Love Poems About Spider or Spider Love Poems
by Bozhidar Pangelov |
Categories: missing you,


Behind the black olives redianted*
the moon this night
is handing over a bloomed sign.
Why are you going to bed alone
in colorful bed sheets?
Hear! In Syracusae troubadours are singing
in one love,
about that while you burn into,
you burn endlessly.
But you are falling asleep.
A domestic bird, hidden
behind curtains of brocade
and pressed her lips on a golden spider.

A homeless night in the black olives
and a sound of our Beyond.

* ? neologism created by the author expressing that something is shined on by radiance

by James Peranteau |
Categories: father, love, son,

My Man


        "Am I a man

           "You are

        Spider man
          Iron man
         And when 
 I am old and frail son

           I pray


by Katherine Braithwaite |
Categories: humorous, lost love, lust,

Yet Another Lover

When yet another lover flees my cat sized bed
and leaves me wild and comely in the night
I wonder if it's unknown words I've read
Or is it that my eyes have taken flight?

I tempt the sin with all my female parts.
They feel I'm like a spider with a bat,
to cure ,devour,digest my ghoulish pests,
They think they should be learning on the sat.

But some who mind me feel they have been robbed.
I give them all detention,I'm a liar.
I give them generous fare and sing sheeps' songs.
I give them comfort like a hellish fire

Oh,come back ,bad boy ,don't desert me yet,
The clothes I thrashed for you are not quite set.

by Tony Bush |
Categories: life, lost love, love, sad, wedding,

Empty Church

The day the earth stood still, 
bells suspended in the tower, 
chimes froze in vacant space, 
nullified the hour. 
Her veil like spider web, 
stiff with Winter frost, 
hung upon the mannequin head, 
poignant and lost. 
His buttonhole carnation, 
a bullet wound lapel, 
blood red with cautious dying, 
in the dresser fell. 
And all the best laid plans 
unravel seam by seam, 
faint echoes in an empty church, 
never more to dream.

by J. Tudor |
Categories: emotions, giving, solitude,

For Ways To Speak

Tonight there are broken bits of moon
scattered about the surface of a rippled pond,
trying to draw themselves together again
like a broken web of spider silk after a rain.
If I were a window, I would open myself
and let you hear the spaces that surround
these broken bits of light, small dancing shards
of my heart folding itself inward around
the words I would once have spoken.
But now, I can't let the words
trickle through my own mind,
I can never let them get to my tongue
or even to my fingertips...
I am becoming my own silence.

...but love,
love cries for ways to speak.

by Eve Roper |
Categories: fairy, fantasy, love,

Spring Love

A fervent fairy
In romantic dream
Holds a watering
Can, flitting over
Her daisy sweetheart.

Morning sunlight
Obscure bee whirs,
Round fair-haired face
Tease twinkle toes.

Mice clamor, 
Hedgehog rolls 
Heather blooms.




by David Paquin |
Categories: friendship, life, love, mirror, universe,


Weaving the fabric of a sunken universe
Gliding the winds of a bottomless curse
Little spider, hanging in my head
Free of the wings that really are chains

Forging a mirror that never shatters
A mirror that does not exist
Little spider, aching in my head
Blind and deaf, drowned in ecstacy

Crawling in the pain of bliss
Seeking the sweets of sickness
Little spider, dying in my head
Torn from itself, immune to embrace

"At least, be humane", so that's what they said
Hold on to your pain, for it is your cocaine
Little spider, growing in my head
Here is the world, cradle of the dead

by Shelley Murray-Foreman |
Categories: autumn,


Spider webs are laced in silver
Grass shimmers like frosted glass
Leaves are crunching under the feet
Of people as they pass

The world smells crisp and clean
And my breath hangs in the air
The branches of the trees reach up
Autumn has made them bare

I love those autumn mornings
When everything feels brand new
All the colours are bright and bold
And the skies are clear and blue

by Debbie Wagoner |
Categories: lifelove,

Toxic Love

I sit in your webb  of destruction waiting 
waiting for the bite that will be suffocating 
turning my love into death 
as the spider takes his last dying breath, 

Toxic love, the only love I know 
smack in the fsce was the way I was shown 
Go to your room and disappear 
stop that crying right this moment did you not here? 

As I sit in this webb of toxic loneliness 
I make my final dying wish 
to take this one risk 
and let someone know i did exist. 

