Love Poems About Suffered or Suffered Love Poems
by Jean Murray |
Categories: adventure, future, moving on,

Past Present Future

P erhaps it's time to let it go.
A ll that pain you suffered so.
S train on your heart and soul.
T ime to release and let go.

P eer around at your life now.
R elish the love your children give.
E njoy your work as you always have.
S it and relax at end of day.
E nergised by renewed hope.
N ever again to ever succumb
T o being abused by anyone. 

F acing the future with a smile.
U pteen reasons to celebrate. 
T he joys of living and giving.
U ncertainity will always remain.
R emember to count your blessings.
E mbrace often those you love.


by Kim Merryman |
Categories: faith, jesus, life, love, religion,

Paid In Full

P ierced for our transgressions,
A crown of thorns upon His head.
I ndecent agony Jesus suffered,
D ying to give us life instead.

I niquities demanded payment.
N one of us worthy to pay the price.

F aithful Father provided ransom,
U nfailing love turned into sacrifice.
L aying down His life for sinners,
L isten: Jesus paid sin's full price.

2/20/12  for Brian Strand's up to 12 lines 
max. contest
1st place

by Tyesha Ehigiator |
Categories: dedication, devotion, faith, happiness, hope, inspirational, life, love, peace, uplifting

~his Name Is Wonderful~

Earned his name~
Suffered all the pain~
Under the hands of men~
Settled with hate against him~

Compassionately he forgave them still~
He loved us then and he always will~
Rising he gave us the right to survive~
Intoxicating he is to all of our lives~
Supplying our each and every need~
Thank you father, For blessing me~

Our king above kings~
Understanding he brings~
Radiant he is indeed~

Living for Christ is the greatest thing~
Only in him may you rest in peace~
Remember each day to trust and forgive~ 
Divided from him is no way to live~

by Neha Agrawal |
Categories: betrayal, boyfriend, feelings, first love, football, for him, forgiveness,

I Didn'T Hold Grudges

I suffered,he laughed
I filled up  his voids, he created mine.
I looked for roses,he gave cactus
I looked only for his heart,he focussed on my body
I healed all those stitches,he gave me wounds..
I ignored him,he started following
I left him,he cried
I didn't hold any grudges,he holds guilt.

by Laura Breidenthal |
Categories: absence, allegory, analogy, angst, change, confusion, corruption, crazy, creation, dark, life, light, lonely, loss, love,

The Other Side

In vile defeat I confided to helplessness
I cringed knowing I know so little
As inadequate as I am I felt responsible 
I felt responsible to know everything

In this mentality I suffered long nights
Over thinking myself and overlooking life
Until I gave up the pain for a little while
And took a deep, dark look to the other side

by Aimee Rodriguez |
Categories: cancer, grief, loss, miss you, missing you, mom, mother,

Eternal Flame

Without you, the days are so long
& sometimes it's hard to just carry on.
You gave life & love to all things
The joy of giving was what you would bring.

I see your smile inside my head,
It just isn't fair that you have to be dead.
I know you suffered though all the while
You held your head high & even would smile.

As I watched you go through it, I always had hope,
Even when we came to the end of the rope.
Everything that we went through
Helped make us closer & more loving too.

Through ups & downs you always were strong
Even when you knew you didn't have long.
Life can be kind & cruel in the same,
But you will live on forever because of loves eternal flame.

by Sigfrido Bobonis |
Categories: lost love, sad, pain,

A Forlorn Cry

Why can’t you hear my forlorn cry?
Its restless desire calls out each night
Waiting for you to answer it 
But you ignore my forlorn cry
Only thinking of your own self
Why won’t you answer my helpless call?
Its feeble sound grows softer each day
Hoping you will come to its aid
But you ignore my helpless call
Not thinking of the pain that burns in me
Each time you ignore my forlorn cry
You fuel the burning pain 
I have suffered all my life

by Dominic Magofna |
Categories: life,

What Hurts Most

A world in which love desecrates
A mind into such empty life
Is one you would most likely hate
And stab into yourself a knife
Or one in which you reach for stars
But they still seem so far away
It's hopeless and might break your heart
Or possibly could end your day
Maybe a life-long obsession
one in which you'd trade your life to gain
an unknown questionable possession
only to find out it isn't yours to obtain
What if it's an ultimate devotion
one that kept your life in line
but long ago suffered an erosion
so have you lived a lie this whole time?
As for I, the pain that beats them all
Is endless love
in which i have allowed myself to fall.
endless love, an endless fall

by Rhonda Johnson-Saunders |
Categories: faith, inspirational, introspection, me, me,

