Love Poems About Sullen or Sullen Love Poems
by Tim Smith |
Categories: beautiful, love,


Sunlight rest as so does she 
and into the night 
a peaceful light   streaks 
cross hidden bridges 
bringing a sullen sense 
of tranquility to her sleep 

And when light returns again 
her eyes like gold will shine 
and her heart     will beat 
while be known  my thoughts 
alone      bare her name 
into endless     eternity 

Shadows take a rightful place 
sway with    grace and ease 
a sacred silhouette     beheld 
along with breaths   captured 
in every step    I can only see 
beyond      a special type 
of beautiful          adored

by Vijay Pandit |
Categories: heartbreak, lost love,

Echoing Vacant Sound

Rising above the destitute land
Barren are the quiet hills now
Echoing terrain's vacant sound
There, where sweet home was.

Tree uprooted quivers gently
Its scattered mangled remains
Swaying aches of forsaken pain
Mourning tranquility's death. 

In solitude this climb he treks 
Aspiring zest of rising dawns
As they concede to sullen days
Looking for her presence
Ever since the oldest tree fell
And the lone bird fled its nest.

The sunrise still evokes her name,
So does her beloved sunset.

Despite the dearest hopes he held 
She never returned this way.

March 5, 2019
Placed first: Standard contest #190 by Brian Strand

by Nandita Das |
Categories: change, life, time,

Flow of Time

Like green leaves that turn yellow and wither away
Like buds that blossom and fade away
Like white clouds that turn sullen gray
Like lengthening shadows darken the day
The whirligig of time brings forth
Mysteries hidden in time's womb
The only certain destiny death
That stone cold tomb.
Like a flickering flame blown out by the wind
Life's breath is soon extinguished.
So we too shall pass away
And while on this journey we may
In this deepening gloom, shine a bright ray
Love, help, encourage, pray
A new beginning everyday.

by Lin Lane |
Categories: lonely,

And a Nightingale Sings

It's another lonely night 
 shared with the glowing moon,
 while listening to a Nightingale 
 continuously sing a sad tune.

 What has a songbird 
 to be so sullen about?
 Does it trill in anger? 
 Is its heart filled with doubt?

 Some birds mate for life,
 while all others they spurn.
 That is a wise lesson
 all humans should learn.

 Are birds more capable
 of being loyal to love?
 There's a reason the symbol
 of love is portrayed by a dove.

 People are much too fickle
 when they smile and say,
 "I love you so very much,"
 when it's just a game they play.


by Üzeyir Lokman Cayci |
Categories: inspirational, love, nostalgia,

They Have Woven a Net Around Us

A feeling of nearness to suffering
In our hearts
While we reduce the dimensions
Of the essence of light
With our eyes
In a local scuffle
They have woven a net around us.
Bearing the pains of life
While watching the people with sullen faces
And tired thoughts
All along the years
We have heard the whistle of whips...
With well-concealed thoughts
Never thought of us
And... without any mercy
Have woven a net around us.
by Uzeyir Lokman CAYCI
Traduit par Yakup YURT en français
French free verse translated into English free verse
by F.J. Bergmann, 2002

by Michael Grugan |
Categories: depression, devotion, friendship, lost love, nostalgia, sad,

Sword of Roses

What, then, is Love but a sword of roses
Which cleaves poor waiting hearts
And thusly drunk with the blood of saints
Exults in its own dissipation?

And mine, a soul it so jagged gashed,
A scarred and wilted husk
Which once had songs to Heaven sung
Yet now but gasps with the fetid breath of dying things...

Oh soft Night's tapestry:meadows, fields, 
The courtyards of the Moon!
Now but brittle corpses endraped in silken mask,
Their board and banquet but sullen Death
Mocking of Light, fair Hope, and fond Embrace...

by Cheryl Koko Koomoa |
Categories: beach, beauty, fantasy, love,

Sipping Twilight

The sullen sea from my balcony mirrors gray sky 
it’s been hauntingly lazy,
raining, two summer days now.

And like the ocean, the dog days ebb,
low whispers,from an abandoned conch shell beckoning me
Come to the sea..... 
Placing pink side against my ear, 
from inside comes a hollow sound and
my small child hears the ocean captured!

Passion always seeks more
from the hearts of lovers……
The sultry breeze caresses
like your breath on my skin.
The sweet perfume of you
lingers like salt air and clings like sand to moist legs.
I'm lost in my dream
in the far lavender horizon,
the ocean swallows the sun 
I'm sipping twilight and waiting for paradise.

by Tony Bush |
Categories: confusion, loss, lost love, love, sad, me, life, love, me,

Why Did You Tell Me "i Love You?"

Why did you tell me "I love you?" 
A knee-jerk birthed of fear? 
A pandering to my ego? 
Words I wanted to hear? 

Why did you tell me "I love you?" 
Later "I don't think I do?" 
A whimsical slash of cruelty? 
Ambiguous through and through? 

