Love Poems About Sunlight or Sunlight Love Poems
by Harry Horsman |
Categories: faith,

Jesus Christ

Life ground to a halt
living down a dead end street
where there's no sunlight
and shadows of doubt linger...
Till your love blew them away.

 © Harry J Horsman 2021

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: beauty, kiss, light, love, morning, romantic, rose,

It Happened On a Misty Morning

Wettened by the mornings dew 
Closely spaced where rows of roses grew 
Footprints stained the cobblestone 
Where my love and I had walked, alone

Sweet light's tryst with blowy mist 
The fog and the dawn waltzed as we kissed 
Fertile bliss of rosebud lips 
Strands of sunlight round my fingertips

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 10th grade, 12th grade, beautiful, feelings, imagery, love, stars,

Beauty Can't Compete

Lingering rays of sunlight slowly die as scarlet burns the sky, where clouds ignite. And while the birds roost, bats begin to fly, capturing elusive moths in mid-flight. Luna hangs high in an ebony sky, spinning dreams into beams of golden light. And twinkling stars, like fireflies in the night, confetti the heavens, dazzling the eye. Like gold filigree pinned to the darkness galaxies adorn the heavens above, and shooting stars unzip the black of space. But, Man stands unabashed in His starkness, for cosmic beauty can't compete with love, an emotion intrinsic to His race.

by Tom Woody |
Categories: change, peace,

Winds of Change

sweet zephyr breezes 
jasmine empress butterflies 
rainbows in our sky

                                           silence once golden
                                           angelic voices trumpet
                                           song of the poet

unity breeds strength
moonbeams in togetherness
sunlight for each one

                                           living in the now
                                           join the love revolution
                                           smile on your brother

seeker of eden
no longer searching alone
bards in harmony   

by Heather Ober |
Categories: love, nature,


Trees reach like glowing embers
to singe the autumn skies.
Leaves burst with blinding colour
like sparks that spin and rise.
Then a breath of weightless fog
moves across the silent lake
where trails of molten clouds
fill the sunset's smoky wake.
The harvest moon emerges
like a second burning sun
to fill the sky with button-stars
that morning pulls undone. 
Sunlight floods the gardens
to melt the morning dew.
This is where my heart resides
since September gave me you.

by Harry Horsman |
Categories: love, thank you,

In So Many Ways

Your willing lips encased entwined with mine   
The taste as soft as the morning cast dew,
Emerald eyes the clarity of wine
Brings to mind the wondrous Castle to view.
Your voice as sweet as Thrush in harmony
A chorus awakened to the sunlight,
Penetration of love in litany
In deep alliteration morn till night.
Embraced in shackled touch with bonds thus bind
Oh I will of words pen of this love found,
You took a sad heart upon like did find
Staid the exterior yet ardour sound.
Your love's reflection my happiest days
This need to tell you in so many ways. 

 © Harry J Horsman 2013

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: angel, baptism, beautiful, beauty, love, spiritual, stars,

Supreme Being

When you came to me the earth revolved then stood still
dressed jewel of purest sunlight circled in gold mere reflections 

Through the oceans wings sailing inside waves embrace 
we rise and fall drawing from a breathless air filled with Peace 

Caught up within the sparkle lustre that sings from an echo returning 
twinkling stars light warmly together ally an alliance between souls 

Captured brightly the spirit of eternal beauty brings, under glowing beams 
when we act together as one temple forever crowns the heart to Love

by Richard Palmer |
Categories: adventure, people, places,

Jamaica Nuff Love

Beautiful Jamaica,land of my birth,
This little dot,specially prepared by Mama Earth,
World best seasoning,grown by our dirt,
And the Jamaican Rum,bad nuh blouse and skirt,
Beautiful Jamaica,land so sweet,
A formal dinner or a party in the street,
Our vibes,our style so unique,
Our warmth,our culture,no other can beat,
Jamaica,Jamaica,land we love,
Touring Jamaica feel free like a dove,
Our rivers,beaches,beautiful sunlight up above,
Sample our tasty meals,you'll find one that you love,
Jamaica,Jamaica,land so great,
Great runners,great music,embrace our taste,
God or Jah Rasta Far I,embrace our faith,
Take a trip to Jamaica,it's never too late.....

