by Brian Johnston |
1. God - Passionless Love
lotus blossoms float
waves of fireflies light night air
hold you in my arms
2. Jesus - Executive Summary
sex sex sex sex sex
sex sex sex sex sex sex sex
sex sex sex sex sex
3. Holy Ghost - Scary Part
love that's felt not seen
surprise of stranger's aura
God's daily rainbow
Brian Johnston
November 22, 2015
by Gary Fields |
body, caregiving, emotions, faith, jesus, love, love hurts,
Love and deception: one must understand that love and Deception
are the two most meaningless words' in the dictionary if used in-
correctly. Love is indestructible and secure in itself. The latter is
lust rooted in deceit, yet, clothed in the name of love and has changed
its' attire through out the Centuries'. One has never done in the name of
love because love has only produced everlasting immortality in the wake
of utter damnation. Deceit has covered many of circumstance of war and
destroyed many a civilization.
by Alkas Poetry |
allusion, life, time, wisdom,
lives on balance
between hope and
the despair...
Between love
and the disappointment ...
Life lives constantly
trampoline of each of us ...
Time is constant too
to mark facts and to scratch
calendars ...
by Dominic Amezimi |
love, love,
No one would ever know
How much you mean to me
But maybe if their souls
Would live inside my skin
No one would ever know
What love does mean to me
Their's could only get old
To never reach this peak
No one would ever know
How beauty really looks
Until they have my eyes
And use it as I do
No one would ever know
The feeling of a kiss
From none but you; sweet flower
Except maybe you’re me
No one would ever know
How dear I hold you now
Even if you’re far as heaven
I’ll be in heaven town
No one would ever know
The ample joy you bring
With love and care to follow
And after, everything.
No one would ever know
The summary of my life
And how you make me feel -
To want to never die
by Pj Gongora |
heart, hero, love, relationship, rights, sad love,
Dispute arises between love and right
Two things I always display at each side
For a belief that both produce delight
When balanced fairly below my high pride.
But these two that I maintain underneath
Dare to rise above reigning boundary
Breaking the settled standard requisites
Diverging from constructed summary.
And with reasons of love, right yield a win
So one can have a right without loving
While the other love of no right within
But serving broken heart full of grieving.
Right is given as a package of love
Of a person not loved, no right to have.
by Solomon Ochwo-Oburu |
allusion, imagery, love,
Give not your angelic smiles
the world has had enough of it
Your hair I do not need at all
salons know all its secrets
Give me not your pretty body
dresses massage it everyday
Your lips I shall not admire
food has finished its sweetness
Give me not your lovely looks
it is a park yard of the rainbow
Your beautiful feet I want not
shoes eat for breakfast and lunch
It’s your heart I need as best of gifts
A summary of all goodness it carries
by Alkas Poetry |
allusion, inspiration, metaphor, poetry,
Here is the summary of everything:
or pulsating love,
or hemlock ...
Or love in its entirety,
or nothing...
Because life without love
it's not life
it's simulacrum ...!
by Hannington Mumo |
The Lion of Judah hurt on the acid tree of Calvary
For vain mortals who bathe and in old sins preen;
Dearest Lamb of God and Love your only summary,
What divinely wonderful youth you must have been!
by David Smalling |
faith, hope, longing,
Prayer is the silence of the heart read alone by you
Faith is the patience of the soul that keeps love true
Truth is invisble to the eyes and found only in belief
Love is you in me, and myself given in all to others
Joy is knowing I served you well, kept nothing here
Hope is the longing for the journey and new life there.
Let me then imbibe your words, becoming what I know
Flesh has too many distractions when I long to go.
by Nayda Ivette Negron Flores |
Reality is sometimes very difficult
to face.
When you are Star Gazing, you
think in your Life Summary.
Wind Whisper in a fast pace.
Making your Love Beat primary.
For Titles Poem Contest
Nayda Ivette
by Shelva Smenon |
4th grade,
I don't remember everything the most regret
i will not change who am I open up to you
I have found not happiness but joy by you
I will never forget when I took the first sip of beer
You are always in my thoughts and dream
You know that I am breathing fine in drowning
You don't know what else to do confess of my love
Your mind being constrained some moments
The mind is a machine need the mechanism
The countless reason to love you ever
The things have no meaning wrapped up in the mind
The truth we were never friends.....
by Kevin Tobias |
confusion, lost love, love, i love you,
Why would you say I love you
Then tell me it was a lie
Why would you laugh at our emotions
Pretend yourself to cry
You and your little summary
Of words that make no sense
You and your sacred memory
Me losing my confidence
Too many promises broken
I've never hurt this bad
Across the way I chased you
You ran and never looked back
I made this fool of me
So distant and misunderstood
I chose to fight my energy
You chose someone else for good
You stole my rights to love you.
This is written from my ex's point of view. I did hurt her and when I got it..too late
was what she said.
by Alkas Poetry |
allegory, allusion, analogy, appreciation, extended metaphor, tribute, women,
Poets paint a woman in Cartier red
as a sort of nobility in their poetry
evoking a vibrant and sensitive feline...
Capture then natural summary
of that women dream of...
This is a tribute to their nobility...
this illustrates classicism... !
Women symbolize passion and love
ever... !