heat
Dead beat
Ground shakes
Shots rang
Loud bang
Just wed
Now bed
Written 21st August 2020
by Charlie Smith |
death, grief, love,
These lonely tears, cold as the night
I shed for sake of thee
Time may fade from black and white
But thou wilt ever be with me
As suns will set within my heart
Lord, spare the sorrow I may see
All this grief doth play its part
But thou wilt ever be with me
As I walk this unfamiliar lane
Inviting hope to set me free
It's but one love that stills the pain
And thou wilt ever be with me.
by Donna Roberts |
Suns soft sensual soaking silhouette
slowly sneaks silently the silky skin
Oppulent orifices ooze olive sweat
Reprising rhythmic rouge romance akin
Saturated salt smelling skin spilling
frothy fragrant fire ferociously
Capricious calm converts to cool chilling
Precipitation paid precociously
Heartwarming henotic humble heat haunts
harmed human hearts hypnotized happily
Gleaming glowing glare gravitating taunts
of liquid love long lost unhappily
Precious precocious sunshine come hither
Need your lava lifeblood not to wither
by Rachel Lipscomb |
life, loss, lost love, love, passion, sad, flower, flower,
A distant voice is like a fading colour
a muted version of reality
I'm hiding from the noise, always under cover
in fear of losing gravity.
A solitary flower laden with dew
the scent hangs heavy in the air
I scan the landscape exploring the view
my eyes straining from the suns glare.
I am that solitary flower who is forever losing its colour
telling myself it will be alright
as I once again take my cover
and settle down for yet another lonely night.
by Kelli Egloff-Metzgar |
lost love, love
I look out the window
Morning dew rests upon
the wild flowers
A tear rolls down my face
I imagine you
wiping it away
As you have so many
times before
But you are no longer
The suns rays dry the
dew on the wild flowers
Still, my tears remain
I thought it was forever
But you left
Just after the rain.
by Lana Lana |
anxiety, love hurts,
Everything is sensless now,
I'm so scared when you're not here.
What if this was the last goodbye
and you and i just vanished.
Thousand suns away
there might be some hope
to feel your touch again
and you to make me smile.
But it's so needy of me to call you
again and again and again.
So I'll just suffer in silence..
Just say that you're fine.
All the good things and the bad
they were all true.
I am happy then I'm sad.
Happy just for you.
And I'm sorry I was too late
to answer you all.
It's hard to stay focused
when I fall and I fall.
The ocean is taking my soul.
It's getting hard to breath.
But despite it all
you help me not to sink.
by Edward Jones |
When the moons soft lips kiss the sunset
Veils of darkness close there arms around us
And light bleeds through a pin pricked sky
From distant worlds we can only imagine
And the suns once warm and yellow rays
Are now white and cold on lunar reflections
A dead world, that only shines in darkness
A Jewel on black velvet, a pearl on the sea
A lighthouse to eyes that sail in the night
And as they say with a moth to a flame
So to can you say the moon is to lovers
by Kudzai Mhangwa |
life, mystery,
oh the mystery about the mystery
this life this world and endless universe
invisible winds and blind suns
not to forget the rainbow painted people
how the lambs bleat and understand each other
that I do not worry whether the sun rises
oh the moon has many dresses to choose from
stars fall down to earth but nobody has found any
how we rise from the dead sleep
that we love as if it is our last act on earth
people are afraid of the dark and love the light
how life would be if it were the other way around
the mystery about the mystery
will remain a mystery for me
unanswered questions about mother nature
unfinished tales of this fabulous world
by Teddy Kimathi |
angel, deep, devotion, god, humanity, imagery, spiritual,
He sat under a Bo tree.
He meditated.
He observed silence for days,
seeking the Truth.
Angels tried to feed him,
but he resisted.
Bit by bit he saw his inner flaws
and doubts,
and corrected them.
Master of Darkness tried to shut
his inner eyes,
but was overwhelmed by the seeker's determination.
Enlightened was the seeker,
that he could see the past, present, and future.
A halo encircled his head.
Angels witnessed a mortal become one of them.
He could see the sorrows they carried for the world,
and their unconditional love for all mankind.
