by B. Maxine Revolution |
rain, sky, spring, sun,
Tickled with wet prisms
Cocooned with the dead head of trees
Synchronized in natures rhythms
Her skin dancing with shadows in a breeze
Good morning Misses Sun
Inhaling the exhalants of the plants
Worries has she? None.
In spring showers she does gallivant.
After noon parade of Clouds
What stories in shapes do you bring me?
I see you’re not in lack of drought
I do love the song of thunder you sing me
So soon Mister Moon
I’m ready for the spotlight summons
Rolling in your dark doom
The now dry sky cries diamonds
How I love the day
How I love the Night
More than I can ever say
Mmm Whispers of the light.
-B. Maxine
by Evelyn Judy Buehler |
god, green, heaven, jesus, life, love, time,
In the late midnight hour, when death comes to call,
and we are at a loss as to how we could resist, we
therefore must answer its summons, leaving this world
and all our loves. We then shift from earth's time, to
God's time, which is infallibly accurate.
holy pallbearer
keeper of dreams my sweet Lord
final ecstasy
by Paul Schneiter |
character, love,
There is a softness about you
That summons things divine.
It makes me think what I must do
To be worthy to call you mine.
There is a kindness you employ
That touches my heart and head.
It is the source of boundless joy,
And nothing does it leave unsaid.
There is charity in all your acts
That lifts lives in endless ways.
It confronts mortality’s harsh facts
And turns fearful nights to days.
There is love within your being
That embraces all who are near.
It’s a blessing I’ve been seeing—
An earth angel irrepressibly dear.
by Solomon Itsoghole |
desire, earth, imagination, longing, love, relationship, sensual,
The body summons the soul
And together they commune
With breathe of burning ardour...
Compose baritone in concordance
Of larghetto soprano….
Mesh with pulsating beat
Of Deep throbbing heart
Possess by rhapsodic Afro-juju spirit…
And the world comes to a stand still
The moon jigs her backside
And tilts the mass of the basin fluid…
Lento ascend the euphonic resonance…!
The earth quake and tear apart
As the river washes body and soul
And discharge into the hollow emptiness
Of her moist pit…
All dead… and the world moves again!
(….Just imagining).
by Eve Roper |
loneliness, love,
My Yearning Love
While I sit alone on this wooden bench where last we both sat
My conscious mind reflects on the past
The autumn light of day ripples through
Amongst the baldachins between columns of the highest peaks,
The cadence pulse of nature sounds flows through
The tendrils of limbs and leaves play.
I glance into the heavens with peacefulness
For only a brief glimpse
Feeling the tease of cool, crisp breeze against my face;
And your presence summons by my yearning love
For a trace of your soul’s faithful love and tenderness
By: Eve Roper 8/30/2015
by Lori Lucas Mcclure |
love, valentines day,
Cupids golden summons decreed
With secret aim silvered arrows speed
Linking hearts with passionate will
For loves hope to fulfill
With poetic verse loves sentiments dispence
with torrents of eloquence
And there engraved upon the heart
with firey darts loves secrets to
persuade unsuspecting hearts
With such grand felicity and clandestine charms
Eternal love is birthed in lovers arms
by Edwin Baldwin |
hope, life, love
The wild rose expresses the essence of life and beauty
a sweet blossom atop thorny stems with roots entirely her own
the fragrant lure summons as honey bee makes its approach
by Tom Arnone |
feelings, longing, love, passion, romance, sensual, sexy,
First she said she had to go.
Time is creaking in the flow.
Grasping firm my smooth e-phone,
Party matter, cordless zone.
Twisting, lying, spineless snake,
Open mouth too big to take.
Venus venom summons Eve's
Blushing, bouncing apple tease.
Humping in a sack of green,
Not for love or tangerines.
**** of gold and multi-facets.
Time is leaking on my assets.
Running from that musky cow.
Searching for a ginger gal,
Soul-mate, princess, guardian, fairy,
On this night of wet and eerie.
by Dr. Upma A. Sharma |
blessing, love,
Serving summons
for a call to prayer,
Or shortly before
consecration of the bread,
Or an alarm
to inform an invasion,
But what I like as most
is the bells of love,
ringing in the hearts
Or of celebration !
Ringers of the bells
I first heard in my heart
when we met first,
The drumming beats
and strings of piano,
hymns floated in air.
He took a shine to
purples of many twilights,
Sweet rhymes of bells
ringing on and on,
Tender chirps
in the ballroom,
Swaying souls
amidst ocean pearls,
Thence the final
Wedding bells !
Written August 1st, 2015
For contest by Debbie
by Shanity Rain |
abuse, betrayal, bullying, death, heartbroken, judgement, leaving, lost love, sin, water,
Have I been summons to your presence , only to be sacrificed.
In the coldness of your breath..i will be put to a icy cold death.
With one word, I exist or not.
It is only you whom can wear your arrogant crown of ice.
You care not at all about my loss in your icy Palace of shallow glory.
I will be forgotten and disquarded , not worthy of a story .
To be replaced by a new form of ice , that ice will only be disquarded like I have been.
There is no place in your frozen heart for anyone other then you .
Are you happy with the cold Icy walls you have created in your palace Of self Worship .
You worship your self Self Ice king , surrounded by Sin.
by Samiha Zubair |
deep, devotion, love,
Indemnify for your goodwill eternally, I fail to be.....even
Goaded kaleidoscope makes one feel lucky to have titillating summons....with
No egregious sentiments even on accolated appraisal of you with....her
Soul shackled in cyclone of karma always pave it's terminus
Neither jostled by the violent gusts, nor worried for the inedible obstacles en route there...are
Peep over the wide expanse of the siamese past and future to others may seem...still
Every beat harps the same note that even now you are still...mine
by Dani Wil |
baby, dark, fear, metaphor, natural disasters, peace, rain, prayer,
I love that moment before the storm.
