Love Poems About Suffer or Suffer Love Poems
by Charlie Smith |
Categories: giving, love,

Love's Reflection

Love neither gives or takes but from itself. Be not wiled by fantasies of arrogance. Take no more than is offered by yourself. Leave nothing trapped in tortured irrelevance. Seek not a barter for desires that sue your heart. Worthiness is the only tender that comes due. Suffer willingly the melody of pain it may impart. Bleed joyfully from the wounds that will ensue. As tree branches lift their hopes towards Heaven's door, hands together reaching higher than alone will seek heights that love's imagination most beautifully implores that from a poets words unending ecstasy must speak. Whatever you desire your life to be, may loves reflection be all you see

by Craig Cornish |
Categories: cancer,

The Topic of Cancer

God, so cruel a plague upon me,
dreams crushed, forsaken,
even as I hopefully step
where the sun leaves me to smile
for those brief but celebrated 

Through tear blurred windows
dear hearts that suffer more than I
can despise their suffering -
much more than my own sad fate.
I'm called brave but it is they
who smile through pain,
struggle for the right words.

They need not speak.
How lucky I have been
no matter my end
to have known such love.

by Elizabeth Wesley |
Categories: lost love, me, sweet, me, sweet,

Only Make Believe

Love me though it's only make believe
Kiss me though I really know
You hold me close to just deceive;
Let that one sweet second flow
Over me lest it sink and break
My poor heart, for pity's sake.

Lend me faith for my belief
Give me from your eyes a smile;
Take away this wretched grief
And hold me close a little while.
I suffer now and surely know
You tease me with my forlorn woe.

Sing to me sweet and low
Tell me that you gently weave
Dreams of me although I know
You only play at make believe.
It hurts so much although it's plain
You are the one who scorns my pain.

by Laura Leiser |
Categories: christian, jesus, love,

Red Redemption

The Rose of Sharon bled holy red
with a crown of thorns upon His head
His blood flowed through time and space
pleased the Father, covered our disgrace.

How great Thou art, oh spotless Lamb
to suffer for the sins of man
innocent, beaten, torn and scarred
healed by Your stripes from eternal harm.

Believe in the power of the blood
shed freely on that cross above
cleansed and forgiven if we believe
new life is given if we receive.

The Rose of Sharon bled holy red
with a crown of thorns upon His head.

by Ibad Sultan |
Categories: boyfriend, break up, cute love, girlfriend, love, true love, valentines day,


We slept together
We dreamt together
We saw a dream of nurturing our emotions
We saw a dream of growing our love
We saw a dream of integrating our souls
But then
You woke up and walked away
I was there to suffer the pain
of our unaccomplished dream.

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: care, love, pain,

Seed of Concern

My Lord,

Give us the will
To overcome our heartless indifference for
Those who suffer 

So as 

Able us to be,
In the ever-stretching desert of apathy, your  
Seed of concern to sow! 

© Demetrios Trifiatis
   02 NOVEMBER 2014

by Elizabeth Wesley |
Categories: happiness, me,


Forlorn are they who can't find love
When aching tears hide smiles;
Drifting through life on their weary way
As lost and lonely sad exiles.

Forlorn are they whose hungry lips
Kiss vacant air but never touch;
The tender mouth of one they love
Lingers there to suffer much.

But dear to me is the one I trust
When I see that look in his eyes;
I will hold his hand throughout the day
And in the night find true paradise.

Not for me should one feel grief
For in him I've found my light;
I'll walk and hold his hand by day
And sleep in his arms at night.

A collab with my friend "Danny boy" Kearley

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: beauty, cry, desire, love,

Kiss the Wind

I want you to love me
I want you to hold me
I want you to be my woman
I want to lust for eternity

For this I plant a kiss
Upon the breast of your heart
For this, roses were made to exist
Your scent blooms inside of me

I am consumed
With the thought of you
I wish to be buried by your essence
As I whisper so softly

For all my desires
I suffer in hells fires
I kiss the winds
As I leave this world

You belong to me

by Mike Martin |
Categories: brother, death, emotions, grief,

I Can Only Wish

I buried my boys today
Thirteen wasn't bad enough
What a pain in my heart
It's mine now, gone from them
They suffer no more

More than a hundred years
Barely seen half of that
I can only wish
Brothers to the very end
I can only wish

Love to take my boys out
Take them out all day
Take them to the running field
Run the while away
I can only wish

Love to buy my boat back
Buy it back all day
Wish I had my old boat
Wish I’d fish today
If I could only fish

by Shubham Kamble |
Categories: for her, for him, hurt, lost love, love hurts, pain, sad love,

Unrequited Love

Why did everything had to happen this way?
Why do I still think of it? It's over anyway.
Of your heart, I always wanted to be a part.
Unrequited, fallen to the ground, is my heart shattered apart.

