Love Poems About Sunrises or Sunrises Love Poems
by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: life,

Sunrises Slowly

Pale cobalt blue 'pon horizon
Lavender just above
Fog coats the creek and pine forest
Sunrises slowly, love

The roosters sing their warm greetings
Crickets chirp a morn's song
Mourning Doves coo occasionally
"Peace gives life~~ life prolongs" 

As the red fireball sun rises
Casting red tinged cobalt
'Pon horizon's morn's whispy clouds
The Dove coos don't halt

There can be peace on this good earth
If love rules in each heart
Let love guide and depart never
As the gold sun paints art 


by Olive Eloisa Guillermo - Fraser |
Categories: abuse, feelings, lost, lost love, sad, sick,

Suddenly Lost

SUDDENLY LOST Sunset serenades disperse thoughts are her refrains smiling yet she tears. The autumn wind greets, cool breeze brushed her pallor cheeks, her head in the clouds. Rumbles crash silence, denial rush to her lips, ghost eyes snap and slit. The strawberry lies made her wait for sunrises, truth kissed bittersweet. Innocence murdered by colorful, luring masks, times were trashed, wasted. _____________________________ *** Contest Name: LOST Sponsor: Broken Wings 10:33pm, February 05, 2016

by Cecilia Macfarlane |
Categories: religion, school, sun, planet,

The Sun

Dear Lord I want to thank you for the sun
Without it the world would not have begun
For we need the sun in order to survive
Without it planet earth would not be alive

I like the sun for the beauty it brings
It grows our food, trees, among other things
It gives us warmth, sunrises, sunsets and joy
Brings endless happiness to each girl and boy

The sun reminds me of you lord, for you are the light
Giving hope to us all, every day and every night
The brightness of each brand new day reminds me of your love
Smiling down on each one of us from heaven up above

~Written with my son Daniel for religion homework~

by Darlene Gifford |
Categories: good morning, inspirational, sunshine,

Watching the Sunrise

I watch the rising sun's
radiant, rosy touch,
change dawn's pale gray cheeks
to a spreading pinkish blush. 

And as silver golden ribbons
unfurl in the air,
that's Heaven adding adornments
to dawn's glowing hair.


Author's Note.  If you, too, are inspired by sunrises
and sunsets, I'd love to read your descriptions.
Please post them here.

by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: dream, imagery, sun,

Weaving Dreams

~Weaving Dreams~ ( Free Verse) Mind have countless dreams illusions Flowing bubbles glowing in mid-air Radiant sunrises sunsets pretty pictures Sometimes growing burning in the sun Pillars of great strength raising High seemly all the way into the sky Lovable and gentle sweet creatures Spreading their love and true devotion Black yellows greens blues and purple pinks Passing glassy ships filled of inconceivable dreams In a spinning wheel orbiting weaving on the time Penning words overflowing thoughts with volumes of my mind. Dorian Petersen Potter aka ladydp2000 copyright@2014 January,07,2015

by Anisoara Iordache |
Categories: life, love,

I Found You

I found you in a rustling of wings, 
gentle flight of the great chariot 
in a desert of snow, 
in a frolicking of saunter children . 

in a cry of live, 
in a clarification of longing, 
among the stones. 
no hands, 
no legs ... only the soul 
wrapped in a 
tree bark. 
you ever thought I would get lost 
through sunrises and sunsets 
and well would be 
to find my north from the heart. 
my eyes bathed in blessed wonders 
to move 
to you. 

(translated by Alina Bumbac)

by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: friend, friendship, love,

My Wish For You

(Free Style) I wish for you … Smiles if sadness intrudes. Courage to know yourself Happiness that joy includes I wish for you … Faith to believe in you Sunrises to warm your heart And beauty to see with your eyes I wish for you… Laughter to sanctify your lips. Rainbows to chase all your clouds And friendships to shower at your door I wish all this,and more than here for you, And to make peace and love yours too. Dorian Petersen Potter aka ladydp2000 copyright@2014 November,2014

by Michael Poyntz |
Categories: love


we pause
			in flight
			as if suspended clouds
			arms outstretched
			to the sky
			as if imaginary 
			silver wings

			reaching far into
			the unborn sunrises 
			of our lives
			we are two
			you and i
			in total unison
			side by side

			the luxury 
			of trust 
			without fear
			the splendour 
			of gentle love
			our only wardrobe
			the naked truth

			soaring in flight
			parachutes not required 
			dreams shared as one
              	        seatbelts discarded 
			for the safety 
			each others heartbeat
	                ...up up and away

by Hgarvey Daniel Esquire |
Categories: death, faith, life, love

Forever - Septolet -

May I 
Enter the Kingdom
Of Heaven

Glorious, Golden
“SON” Rises
Inspired by the Contest " Septolet "
Sponsored By " Dr. Ram Mehta "
Dedicated To Dr. Ram (for introducing me
to this form) By HGarvey Daniel Esquire