The world goes silent
and dozes and snores.
A prayer summons this bliss to last;
for regular breath,
much unlike the past.
Peace that ends in a series of pours.
Thunder snaps the core.
The world's awake and is frantic.
Breath turns to howls.
Rain. Tears. Panic.
by Yudho Sasongko |
age, creation, lost love,
As a play,
life moments and experiences,
antithetical to lore and summons.
Visiting the world by smiling and laughing.
All classrooms become living rooms.
Far from censorship,
the political narrow-minded.
A sizeable sanctuary serves as a library,
the school's wings swing.
Jews cling to jewelry,
Moslem clutches the monsoon,
heartfelt and engaged.
Bnei Yisrael comes after Bani Israel?
Salam comes after shalom?
*****Ludens dances,
*****Faber flaps.
by Emile Pinet |
anniversary, betrayal, celebration, emotions, feelings, image, love,
A cordial celebration,
lauding love's affirmation.
An anniversary smile
summons teardrops that beguile.
Congratulations are due
as friends celebrate with you.
Saluting your special day
with hardy hip-hip-hurray.
A time for festivities
and adult activities.
Love's toasted with cold champagne;
and feelings acquire free rein.
And at this time, every year,
why we wed is crystal clear.
And thus, these moments in time,
feel fantastic and sublime.
by Jessica Holter |
longing, love, magic,
She is the fountain of lust and of love
She bathes me in the most potent sea,
Opens her butterfly thighs
Wraps murals of flesh around me
I am her prisoner and her predator
She summons
She tames
The beast in me
Jessica Holter
by Marilyn Williams |
art, blessing, dedication, faith, jesus, love, truth,
I'm waiting in line, where God summons His people.
Gather all in and shout, Hallelluia, Hallelluia.
If you make a mistake, it will be forgiven.
If you hurt someone all will be forgiven.
He will understand and it will be forgiven.
Praise Him in His Holy Name.
Praise Him in His Holy Name.
by J. I. Thomas F. |
crush, fate, love,
Come with me now; don't you wonder sometimes
what lights up my face when I glance your way,
what leaps from my heartbeats into my rhymes,
what makes me uncertain quite what to say?
I know you can see, though pride makes me sly,
and you understand, too, my armor is weak.
Your sparkling mirth keeps me dreadfully shy,
aware you are certain you'll find what you seek.
So, yes, you are victor; be careful, my dear!
My hopes and my dreams are at your mercy.
It's up to you now whether to stay clear,
of paths you've unveiled to bless or to curse me.
I hearken to summons much older than time.
We're at the foot of a mountain; do you wish to climb?
Written 7/13/2017
by Tod Gaines |
art, family, father, life, love, passion, me,
It was deep in my soul
building strength
in my groin.
Before going deep into you.
The beauty of your face,
your hips making that
womanly summons.
The body heat we generated
escalated into
penetration of
past evolution to create
We became one with Heaven and Earth
Father Time and Mother Nature
put us in bed together.
You opened and allowed me to love you
from the inside out.
Your moistness kept me there
until our Ancesters blow us
a goodnight kiss.
And sleep took us
and before long
a child was born.
by Rico Leffanta |
Biden went to the Middle East
For a cous-cous sheep-eyeball feast
Relations were strained
Raisi explained,
"That Red button summons a priest"
by Eve Roper |
Thy presence summons by my yearning love,
Peacefulness invited in, welcoming salvation,
Enlightenment of the presence of the Lord above.
Enrapture faint breath and sigh deep emotion.
by Caren Krutsinger |
Mystical moon dancer who summons owls
Spinning her wild imaginative cleverness
Flowing amongst the rhinestone stars
Summoning the holy wise ones
Delighting heaven’s gatekeepers
Emoting words of love
Showering humanity with dainty hope
Frolicking in a frothy ethereal light
Pirouetting soulfully amongst the sky keepers
Mystical moon dancer who summons owls
by Anthony Beesley |
Her castle's surrounded by sticks and stones
Cyotes they tell her whoever may roam
With a fortified fortress of cactus and charisma
They never break through cause her energy sticks them
They bleed at her feet with the sun in their eyes
They cry in defeat as she watches them die
She summons the vultures like a mad jezabel
They feast on fools flesh as she sends them to hell
My dark desert diva,why are you so cruel?
Making love with Lucifer she smiles like a ghoul
by Stranja Depoet |
In the silent night
When the cold wind lends an ear
And the skies wait to hear
The call of the night crickets.
That time of the night
When the stars gather in troupes
to watch over the earth
I close my eyes
And imagine your voice
The geniality of your words
Summons my thought to a stand still.
Till my pastel eyes decline into drowsiness
My emotions hum your name.
Even in my sleep,
I am still a slave
For your name rules my dream
by Wardah Ahmed |
love, love hurts,
I could never bleed for love
It could become a part of me
Without knowing real love
It could never consume me
Love motivates one to give affection
And summons one to be brave
During times of conflict and rejection
Love is on the heart engraved
Like fear, love pulls you into the darkness
And then harshly sets you free
It blinds you for a brief period so heartless
And then suddenly allows you to see
His kind nature is of high regard
I thought I could never bleed for love so hard
Now, with a love so pure
I am not so sure...
by Evelyn Judy Buehler |
beautiful, destiny, eve, flower, nature, nice, sunset,
shadows approaching
stars are shining, mercy me
sparkling moonlit lake
a mass surrender
as pink lilies bloom lately
and I can see mars
once again I am
falling in love with the night
moonlit roses wow
though time is crawling
sweet destiny still summons
in evening shadows