Love Poems About Suffocates or Suffocates Love Poems
by Kenyan Poets Lounge For Poetry And Poems In Kenya |
Categories: allah, angel, caregiving, christmas, courage, dream, faith, religious,

A Healthy Kenyan Ego Poem

A huge ego breaks off love’s embrace,
A tiny ego slips off love’s embrace,
No ego, no embrace of love!

A selfless ego suffocates from love’s embrace,
A selfish ego wards off love’s embrace,
No ego, no embrace of love!

A super-visual ego overshadows love’s embrace,
A deep-seated ego is colonized by love’s embrace,
No ego, no embrace of love!

A healthy ego humbly looks above,
A healthy ego can lead and also serve...

Its nerves know not pressured blood,
But developing it is almost hard!

by Sabion Osore |
Categories: crazy, funny, love, love hurts, sad love, satire, scary,

Suicidal Love

Suicidal Love It chokes and mauls me, It suffocates me as its venom spread to shake my heart, It kneads and lives me vulnerable to hurt, When you hunt it, I remained obdurate to love, Its obsession sucks my strength, When the peril of real epitome of African beauty sprout her, Chokes and desires of having you drown me into sour guts, It is a suicide how this eerie feeling fills, For it freezes not the frosted and fermented heart to freedom It is suicidal how love is.

by Marty King |
Categories: loneliness, lost love, sad,

Instantaneous Incarceration of the Mind

there is a sound when you leave
all electricity is lost
all water is dissolved
all air is thinned out
there is a blankness as time passes
all age is tainted
each era is ruined
every period is murky
there is a change when realization comes
what matters drown
what is important suffocates
what is relevant becomes inanimate
the golden road is now blue

by Ralph Mason |
Categories: love,


cold rock, who's gnashing teeth
beget torn lips and tidy legs
loveless creature clothed in rind
future queen would nary pine

fondleproof my guest
gentle curls no effect
your veinous tarmac brings organasms arrest
abandoned crusades confer pontiffregrets

what!  the spectacled porpoise awakens!
the breeze suffocates
the sun withdraws
now must I greet your desire and drain your ample limits

by Robin Maughan |
Categories: faith, inspirational

Dear Satan

Dear Satan:
You do not frighten me.
You haunt my spirit at times,
But my glory for God suffocates your wrath.
Your temptations are mere reminders of my weaknesses.
With God`s humbleness He brings me to my knees  
and strengthens my wounded soul.
I welcome your evil  as an avenue to prove my love for Jesus.
I challenge you!
I am a warrior of God.
I shall march over your so called angels who lure me.
You do not intimidate me.
I have God`s power burning within.

by Chante Reeves |
Categories: fantasy, fear, first love,

What a Mess We Made

the love suffocates us
from floor to ceiling
i feel tension everywhere
i welcome 
the distraction
it combats 
the pain
he touches 
my face
then the love suffocates us
i inhale his exhale
the red room is destroyed
from floor to ceiling 
and for several hours
in a daze
his weakness
we're desperate
i'm anxious
i feel tension 
i scream that i trust him
to combat his pain
he touches my face 
again, destruction
such passion
from floor 
to ceiling
what a mess we made
i inhale 
his exhale
still, in a daze
the love suffocates us

by Barbara Washington |
Categories: inspirational

A Moment of Sorrow

Misery suffocates- 
love comforts- 
just like a blanket

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: lost love,

My Heart Betrayed

To me I saw you 
you are still there 
as beautiful 
to be in the presence 
of you. 

Making all my stars fly 
a summers day 
to kiss you 
all my dreams 
even to the end 
My rose 
unless it gathers thorns
Like Cleopatra. 
I want to be your Mark Antony 
forever yours 
into words 
As my life passes us by 
never forget the love 
I have for you. 

A real dream 
made for a reason 
It is so special 
I can never find 
the right words 
until now. 