Why did you tell me "I love you?" 
Then argue the point for hours? 
Bicker, snap and grow sullen? 
Destruction of hearts and flowers? 

Why did you tell me "I love you?" 
Then erase every tangible clue? 
Maybe you told me for fun? 
Maybe because it was true? 

Why did you tell me "I love you?" 
To mean life and death to me? 
If you please to confirm the truth 
What a wonderful life this could be.

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: memory, october, rain, romance, silence, wind, youth,

Resuscitated Memories

Fall cold rainy days
Crisp wet leaves 
Twirling and waltzing
Flying and floating
Riding October desolate gusts
Retro tunes that resuscitate
Memories of young love
Echoes of how I love you

Deep in the heart
Awakened by the sound of
Walking through wet fallen leaves
Ever so close as one

Holding on tight
Isolated in a cold sullen world
Warm enraptured hearts
Under a shared umbrella

Alone together
Along a silent canal
Riddled by a multitude of raindrops
Anxious to seek shelter

Ever so content
Creating memories         

AP: 3rd place 2022

Submitted on April 1, 2018 for contest LOVE POEM sponsored by HEIDI SANDS  -  RANKED 4TH

by Angel Fire |
Categories: adventure, confusion, dedication, friendship, funny, love, passion, travel, tribute,

Love Feast

Love feast             by Steven Hudson

I have looked upon too many scarred, sullen and hard faces these many days.
Loud, crude, gruff men who take and push and fight.
This ship has run its course, sleepless, tossed about,
Every port and harbor, sea and foreign land.
My companions smell and to look at them would make you turn down.
I’m pretty sure I have a tapeworm and my piss is the wrong color.
So my love, when here at last I see your face,
You’re smile, piercing eyes, and silky long hair,
To gaze at you now is a love feast to behold,
And from now and forever you will always be…..
The most captivating golden retriever I have ever seen.

by Andrew Loud |
Categories: beauty, desire, first love, love, relationship, youth,

A Sonnet For Jayne

A Sonnet for Jayne

O,'Tis such a rare and beauteous thing 
Amidst the turmoil,who can explain 
That which inspires a man's soul to sing, 
Or to reflect its light in loud refrain. 
Were the stars so sullen before we met? 
Did both the moon and sun forswear to shine? 
For I could roam the whole of earth, and yet 
What beauty gazed upon compares to thine? 
With but the lightest touch my heart combusts, 
A whisper bids all other thoughts depart, 
Ensnared within love's stormy throes and gusts,
With passion found, does life then truly start?
I pray thee say it's me whom you adore 
Or let me go so I may die once more.

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: love,

Can I Find Love

I constantly search for it
but it's enigmatical elusive,
hidden in a Mona Lisa smile.
Should I arm myself against self inflicted pains?
Camouflage my feelings with insouciant emotions?
For all my cirrhosis equivocal endeavors,
I manage only to forge a jealous rift,
until fragile truths bring sullen tears.
For God is love, and love is truth.
Had I misused it? 
Is that why I can't find it now?
Yet they say that love is beautiful.
Where does true beauty lie?
All I find is veiled secrets,
thinly disguised behind mirthful masks
frivolously worn on carefree Valentine days.
Should in dire despair give up?

by Erica Rose |
Categories: absence, cry, desire, for him, loneliness, loss, love,


I can no longer suppress this deep loathing
That writhes and churns, flogs and smothers 
Every loving and tender sentiment within
My sullen mind;
Once filled with vain gaiety and vain desire,
Now embittered.  
Isolation can make weak even the strongest souls,
But a noose to the neck will not ease this pain,
For Death denies such true repose.
Then tell me, how can I ever be at peace,
When alive the guilt kills me so?

by Jessica Amanda Salmonson |
Categories: depression, horror, life, lonely, murder, sad love, stars,


There is hidden in the night
	a pretty madness
You can find her, you can hold her
	in a dream of sullen sadness
As you sleep beneath the one remaining star.

You are bidden from some height
	of petty feeling
To condemn her and to scold her
	just to send your vengeance reeling
Then you wake no longer knowing who you are.

You'll be ridden of the light
You'll be stronger, you'll be bolder
You'll be leaping through the ceiling
When your mind's driven afar.

You are nothing, you are nil;
Of complaint you've had your fill
You have given up all will
To forgive, to love, to kill.

by Xavier Keough |
Categories: allegory, beauty, betrayal, lost love, love, relationship,


Jade flowed from sullen eyes
Disdain from fiery hair
A soliloquy of anguish 
Captured by a snowy stare 

I found rose petals on her lips 
The remnants of a trusted man 
Who had forsaken the pleasure 
Of holding heaven’s only hand 

I had dreamt of her touch 
Kissing her angelic face 
Whispering those words 
Only eternity can embrace
I found her silent sorrow 
Trapped behind shivering eyes 
Offering her my shoulder 
When she was ready to cry

by Jan Harvey |
Categories: inspirational,

Wild, the Wind

A shooting star, glistening moon, and wild orchids....
Big hearts magnanimous of gesture and esteem
Winds subside with a moment of stillness.
Presage of dire restraint; beset these closed doors.
Allow a duration that spins above our heads.
Love transcends far beyond adulation and sullen affection.
Round the equation, exception its’ valor.
From a source of goodness, befalls true conquest.