The angels wept tears of joy in the heavens,
in the place of a thousand suns....
by Ronald Wheeler |
life, loss, love, philosophy, emotions,
though I cant remember her face
the love still penetrates
with the radiance of suns, and the cadance of tons
of the rhythym of heavens embrace
though I cant remember her voice
the emotions still lift with a hoist
strong vibrations through ether strive to hold all together
and take aim toward the lust I still chase
though I cant remember her touch
the emotions still flood with a flush
as the crashing waves roll
and erosion takes toll
this thought quaintly ends with a hush
by Lisa Ricci |
love, romance,
"the beauty of love"
like golden sands you are silk to the touch
soft gentle and ever so beyond healing
just as suns set and moons shine
your light reflects with love
somewhere between one fine day and now
love has grown in many countless ways
like your glances that only reach me
like my whispers that only reach you
with each touch and their delicate feel
our glances and whispers become more
as suns and moons glisten their grace
silhouettes reflect the beauty of love
by James Fraser |
Bronzed curves of delight
capture the suns golden rays
breathing as she sighs
warm breezes entice her gems
alluring thoughts compass me
by Lisa Ricci |
love, romance,
have a wonderful week
may you all be well
thank you
"these things at night"
these things at night we long to stay
stay within our hearts minds souls
we long for the feeling to warm our days
days that light and fill the grace of love
never a doubt when this lives deep inside
inside our days of such sweet whispers
hold close the magic of moons and stars
stars that turn to suns for wanting light
we and we alone hold such power to retain
retain such magic of these things at night
by Lisa Ricci |
imagination, love, nostalgia,
"dreams of visions"
once suns rose and moons beamed
our names called to one another
whispering desires and love
suddenly when lights dimmed
calling you to home of heaven
my heart missed a beat
now within dreams of visions
with ears and eyes wide open
such senses are achingly alive
I see you I hear you I feel you
separated by dimensions apart
still whispers of our names call
by Sara Kendrick |
animals, love, nature, seasons
Rippling brook rushes
Swollen with spring rain gushes..
Eddie place bulrushes
Alligator suns
Basking her tough hide, sun buns..
Hippo destroys fun
Spring turns winter's tide
Nature comes quickly alive..
Bees buzz hopes for bride
For: Carol Brown
Contest: "Whats' The Buzz"
by Faye Gibson |
goodbye, love,
setting suns steal earth's life-light . . .
gentle rays of night - moon, stars -
reprieve raw rhythms leaving
soundless footprints impressing
the rich fabric of the dark
though you walk away tonight
your silhouette caresses . . .
Copyright, November 7, 2014
Faye Lanham Gibson
by Ashley Casteele |
nature, seasonslife,
D - Dawn of day and dawn of Spring made splendid by the Dahlia
A- Astonishing pinks, reds, oranges and yellows roaring with the life of several sensational suns
H- Harmonious eloquence perched on the tall stem of natural beauty
L- Luxuriousness unrivalled by human composition or creation
I- Incandescently perfumed with the sanctimonious scent of Spring
A- Alive with life and love just like you and I
by Rollo West |
A gondola ride
Suns warmth, waters glistening
While softly I smile
Your melodious whispers
Freeing butterflies in me
by Jesse Jones |
allegory, death, introspection, lost love, mystery, nature, seasons, space,
In the center of our galaxy
from 1992 through 2003
astronomers were able to observe
a star, orbiting compact radio source
Sagittarius A.
The star had an orbit with average radius
1.4x1014 m
and period 15 years.
From this information astronomers estimated
the mass of Sagittarius A.
v = 2π(1.4x1014)/(15x365x24x60x60) = 1.86x106 m/s
a = (1.86x106)2/(1.4x1014) = 0.0247 m/s2
0.0247 = (6.673x10-11)M/(1.4x1014)2
M = 7.24x1036 kg
7.24x1036/(1.989x1030) = 3.6 million suns!
Astronomers infer that Sag. A is a
supermassive black hole
(it cannot be seen)!
by Jennifer Cahill |
allah, celebration, creation, hope, inspirational, introspection, life, loss, lost love, love, music, mystery, native american, natural disasters, nature, nostalgia,
And the westerly wind,
Will blow a sea of waving grass
And the sea's fine mist
Will breathe drops like dew
And the sinking suns
Will cloak the sky's horizon
And the moons of Autumn
Will beckon the golden fertililty of the harvest
And the violet tinged edge of night
Will cry for the white bursting of the stars
And the carved thrust of the mountain range
Will challenge the forever yielding blue
And the hovering tunes of the dawn's awakening
Will mimic the lullaby of my dreams