One might be strong to collect those pieces fallen.
But to join them again who would self embolden?
For they know, its shape it would ultimately retain,
But exposing its scars, its marks would always remain.

Worst pain you would suffer, still more you would have to pay.
For death is worst some may say .
But it's not, when embraced everyday.

by Mustapha Mohammed |
Categories: angel, love,

The Angel 2

This in the greyish clouds I see
My lover's eyes like a phoenix flame
It's honeyed glow melted into me
When the mist drifted upon the plains.

A presence of calming reasssurance
That I'd suffer not this life alone
A whisper of hope,a sweet entrance
You've given in this life forlorn.

Each day brings its thorn and gloom
Each day a tear,each day a feared
Wretched,joyless,boundless doom
When mute is the springtime air.

But you've armed my heart with joy
And lipped my soul with grace
When the world sought to destroy
Your love beaming down my face.

by Jslambert Mister Roboto |
Categories: allegory, angst, death, dedication, depression, faith, forgiveness, health, introspection, life, loss, lost love, people, philosophy, recovery from..., religion, sad, socialmirror,

Guilty Reflection

Looking dead at me in this smeared mirror...
a lost man
face red
and teared

stacking excuses 
the longer I stare
this stress abuses 
my conscience with a glare

a guilty reflection warns
my mind is the prison I fear
as I long to escape 
from the  hell I dwell in
right here

who have I become? 
what have I done right?
crossroads appear suddenly 
as fog fills the mirror tonight

darkness owning the room,
prefers I suffer slow
so I proceed with speed 
because it’s the only way I know

tasteless stories
flood my life’s hard bound chapters 
while this smeared mirror reflects tears
dripping from a face 
which was once filled with laughter.

by Isabella Seccombe |
Categories: loveheart, heart, lonely, love,


He did not love her, yet she adored him. 
For the naive soul who fell all alone,
Ablaze with a fiery yearn for him,
Her Fondness met with a heart of cold stone.

Wept as the fire died, saw embers of him.
The embers burnt black, and she became scarred.
Discovered merely hatred within him,
The truth was unveiled and her heart was charred. 

To be lonely in love is to suffer,
No solace in solitude it is grim,
Dreams are lonely with only one owner,
She wants to share her dream of love with him.

To love him, to love you, is all I ask
Let my heart find peace and remove my mask.

by Keith Bickerstaffe |
Categories: devotion


...for Juvie

Whene'er you feel distress my own heart aches,
that you should suffer so without release,
I would sustain the hurt for both our sakes,
absorb the pain, and set your soul at peace.
For I can ne'er be still whilst you are fill'd
wih anguish, your tranquillity diseas'd,
we two as one, our aggravations spilled
and blended 'til the torment be appeas'd.
To find a way from darkness into light,
to cast away our feelings of despair
we will prevail, that all our days be bright,
and you shall rest content within my care.
   This spell of sadness soon will disappear,
   for with my love you'll overcome your fear.

by Curtis Forsythe |
Categories: introspection, parents, sorry,

Some Day

Did our parents not have better things to do-
better things than to suffer our indifference-
our rebellion-
better things to do than return to us love
for hatefulness-
patients for intolerance-
self sacrifice for our selfishness?

Seems that they could never get it right-
In every thing we thought ourselves wise-
our parents foolish-
then the worst thing they ever did
was to go and die-
they died and took with them
all we now ache to know-
but now never will- 

we were just too wrapped up-
too wrapped up in ourselves to ask them-
we always thought there would be time-

by Jan Allison |
Categories: for him, love hurts,

Don'T Let Her Steal Your Heart Away

Like a thief in the night she stole your heart But I’ve seen the way you look at her ... It was simply love at first sight She has curves in all the right places You simply can’t keep your hands off her I can no longer compete for your attention Ladies.... Why do we have to suffer when men get a new car! 12th August 2015

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: clothes,

Just Two Pairs of Shoes

I have inside my wardrobe many clothes
composed of dresses, blouses, slacks and tops,
and as the number of these items grows,
so does my footwear. Lord, it never stops!

I’m not too good at throwing stuff away
except for things from when I was size nine!
So I can change my outfits day to day.
I love variety. It is divine!

I match accessories and jewelry
with all my clothing with its many hues.
I think I’d suffer from anxiety
without a rather large supply of shoes!

If just two pairs of shoes were all I owned,
I’d somehow have to get them color-cloned!