You who suffocates my heart 
The circle of my life 
who has the very keys 
beautiful to me as a rose 
my eclipse. 

my very own heart 
broken in all
that a woman 
should be
forever beautiful

by David Rombo |
Categories: love, peace, pain, hate,

Anger and Hate

The pain that one feels,
For no gain doth anger bring,
But hate that cometh from within,
Burns like a witch at the stake,
Suffocates like a hanged man on a noose,
Back stabs you with a blunt knife,
Like uncertain delivery from a drunken midwife,
Love and hate both have pain and strife,
But only one brings forth life.

by James Ph. Kotsybar |
Categories: death,

The Nature of Mourning

It’s the quiet of the quiet moments
that brings painful shuddering awareness
that things are no longer the way they were
and will never be quite that way again.

It’s the hollowness of routine gestures
which once expressed love so casually
that they were as unconscious as breathing
that echoes sudden death’s meaninglessness.

It’s the emptiness of the empty rooms --
the pressure of a vacuum -- that draws
the body’s hydration out through the eyes
and suffocates what was accustomed joy.

It’s the unexpected desolation 
that passively inflicts deepest anguish.

by John Castro |
Categories: love

End of Innocence

blood suffocates my broken heart like darkness suffocates the sky 

remembrance of fog on a rainy day perception deceiving the eye 

they say time heals all wounds yet it still leaves a scar 

we can never again go back to innocence to change who we are

by Green Trees |
Categories: art, dedication, faith, inspirational, introspection, loss, love, passion, social, teen

Red Silouehette

Agony poisoned every thorn on this rose
Feeding the ashamed for what they are worth
In countless times, where did these countless hours fall?
Aura suffocates our senses
Leaving a trail full of fear
Fear of the unknown
Bottled up, your heart shifts
Feelings of insecurity
Breaking the glass inside yourself
It robs your bones
From the inside out
So pale, you stand broken
Will you follow the smoke
That was left behind
For you to choke upon?

by Olivia Struthers |
Categories: absence, angel, desire,

Ribs, Lungs, Head and Heart

I want you to touch me until
My ribs become piano keys and my 
Lungs are filled with sheet music I 
Want you to love the way that
Art fills my soul and blooms in
My head, I want you to hate
The way that I can't let go
I want you to touch me the way
That the crisp winter air suffocates 
The corrupted inside air.

by J Hamilton Gist |
Categories: feelings,


Celibate to love
Attachments entrapment
Suffocates accepting expectation

Felicitous suppressants seem vague yet expecting acceptance to gleam
obediently wile anger continues to...
Our bond pulsates as days and nights are misinterpreted.

Inquiry demonstrates how to be a suitable leech
sucking patience from the reins of guided discontent.

Joined at the hip
Severed near the center
Dissected underneath.

What was once yoked to one another now hinges upon swollen pressure
The trembling heat of predictability examines the idea of being apart.

Broken rust the smell
Ripped apart in stillness
Should have left well enough alone at first.

by Kyle Carlson |
Categories: depression,

Death Phoenix

Don’t consume now.
Death Phoenix.

Spilling your ashes.
Suffocates my dreams.
Don’t rise.
Never revive.

Why don’t you die?
Why won’t you fly?
You only revolve in the sky.
Above my life as if you love to listen to my cries.
Watch my dreams die.
Every time.
Within the ashes from which you rise.

Death Phoenix.

by Melissa Ross |
Categories: introspection, people,


No hope,
I choke,
Back the vanity,
And pure insanity,
That breaches my mind,
I’ll find,
The beauty in all,
Tender loving care,
This cross I bear,
Suffocates me,
Hurry and flee,
I’ll surely be,
The one you desire,
That makes you perspire,
My love runs deep,
Let it seep,
Into your heart,
Into your soul,
Lose control,
Of all that you feel,
I’ll show you real,
When I swing my hips,
And meet your lips,
You’ll know.

by Dima N. |
Categories: faith, friendship, love, time, light, light, universe,

Distant Hearts

It’s been a while, I hate to admit 
It’s been a while, three or five? 
The distance suffocates the breath out of it 
What makes it worse is the struggle to survive 
Holding on against all the storms 
Holding on in spite of all the thorns 
The lifeline slowly ebbed away as the horizon darkens 
The universe scorns our attempts 
Its illusive helping hand becomes 
An element of our fake reality 
We regretfully question our own morality 
Then a light seeps defiantly 
Evades the illusion gradually 
For eternity, we are fighting the doubt
Finally the light defies fading out
There’s my savior ...

by Kamila Godzinska |
Categories: death, fear, sad, war, fear,


My heart sinks in terror
that this beat may be its last,
that the pulse will stop.
I fear that the end is near.