Child of God

Lord, do You remember me? I once sat upon your knee. You were my Father, I, your child in your presence small and mild. You carried me when I felt faint. You suffered for me without complaint. You forgave me for my transgressions and led me down the path of your direction. Lord, do You remember me? I search for You on bended knee. With head bowed low, I humbly pray, Lord, please fill me with your love today. I’ll take the time to converse with You and listen as your voice rings through. I know You’ve never gone away. It was I who fell and went astray.

by Beata Agustin |
Categories: appreciation, blessing, christian, devotion, faith, god, jesus,

Propped With Grace

Bracing me up with grace* and might God hoists my faith for service right He assures me His presence-bliss Of compassion’s peace I can’t miss. Thus, I face each day so grateful Midst triumphant heart, worshipful. Vanquishing fear, despair and doubt Love-propped, I’m ready to reach out.
*1Peter 5:10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. January 6, 2020 3rd place, "LAY It On Me - 8x8" Poetry Constest Sponsored by Charles Messina; judged on 1/16/2020.

by Maninder Dhaliwal |
Categories: encouraging, inspirational,

Never Quit

Dont quit,Dont regret,
Fly in the sky like a jet.
Even the tiny ants keep trying,
So are you gonna keep crying.

Dont be a whiny baby,
You can be the hulk maybe.
Just keep going on your track,
You should never look back.

I once suffered a hard defeat,
Learning from your mistakes is the biggest feat.
I keep going until I cant no more,
Run from the desert to the seashore.

Keep your motto to never quit,
keep going like a fluid.
Dont quit until you die,
As you know we live, we love, we lie.

by Eve Roper |
Categories: bereavement, sea, wind,

The Wounds At Which She Bled

The wind raised the wave with pleasure over and over, 
exploding with its weight embracing the jagged rocks. 
Seeing the aged shoreline spread like an endless rover, 
of eroded pinnacles. No ship dare seek its locks, 
for its nonexistent shore has suffered severe shocks.

She hugged her woolen shawl, tightly around her shoulders,
to ward off the chill, and walked along the cliffs, looking 
out onto the sea. Waves crashed against battered boulders, 
stirring the cool mist and briny fragrance. Concealing
the love she once shared, but lost to the seas bewitching.


English Quintain, ababb, 13 syllables

by Barbara Green |
Categories: appreciation, beautiful, beauty, courage, hope, innocence, love,

Love Like I Never Been Hurt

I'm going to love with no shame, tired of loosing at love's game
Alert, Alert, I'm going to love like I've never been hurt. 
 I've suffered so much not being able, to love you the way you needed me to, it was easy to say I'm through.  Oh, love take my hand, I'm ready, I will, and I can.

I'm going to love like I've never been hurt before, I refuse to run or even walk out of love's door. I'm going to love until it hurts, tears please no squirts. Realizing, I have nothing to lose, today I am ready to choose.

by Mike Gentile |
Categories: life, love, wisdom,

A Sunset Love

To want something so much
                           sometimes, just isn’t good
To spend a life in need, wanting, hoping
                                         is no way to live
I think it shows in your eyes
It drives people away

Love was something that I wanted above all
It was worth any effort
      I suffered many, many disappointments
I learned finally, that I had
          to be totally happy with myself, alone
It wasn’t until then, later in life
that I found you
My sunset love

by Barbara Peckham |
Categories: appreciation, devotion, thanks, tribute, war,

To a Veteran

Thank you for your faith
In the country you so love
That you’d offer up your life
In a cataclysmic strife.
Thank you for your courage
Although you shook inside.
You did all that was needed
No matter what the price.
The noise of guns and mortar
Convulsed the fetid air
You saw beloved comrades
Lie bleeding at your side.
You suffered pain and conflict
When required to kill another
Against what you’d been taught,
To love, not hate, your brother.
We call you strong and brave, 
And admire your fortitude.
But the toll that it has taken
Is in your mind and soul.
To kill for love of country
And the freedoms we possess
Takes strength we can’t imagine
And thanks are not enough.

by Juliet Ligon |
Categories: faith, forgiveness, god, hope, jesus, joy, love,

All Glory Belongs To the Lord

Unblemished One, who knew no sin,
Suffered faithful, our souls to win.
For sinners, Jesus' blood was poured.
All glory belongs to the Lord!

Sing praises to the God of life
Who provides hope, conquers all strife.
He rose again; His spirit soared.
All glory belongs to the Lord!

Forgiving all unholy deeds,
With stunning love, His spirit leads.
He gives us grace none can afford.
All glory belongs to the Lord!