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: passionheart, heart,

Song For My Love, My Sweet

"A woodland path in the dappled sun, hushed and quiet "

At last you’ve come for me, my love, my sweet! You’ve come through tranquil woodland, with the breeze, along that path where once we used to meet and with the sunlight streaming through the trees! With passion in your eyes and wings for feet, you’ve come for me, and all my anguish flees. You are so near, I hear your wild heart beat. You’ve come for me, my own wild heart to seize. Alas! The woods have vanished with the gleam of my waking dawn. It was but a dream.
Written June 9, 2011 by Andrea Dietrich Inspired by the Contest "A Woodland Path" sponsored by Constance la France ~ A Rambling Poet ~

by James Inman |
Categories: death, lost love,

The Fading Light

I watch the sun's smile gleam on the petal as it drifts beneath the Dogwood tree moving from sunlight to shadow we once burned bright like the sun shining on everyone until heaven spoke now you are gone and my light shines no more

by Linda-Marie Sweetheart |
Categories: love,


"Enchantment - Duo-Rhyme" brilliant beams of Sunlight cascade to orange aura marmalade enhancing love while blooming new beneath cream skies of patent blue sprinkling words sweet as dawning's dew two turtledoves in wings which coo fond melodies caress adieu' in magic moments rendezvous frolicked in fields of heather's hue fake hearts faded to vapor's view soft silver stars shed tears parade enchanted moonlight mist charade'. *For Andrea Dietrich's Duo-Rhyme Contest

by Elizabeth Wesley |
Categories: lost love, me, lost, lost, love, me,

Come To Me

Come to me in the hush of night
Come to me in the silence of my dream;
With your sweet smile and eyes so bright
Like sunlight dancing on a stream.
But my eyes are filled with tears
For lost memories of those broken years

The dream so dear, yet bitter sweet
That awakened in a new disguise;
When wanting love we used to meet
And now the ache of yearning eyes
Has slowly closed the door
That once was open and now is no more.

Yet in dreams you come so I can live
A cherished life that yields to death;
Come back in dreams and I will give
Your beating heart its final breath.
Come to me and whisper low
Of a love we lost so long ago.

by Aiyah Torres |
Categories: anger, courage, crazy, emotions,

Black Afternoon

her sunlight shaded with clouds 
burning love shuttered in pain. 
rainfalls pour down on her feet 
black widow spits in demon's face. 

broken mirror hangs in the wall
she sees face dirty and old.
pulling down tears one by one
rinse the wound caused by his hands.

she caves underground to feel the darkness
composed herself while brokenhearted.
wait for the morning to witness the sunlight
free her mind to feel the long lost love.

fiercefully, she ran through the door 
no regrets, left her home alone. 
blue and purple paintings on skin 
have gone when she dance in the rain.

by Audrey Haick |
Categories: love, spring,

Spring Showers

Soft sunlight streams through Nimbus clouds A sign, a foretaste of coming spring When hills and fields bring forth rich foliage From humble green grass to royal heather Flaunting peacock colors to honor the day As clouds release their crystalline drops Lovers’ laughter echoes as they run for shelter B’neath the old willow tree, they stand; lost in warm embrace Soon, a hush will fall as sweet jasmine floats When hungry lips taste the first kiss of spring ~*~
4/4/13 Note: For Russell's "Spring Showers" Contest

by Francis J Grasso |
Categories: love, passion, sea, sky,

The Lovers

How gently darkness lays itself upon the restless sea
While breezes scented  cool and clean, are blowing wild and free
When moonlight's blush fades gradually and hides its ash white face
A thousand candles dimly lit, now frame the soft embrace

All through the night, with spirits bright as shameless dreams unfold
'till sunlight makes the darkness break to show the story told
Tempest waters calm and smooth, stillness now the sea
Sky and water, bound in love... as lovers, you and me

Written April 10, 2016

by Bryn Strudwick |
Categories: mystery,

Crimson Rose


You stand once more beside the harbour wall
This is the third night I have seen you there.
I watch you from a distance, proud and tall
A shaft of sunlight glinting in your hair
What is it draws you to that spot each day?
What thoughts of sadness occupy your mind?
The memory of a love far, far away,
A yearning for your homeland left behind?
Sad seagulls’ cries provide the only sound;
You reach out, casting something on the sea
And then, oblivious to all around,
You slip away still steeped in mystery
      I look down where the water gently flows.
      It’s empty save for one dark, crimson rose