Guilt suffocates my throat
at the thought of painting a grey mask
on the faces of those whom I love.
They fear that the end is close.

I shudder at the thought
that our names will be forgotten,
that their memento will turn to dust.
For remembrance we plead as the end is impending.

Regret poisons my mind with its toxins.
My aims aren’t fulfilled.
My life has not begun.
 It’s the end itself that I fear. 
There is so much joy I look forward to,
so much success, passion, love.
I plan my future with delight and hope, 
yet I know that the end has come.

by George Maris |
Categories: desire, emotions, love,

True Love

I am bound by every bone, by blood.
Captured in my mind, is your beauty.
You are loved more than love itself, more than life. 
The peace I feel when I'm with you suffocates all my fears. 
No one can replace your touch, your smile, you.
It's you, I love, I've watched you for a lifetime. 
I've felt your pain and suffering.
I've shared in your laughter.
I watched when you mourned, laugh with me.
Cry with me, bring me to my knees, I beg.
You I love,  if only I loved you as I love you now. 
For you are me, myself I love.

by Ankit Dedha |
Categories: emotions, encouraging, for her, how i feel, inspirational, love, valentines day,

Dear Paradise

I can't breath her in
But in her absence air suffocates me

She doesn't flow in my veins 
But my heart pumps her so hard

She is not my vision
But without her light itches in my eyes

She is not everyone around
But she is everyone i see 

She is not my damn life 
Niether my flash, nor my soul
But a cute reason why i am alive

She is not my lips but my smile
She is not an angel 
But the whole paradise

                                               - ankit dedha


by Marissa Long |
Categories: angst, depression, fear, girlfriend-boyfriend, words, me, me, i love you,

I Survive

Daggers, Swords, Knives
Things that can  kill in a blink of an eye.
That is what your words are made out of..
Break me down with your kiss of death
Breath into me that vapor of poison
That shrinks my veins
Suffocates my lungs to where I can barely breathe.
And yet I still can mutter the words " I Love You "...
you touch not gently but ever so rough
Your arms around me .. not a sign of endearment but a sign of hate..
And despair is what I felt because of it..
But yet never regret, for it is past
and it is a lesson I will never forget.
And I Build
And I Stand
And I Survive....

by Chioma Onyekaba |
Categories: allegory,

Money and Love

When money lies
Love speaks truth
Where money bears fruit 
Love cries
Where money sleeps
Love is awakened
Where money ceases
Love is amended
Where money dies
Love lives
Where money breaths
Love suffocates
Where money laughs
Love frowns

Love suffers all these
While money enjoys all things
Yet where love blossoms
Money in hell rots!

by Teresa Harr-Pena |
Categories: angst

You Cannot Have Both

Delusional by choice
Reality suffocates dreams
Sleep is only nightmares

Burned by the rising sun
Swallowed by the mouth of darkness
One eye open, the other closed

Never at total peace
Restless at all hours
Turns between life and death

Laughter and tears
Love and mourn
The other eye closes

by Jay Narain |
Categories: identity,


Insult me, I may get angry,
Love me, I will be very happy,
Hate me, I may love you,
Ignore me, I will be crushed.

I exist, No one sees me,
I wait, everyone sees thru me,
I hope, someone will find me,
I suffer, the pain of being ignored suffocates me.

I speak, No one seems to listen,
I shout, the echoes bounce back on me,
I frown, the anguish chokes me,
I smile, my spirit survives and I live on.

by Edward Schmitz |
Categories: break up, depression, divorce, lost love, memory, missing you, pain,

To Reminisce Is Poisonous

To Reminisce is Poisonous I see the ghost of our love It haunts me to this day In heartache, happy memories Are slowly cut away Time passes all too painfully Spring flowers quickly wilt Once together blissfully Now many tears have spilt The happiness I once felt Suffocates this soul My memories are a poison Which slowly take a toll Once more I'm lost within myself Within a hopeless dream As I recall my life before How much happier I seemed