Give us strength to mimic the same:
Faith, hope, and love in Jesus' name.
Let us rejoice in one accord!
All glory belongs to the Lord!

Contest: In Praise Of God
Sponsor: Kim Rodriguez

by Terry Miller |
Categories: love,

Before You

I never noticed diamonds in the sky before;
so mindless, let such moments pass me by before.

I never glanced a passing smile upon a face
of utter loveliness; it made me cry before.

I never hearkened such sweet, honeyed voice, so fell
upon the siren spell of Lorelei before

I never felt the brush of lips against my own
that were as soft as wings of butterfly before.

I never gave away the key that would unlock
my to heart be a caravanserai before.

I never suffered dawns sharp, stabbing agony 
of partings, sorrow pain that I could die before.

I never knew it possible to soar so high;
and why? For there was not a you and I before.

by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: desire, fear, spiritual,

The Past Is Dead

The past is dead, future unborn
and whilst we’ve suffered and have bled,
our presence has been by love led,
though between fears and desires torn,
until feral ego is shorn
but enough about such things said;
the past is dead.

Each soul a unique unicorn,
in this life upon earth does tread,
melding with love, both heart and head,
igniting form which we adorn.
The past is dead.

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: hate, war, world,

Listen To the Children

We are all immigrants
We all have temporary residence here
This land is ours and theirs, yours and mine
We are humanity, stronger joined than apart
Never turn your back on a hungry child
You may be in the right
Lacking compassion
Makes you wrong
The disciples were scolded
Let the children come unto me he said
Life is filled with hardships, yes we all have suffered
So let your suffering hold some merit
Lay down your guns and loud voices
If only for the children
If you dance and celebrate for them
They shall lead you on to peace on earth

Note: A famous person once said "When they love their children, more than they hate us, we shall have peace"

by Harry Horsman |

The Conversation

Love and the Cook

I asked a simple question
need to know your suggestion
I know that you love me
I know I am your sweet pea
so what’s this indigestion?

Love and the Situation

Honey I think we are sinking
the tides coming in I am thinking
but then love is above all
did I hear a love bird call?
No it’s the sand in my eye winking.

Love and the Goddess

There was a girl from Philadelphia
who suffered from polydipsia
her lover’s advice she did seek
a holiday in ancient Greek
to drink the waters of Hestia.

© Harry J Horsman  2011

by Albert Ahearn |
Categories: death, life, love,


I have been dead for many years; entombed in a mausoleum of viscera and rigid bones. There were no prayers or eulogy spoken on my worthless behalf. Within the tomb lies a stone-cold, dead heart and a extinguished soul. Both suffered a long, lonely death; its cause was flagrancy and strife; until one day she came along with an amorous kiss of life that resurrected my remains infused them with vitality and a different man was reborn.

by John Squires |
Categories: christian, jesus,

I Belong To Jesus

I belong to Jesus
He gave His life for me
He made my life divine
With His blood He paid for me

The life He lived was perfect
He suffered for my sin
I belong to Jesus
Because I let Him in

Now He is my Master
Leading me in love
I belong to Jesus
And He waits for me above

by Keith Logan |
Categories: heart, love, romance,

My Heart Belongs To You

My heart I found belonged to you;
ached to be by your side again!
And wondered did you love me too?

Or had you missed a vital clue,
and suffered I alone in vain?
My heart I found belonged to you.

While this discovery yet was new,
I wept to feel my heart might drain,
and wondered did you love me too?

The depth of feeling inward grew,
I fought composure to maintain!
My heart I found belonged to you.

I thought about what might ensue,
if I should make my feelings plain!
And wondered did you love me too?

I fret now over time we knew,
innocent past would fain sustain!
My heart I found belongs to you,
and wonders do you love me too?

by Laura Leiser |
Categories: fantasy, love,

Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time, a King sang a song
A voice so fine, making a Princess' heart rejoice
But still in school, she sat against her will
Sitting, wishing to retreat to him, his lips kissing
Alas, undiscovered, this true gem pined and suffered
The wise king, whose intelligence, known far and wide
Searched diligently, for a blessed maiden to come willingly
Then, behold, a guiding light leading to her home
Her laughter, his strength, their love endured ever after. 

Written on 2/9/2015

by Eve Roper |
Categories: inspirational,

With Love and Forgiveness In His Heart

                                                       Lead by God
                                                 We are all the same
                                           It is never too late to change
                             He gave us the B-attitudes by which we’re to live
        For He suffered by being put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit

By: Eve Roper

 Syllables Per Line: 9 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21

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