Author's note : I am going to Continue This Wonderful form
With LOVE ALWAYS and FOREVER, YOUR Liege...HG ( Harry )
                              Honorable Mention

by Pretend Its Poetry |
Categories: emotions, feelings, first love, i love you, light, london,


It is strange to think,I have not seen you in a month.
I have seen the new moon,but not you.
I have seen sunsets and sunrises,but nothing of your beautiful face.
The pieces of my broken heart can pass through the eye of a needle.
I miss you like the sun misses the flower.Like the sun misses the flower in the depths of winter.
Instead of beauty to direct its light to,the heart hardens like the frozen world your absence has sent me to.
I next compete in Paris.I'll find it empty and cold if you're not there.
Hope guides me.It gets me through the day and especially the night.The hope that after you leave my sight it will not be the last time I look upon you.

by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: fantasy, hope, husband, imagination, introspection, lifeworld, love, travel,

Retire and Be My Love

Come along retire, travel with me
Be my love in places we've not seen
We'll travel around the  world our home
Roaming those valleys and mountains tall 

Our love won't wane only grow__untame
We will have all our pleasures anew
Every moment treasure  other
Whilst each day brings us new sunrises

Each one more glorious__ exciting
If these pleasures seem your heart  to move
Come be my love in our latter life
In passage  over the ocean blue

We'll travel see the world anew__dream
Dreams that our imagination schemes

(Parody of "The Passionate Shephard To His Love" by Christopher Marlowe (1564-
1593) for Dr. Ram's contest.)

by Davina Browne |
Categories: journey, love,

One Day In Love

One day all too soon, 
love will find you, 
in the sunrises, 
you won't realize it, 
until the sunsets, 
until the end drawn near, 
Grimm reaper stands drawing near,
 slowly he swings he's knife, 
erasing your love, in a blink of an eye,
 your heart collapses,
 turning in on its self,
 you start to feel like the girl,
who no longer has a soul, 
don't give up, keep going strong, 
because love will find you again and bring you home,
 your soul will return, your heart will,
 rebuild its self,
 love is a magical thing,
 because you never lose it, 
it just lays lingering.

by David Grasby |
Categories: art, encouraging, universe,

Palette of Dreams

Colors of the sunset
painted on the sky canvas
mixed emotions
abstract thoughts
impressions of love
cloud strokes lost 
a palette of dreams
sits by the waste side
a talent of words
a misguided brush
a nervous hand
so many imagines
can't comprehend
a gesso of emptiness
search for a masterpiece
a work of art within a universe of undiscovered 

by Trace Baldwin |
Categories: lost love,

The Mercury

Did I come to you in the night? 
To tempt you? 
Tempt you into something right? 

Did I bring you nightmares? 

Nightmares of brown eyes. 
Lurking in the shadows of your mind. 
Locked in boxes you left behind. 
So you could scapegoat my reality.  

I fell from Heaven. 

Fell to lay at your feet, 
       burn in your eyes, 
              and freeze in your shadow.  

I fell to hold sunrises for you. 
Shining like the Mercury. 
Playing my guitar as you drift away. 
As you climb through the cold air above. 

Leaving me behind and searching. 
Searching for a frozen love. 

E.G. Maynard. 
46 & 2.

by Seema Ali |
Categories: devotion, faith, friendship, hope, inspirational, life, peace, philosophyme, me,

Oh God

Oh God! Give me light
Please make me fight
Oh God! Make me bright
Please make me rise
Oh God! Bless my heart
Please make the darkness depart
Oh God! Bestow on me love
Please make me realize
That happiness or sadness
Be there sunrises or sunsets
Be it good days or bad…
They happen only to proclaim
Your might and your insight
Please God ! Pour on me peace
Let the turmoil decease!
Make me strong
Make me bold
Today and forever
Make me yours!

by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: inspirational, life, nature,


West Central Georgia sunrise.
Pink cotton candy swirled with Indigo
passes away into ocean sand dotted by pale yellow sun.
Crows caw in the not so distant pines 
while call of Mocking Bird a steady chatter.
A rare crowing of rooster's call
maybe they decided not to rise at all..

Cool dry air surrounds my being;
its touch gentle and soothing like a new love..
Breathing made easy in blessed morn..

Just a few moments to absorb the dew 
to appreciate nature a blessing from above;
get in tune or center..

Time flies when in His presence ..
Duty calls..
Responsibility present..