Aug. 1, 2017 for the Two Pair of Shoes Contest of John Lawless

by Hgarvey Daniel Esquire |
Categories: family, friendship, loveinspirational,

L O V E - 2

Could YOUR Heart, hold all the TEARS; that Life has shed in LOVE
Would YOU Gallantly suffer, Sorrow, for the Memory of Eternal LOVE
Should YOU empty an Ocean of Tears to revive YOUR Everlasting LOVE
Does YOUR mind Reminisce, about the First Kiss, igniting the Flame of LOVE

                                                   To Be Cont.
           With LOVE ALWAYS and FOREVER, YOUR Liege…HG
             Dedicated to all the Inspirational POETESS’ and POETS
                               My POETRYSOUP FAMILY 
       Special Thanks to Shannon Deane for Her Gracious Comments

by Tanya Edwards |
Categories: mother

Oh Foolish Man

Oh foolish man,
how dare you interpret your
Manly roar
To a lionesses protection
Oh, foolish man
If only you could see into a
 female's heart, 
How fierce, how noble, how pure,
It's very being, vibrating with love
With hope, and sometimes, yes, with blindness,
Oh, how we suffer,
only to produce another, possible
foolish man into the world
oh, think twice,
Just another day in living
In your own fool's paradise

by Abdul Malik |
Categories: lost love,

Love My Way

Love, you have given me nothing but pain,
Heartache, sleepless nights and loneliness,
Why do you make me suffer so?
My days are dour and nights grim,
I cannot breathe easy;
Did I do you wrong?
Tell me but once,
Oh, why me?
I ask,
who have
loved you so,
I want nothing
of this world's riches
But to love and be loved,
Song on my lips and blue sky,
And I have hope and faith in love,
I am not ready to turn my back
For I know love will come my way again!

Contest Entry: Double reverse Etheree of Shadow Hamilton
Date: 09/19/2014

by Chittaranjan Dey |
Categories: love, romance, love,

Feel the Same My Baby

Your loveliness, Your voice, Your tone of skin, The color of your lips, The softness of your Careless beauty, All are memories etched Into my mind and soul. I suffer everyday, I love you babe. Even though so far away Alone at night When I look to the sky And think about you, Then ask myself why ? I'm in love with you. I have a picture of you Scorched in my mind Only to find you, Even in the collyrium, Lamp-black darkness. Your love surrounds me Stupendous galore. A sense of completion And overflowing pride. Feel the same my babe You are loved so much. __________________ Thank you for reading. Chitta.

by Christi Kopp |
Categories: angst, death, loss, sadday,

Final Days

Thoughts of a world without you
Make me cringe.
I felt you were invincible.
You were the constant,
The strength when I could carry the pain no more.
Always the courage when I was afraid.
My sole source for true love,
Love independent of my success or failure.
Never could I imagine this day would come.
Now, death grips your hand tighter than life.
I try to be strong.
I hope I am brave.
I pray every day I find your traits in me.
The hours seem to fly.
Tomorrow floats so far ahead.
Nothing is certain,
Each breath could be the last.
I weep, sad for the impending loss.
Yet joyous in the knowledge
Soon you will suffer no more.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: friend, heart,

Your Special Heart

One ventricle inside your heart have you
while everybody else I know has two!
It causes you to suffer; this I know.
Yet here you are surviving. In fact, you glow!

Your heart, although not perfect physically
is twice as durable spiritually,
for love to others gracefully do you impart
so well, dear Chantelle, with your special heart

March 3, 2021 
for Chantelle Anne Cooke's Heart Harp Harmony Poetry Contest

by Elizabeth Wesley |
Categories: lost loveheart, heart, love,

Fan the Flame

Fan the flame that burns within,
If we’ve found love it can’t be sin.
Your touch makes my heart take flight,
To suffer that which seems so right.

I long to touch you when we meet,
But take the path of sad retreat.
You cannot know just how to find,
Things that hurt my troubled mind.

All that is should not have been,
For that which was is but a dream.
For those who love but have much pride,
Are those who jest and set aside.

No need to fan the flame so blue,
For shades of dark have hurt the hue;
But in my heart I call your name,
For in my soul there’s too much pain.

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: hope, loss, pain, visionary, war,

The Curtain of Pain Fell Upon Us

The cotton runs high in the Taliban sky
Resistance continues, into the south.
I watch nightly news with a heavy sigh 
Not letting judgments escape from my mouth. 

I see the pain that rues life for the same 
For their families each suffer loss too.
For those seeking revenge or seeking fame 
They know not what damage to souls they do. 

Children need to come first, not the adverse 
In a sinful will that tears life apart.
Bless all who try to obtain a reverse
That fight for God's light that dwells in their heart.

May love spread throughout in pink healing light
That peace may finally dwell with insight. 