2.12.08, rev 8.31.11  J.L.H.

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

Sense of Serenity

Sunlight rest as so does she
and into the night 
a peaceful night   streaks 
cross hidden bridges
bringing a sullen sense
of serenity to her sleep

And when light returns again
her eyes like gold will shine
and her heart   will beat
while known  my thoughts
alone      bare her name
into an endless eternity

by Tony Waeland |
Categories: lost love

The Imbalance of Honesty

I was led to believe that inner beauty speaks volumes.
But chapter by chapter i am inclined to regret my hard reading.
The time has been worn down with cheap adaptations.
Furthering my belief that the past i should have no recollection.

She became tepid with her second hand emotions.
Sullen in voice yet destructive with sedation.
Page by page a new revelation.
The imbalance of honesty is sought for translation.

The binding may hold rigid standing to attention.
But its contents lack substance.
All questions but no answers.....

by L Milton Hankins |
Categories: loneliness, love, love hurts, poems,

I Write Love Poems

I write love poems late at night when I am sad melancholy grips my soul my lonely heart bleeds love poems based on sadness when it is dark and lonely. I write love poems when no words come easily and hot, salty, sullen tears flow like gushing tides until I have nothing more to give to anyone else.
written September 20, 2021

by Paul Curtis |
Categories: funnyprayer, love,

Sexual Preferences 5

I don’t have a favourite,
I love each and every one
Whether happy or sad
Cheerful or glum

I love Prayer Claire
And Lazy Daisy
Gaudy Maudie
And Crazy Maisy

I love Blue Sue
And Classy Darcy
Timid Ingrid
And Brassy Marcie

I love Shy Di
And Sullen Ellen
Beige Paige
And Barren Karen

I love Chipper Pippa
And Hairy Mary
All of them from homely
To a little bit scary

by Cassandra Stenson |
Categories: devotion, life, love, passion, sad, autumn,

Hark, the Misfortunate Heart

Time unfolds
Futures untold
The sweet November wind
Of many untamed passions
Will you not share this sweetness with me?
Swiftly, so gallantly 
Lullaby dreams

The walk down the memory
The nearness of your melody
This cryptic sullen meaning
Of vitality is painless

Will you not play another song for me?
Willingly, so desperately
Relentless pain, never leaves
Unchained melancholy
Speak your words so freely
Time, oh wishful star in my dim dark sky

Deep autumn shadows
Please share your strength with me
A heart full of tears 
Pierce my soul with yours alone
A wistful, sorrowful good night

by Alyssa Finley |
Categories: introspection, love, sad,

Cardiovascular Bait

The breeze brushes against an oak,
up the veiny bark and passed the lark,
Frictional rapping of leaves breathe to life
a thousand voiced whisper-
the softest bellow echoes
across the wild grass
Sweeps against her hair,
a sea of shining brass,
and enters the labyrinths
into a soul spun of broken dreams,
an empty web of rips and holes
and sodden, sullen gleams
Unraveling thread from her sleeve,
attaching bait for one last wish
her heart dragging from a string
so that she may catch
a fish.

by Adam Kinsley |
Categories: addiction, anxiety, lost, night, prison, psychological, solitude,

Bed, Borrow and Steel

What heart have I to show to you?--
[This feckless Autumn night]
I failed to sing a song that's new:
My heart was always trite

I don't know what I'm doing here
Or, why I dream of lust
My mind has been a Home for Fear
Its gears are plagued with rust

When once I failed to feel at all
I drank until I slept
In sullen haze, I still recall:
The way the sirens wept

Since when had I succumbed to Love--
To forge a solemn pledge?
When Push Became A Violent Shove:
They threw me off the edge

Awakened in a cage of steel
I had to then, recall:
I trained myself to never feel
I never did at all...

by Rhonda Johnson-Saunders |
Categories: love, nature, sad, tree,

Weeping Willow Tree

shady weeping willow tree grace brushes the canopy sullen branches seek comfort from lovers below yester year echoes sweetly through the branches hanging low each leaflet holds my sorrow dew drops are my tears my father's tree weeps for me sweeping branches touch my heart once, you held a young man's dreams now, you bring solace By Rhonda Johnson-Saunders dedicated to my dad, John F. Johnson, Jr (1949-2002) The Weeping Willow was his favorite tree First place in No Name/Any Form 14 Max contest

by Anthony O. Mitchell Jr. |
Categories: death, family, native american, religion,

Dear Jonas 2k12

Oh! Dear Brother, dear Cousin, dear Father,
Dear Friend, dear Grandson, dear Son, dear Jonas.
When rendered sullen, our strength is one another.
Let the sacred songs be your journey's compass.
For therein the sunshine of many hearts
Shall you bask, thence it love never departs.