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

Soaking You In

Out back on that old tire swing drifting to and fro in the springtime dusk reliving childhood memories she swings and smiles free as the red breasted robin singing love songs as she soars from limb to limb in the that mighty oak tree her hair blows silently side to side dangling ever so softly off her olive basted silky smooth shoulders her caramel coloured eyes twinkle in the fading sunlight as the fireflies start to sparkle in the auburn sky I sit quietly drinking my freshly made ice cold lemonade soaking up all her splendor knowing I'll be holding her tight tonight

by John Watt |
Categories: love, nature,

Forest Fortress

A forest - sunlight squeezing through the arms
uplifted by its countless ancient trees.
So fortress-like; her inner royal charms
even the time-worn traveler seldom sees.
What culture lies within? What foreign tongue
is chattered nervously by bird and beast?
What joyful hymns of revelry are sung
which, by my drawing near, in fear are ceased?

My love, those hidden parts I find unique
are those which I would most desire to know.
Dark corners which I least wish you to seek -
the very ones you need the light to show.
Though brighter are the colors from outside,
let's pledge to let no hues within us hide.

by Johnny Sumler |
Categories: lovelove,

Sonnet 19

Cupid, why hast thou cursed me with thy bow?
Enchanting my desires and compliments
Unto a woman who seems not to show
The same affections of my hearts contents

Of vibrant colors I pick each a flower
Laying them by her doorsteps where I daze
I dream of her awake at sunlight hour
Kissing her image that my mind displays

Yet I am like the rain above her head
The way she runs away from showered gifts
I never knew inside my heart could shred
Heartbroken by her distant love that drifts

Only if thy arrow and bow had missed
My fate and love for her would not exist

by Deb M |
Categories: beauty, feelings, love, nature,


I heard the wind quietly whisper your name
I saw your tears fall in the morning rain

I heard your laughter on a spring day crisp and bright
I felt your embrace In the warmth of the sunlight

I heard your wisdom in the lapping of the tide
I felt your love in a magical sunrise

I know you watch over me
I feel it in natures sweet majesty

by Sean Swain |
Categories: angst, forgiveness, life, love, universe,

If Ever Beckoned By the Broken Glass

If ever beckoned by the broken glass
I offer instantly these scarred hands
And bleed
	Embracing sharpest, cruel edges,
	most exquisite lines
And bleed
	upon piercing, jagged, penetrating points
	brilliant with dancing sunlight
And bleed
	poured out into a universe benign, hard surfaces
	warm in crimson puddles of all I was 
And stand
And bleed
And know then –
Broken glass does not love back.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love,

My Love

when sunlight
caresses my love’s face
I feel jealous not to be the sun

the night’s stars
look down and shine for him
his eyes reflect their soft glow on me

summer’s breeze
wafts gently through his hair
gold like wheat and beautiful it is

a cool stream
floats my love’s lithe body
my mind drifts to magic soon to come

Feb. 25, 2021 
For Joseph May's Images In Parallel Poetry Contest

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: dream,

in lilac dreams

"I love the silent hour of night,/ For blissful dreams may then arise, Revealing to my charmed sight / What may not bless my waking eyes." from first verse of Anne Brontë's "Night" tarrying in lilac dreams I flower in full sunlight where I flirt with butterflies and gleefully kiss tulips when lilac dreams wilt away I sojourn nearby a sea caressed by its rippling tides under a lavender sky the twilight turns into night bathing me in the splendor of a full blue-white hued moon and myriad stars’ sparkle deep violet melts away I drift again into dawn wishing that I could linger ever in sweet lilac dreams

by James Fraser |
Categories: lovelove,

My Princess, My Queen

Amidst daisies carnations, roses and greens
By the window she sits in sunlight serene

Her hair tied back shows the prettiest of face
When i see her sitting there, i feel so graced

Many colours she wears but i love her in blue
Whatever colours she wears i love her so true

She turns and looks with those green emerald eyes
Everyday she looks different, everyday a surprise

Amidst daisies carnations, roses and greens
She is everything to me, my princess my queen

by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: love, nature, seasons

Enticing Flowers and Hearts

that first peep of the crocus breaking through frozen earth longer hours of sunlight bulbs drawn by brief sensations of warmth like hearts that had lingered in frozen graves waiting for gestures of kindness ice melting, exposing vulnerability enticing daffodils, hyacinths, lilies often emerging too early late frosts wilt blooms premature buds succumb to April chills no headstones, no names only hope remains perhaps next spring a longer lifespan awaits hearts and flowers willing to face uncertainty again
*For Francine's "Flowers" contest by Carolyn Devonshire