Out on the porch Thursday, Septmember 15, 2011

by Robert Trezise Jr. |
Categories: absence, fate, goodbye, judgement, love, sorry, time,

Cottage of Sodom and Gomorrah

He apparently cried the entire winter
All alone from the inside
By the side of our lake

We didn’t know
He wept from his broken pipes

Beds couches book cases wall paintings
Picture windows filled with sunrises
Sodom and Gomorrah drown
In fountains of cold
Skirted with ceiling-high black mold

I had glanced back late last fall
With thirty years of memories and love

My disobedience to God answered
I suppose

We always thought there’d be one more summer.

by Frederic Parker |
Categories: love,

Love's Ecstasy

Sensual your form that filters through lace
To warm my eyes in its glorious glow
As candlelight lays still, upon your face
Shadows dance across the room very slow
A night bird calls as lovers we whisper
Silence is too inviting while heart's sing
The candlelight flickers its soft glister
To show a glimpse of the smile you bring
The morning sunrises kisses still burn
The memory of each kiss stays for days
To leave an image in our souls to yearn
Kept in the dreams from love that always stays
We found in our eyes passionate desire
The ecstasy from love's wanton fire 

10/8/20 contest love sonnet

by Ja Angelo |
Categories: environment, holiday, magic, march, nature, spring, universe,


A colorful time of year 
The skies are oh so clear
The sun shines bright 
For our delight 
Longer and warmer days
Welcoming the sun’s blaze

Trees and flowers blooming 
Grilled foods we are consuming 
Pools opening
Divers motioning 
Windows down
Cruising ‘round town 

Bicycle riding
Hang gliding
Cliff diving
Race car driving 
Trail hiking 
Beach volleyball spiking 

Early sunrises, late sunsets
Picnics packed with baguettes 
Romance in the air 
It only takes a pair
First kiss 
True love is bliss

Twelve hours of sunlight 
Not quite 
Some more, some less 
Ostara has finesse 
Rebirth, balance, and renewal
Spring looks like a jewel

by Linda Smith |
Categories: desire, devotion, girlfriend, love,


This secluded epoch proceeds exceedingly.
This requisite delay, daily trudgery.
Amassing scores of lonely sunrises.
My reclusive heart concealed
willingly abandoned; neglected desire
awaiting my fate, a reunion
the one I long for.

by Dorian Petersen Potter |
Categories: love, romance,

When I Think of You

Every single day I think so much of you What else to you my Love I can say I can't help it but to think of you day and night You bring in my whole life so much light Without you miles play havoc in my heart As I watch sunrises and sunsets before me die When you are not there right beside me Non-stop my heart deep inside for you cry And I hear your voice and feel your presence It doesn't really matter where my love I may go You make my life with so much love aglow And I know that forever I want to love you so. Dorian Petersen Potter aka Ladydp2000 Aka ladylove copyright@2014 November,27,2014

by Teresa Harr-Pena |
Categories: life, love,

I'Ll Always Have What You'Ll Never Want

The sunrises
I'm still me

Moving right along
Can't you see

I have a goal
This will never change

I bought a house
It isn't that strange

I'm happy
Optimistic all the time

I love all seasons
Time is all mine

Holidays ring true
I paint and draw

I learn every day
From something I did or saw

I became skilled
In more ways than one

I am a mother
To daughters and sons

I am stable
I can dance

I cannot hate
But I love romance

I will always haunt

I'll Always have the things
You'll never want

by Juliet Ligon |
Categories: beautiful, happy, love, marriage, romantic, sweet love, together,


Woven together like fine mesh
A perfect fit of flesh with flesh

Mutual between romancers
Affirmations flow like dancers

Pearl earrings, dress of lace
Roses, baby's breath, and vase

A diamond in a ring of gold
The framework of a new house sold

Young bride and groom, fifty years wed
Sunrises and sunsets ahead

Compounding The Verse Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Joseph May

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: love, perspective,

We Are In Love

'O, reason not the need! Our basest beggars
Are in the the poorest thing superfluous.
Allow not nature more than Nature needs,
Man's life is cheap as beast's!'
                                  ~ King Lear, Act 2, Scene 4

The truth is simple
We are in love
What need we
   creamsicle sunrises
   or pink turtledoves

Our hearts beat as one
As each day is run
Wherefore wish for
   magenta sunsets
   or gossamer nets

Love's in our thoughts
   ~ Our needs are naught

by Ernest Robles |
Categories: poems, poetry, poets, romance, romantic,

Sunrise of All Hearts

if i have one mouth 
  between two hearts
i shall shout --maybe
whisper love!
if  my two feet run
  between doubt 
and paradise i run
  --those hungry shadows
upon my weeping feet!
The sunrises are opened
crimson eyes bleeding
belief and love so i am
So i run toward belief
When morning mourning 
comes i am little 
asking light for life
asking heart for soul
asking life for thou
and of me?  I am the 
weeping feet running
toward the greatest 
sunrise of all hearts!

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