Debbie Wagoner 5/27/10

by Ivo Cos |
Categories: allegory, anxiety, business, simple, sympathy, tribute, word play,

Such a Nice Guy

Wesley Melvin Buchan, also known as Wesmechan,
 was a pusillanimous and a good-for-nothing,
 although some people consider him a charlatan,
this scoundrel's office runs like a three-ring

circus. Oddly enough, many his coworkers and
classmates fear him no end, like a spider obsessed
with the asphyxia of planets, but the magic wand,
however, whether you like it or not, will infest

your brain and your wallet. Far from being a panegyric
this is indeed a diatribe, injected by venomous expletives,
deserved by this lunkhead, Wesley, a most idiotic
waste of space but I love him, although he's not my relative.

by Russell Sivey |
Categories: halloween, nostalgia,

Awaiting Halloween

My front door, the color of pumpkins As a skeleton adorns the screen door Jack-o-lanterns plenty about the porch And spider webs exist upon the floor Owl sits on the deformed tree in the yard Filled with many spooky eyes in the holes A scarecrow stands guarding my open gate Cats, all black, run around looking for moles A witch laughing sits in a dark corner Moving to the sound of a passerby We wait for the first sign of fearful kids On Halloween night, I love it, no lie Russell Sivey

by Deborah Burch |
Categories: funny, nature, romance, satire,

Black Widow--Trochee

Black Widow

We made love in the arbour
And loft--out of sight,
Then three times at the harbour
As the day turned night.

Let's go into the parlour
In the candle light,
There's no more time for ardour.
I'm ready to--Bite!

©Deborah Burch 


*Note: the black widow spider is known for killing and eating her male counterpart after she has exhausted him from all the 'love making'--mating.

by Ken Carroll |
Categories: beauty, desire, love,

Spider Lady

She is like the spider
weaving delicate lace
drawing me to her
magnets of air and light
flowing like time
from your web...

I run to her
pools of silver shimmer
jumping from leaf to leaf
the path trodden
across soft ground 
between the lines
"I'm in love with her"
I say...

Bounding black hair
as the little stream fades
leading me to your parlor
into the east forever
held in the suns balance
I write these words of amor
"I love You!"
~ ~ ~ ~

by Rajat Kanti Chakrabarty |
Categories: storm,

A Storm

Storm raged winnowing out the fen
Panic clustered in the heart of glen
we two were out not knowing the fact
We will be caught in the act

The young storm gave us a real scare 
Hanging like a spider in mid air
Beckoned us on to her fuzzy golden web
We embraced each other the storm in rave

We fought against the divulging squall
Trees were falling under convulsing wall 
We kissed and kissed with our love in lug
The storm was laughing naked and smug

When sun rose with his rosy pink face
We were watching the hues of God's grace.

Pick a Subject - Poetry Contest

Sponsor	Shadow Hamilton
Subject: Storm

1st February, 2015

by Cherie Durbin |
Categories: children


Ladybugs are beetles.
They eat aphids and mites, too.
They are red and spotted.
I love ladybugs, don't you?

Bonus activity: Inform children that ladybugs are a gardener's friend, as they devour 
the aphids and spider mites that destroy a gardener's plants. Some gardeners even 
purchase ladybugs from home and garden centers to sprinkle on their plants!

by Itsoghole Solomon |
Categories: betrayal, crazy, irony, love, nonsense, silly, valentines day,

Loving Me In Another Man's Arms

She is loving me
But in another man’s arms
Her heart she says is longing for me 
Her body she lays cuddled in a man’s arms.

Her heart for me
And her body given to him
Her body she withhold from me
And her heart given to me she denies him.

She plays a love
Like a single in a double act
Her body and heart differs in love
As the clouds kiss the water, she awes the act.

But a witty spider
She entangles in her web  
A cockroach and lures a gecko, rather
The gecko preys on it and the roach tore its web.

by Mel Brake |
Categories: allegory, imagery, insect, life, love, mystery, spiritual,

And Along Came a Spider

Sometimes the wholeness of the universe
Comes along like a black widow spider
On a thin thread and stops in front of one’s face

From fear and dread
All time stops
As the eight-legged spider
With eighty-eight eyes stare directly

Consumed with death and obituaries
Sleeplessness nights and tragic endings
The black widow spider a symbol of eternity and 
life cycles like the center of the universe pauses

by Darlene Gifford |
Categories: death, destiny, love, romance,

The Garden Spider's Date

A feisty female spider

felt a plucking on her web.

And she let a yellow suitor in,

who crawled among her threads.

And when the night was ending,

she could not let him go,

because the lives inside her now,

needed nourishment to grow.

Some day she'd tell her babies,

the gift of life their daddy gave.

And how, almost, right up until 

the very end, he was so very brave. 


by Thomas Martin |
Categories: animal, environment, love,

Issa's Spider

issa's spider
turn off the vaccuum

by Brittany Reynolds |
Categories: animals, death, life, nature,

A Spider's Hunt

The spider sits upon his web
casting snares with each little thread
“Come play, come play with me” he said.
“A simple game to play, called Ebb.”

“No, no, no,” said the zooming fly.
“It’s clear that you are a bad guy.”

“I won’t play,” said a mottled moth.
“I won’t go near your sticky cloth.”

“I’m much too busy,” said the ant.
“I’d love to play, but I just can’t.”

The spider sits upon his weave,
cleaning up after a stray leaf,
and says in quiet disbelief,
“I’m not as bad as you believe.”

“No, you’re not,” agrees a song bird.
“You agree?” as threads were secured.
“No worse than I am,” he assured.
The spider’s response is unheard.

by Vee Bdosa |
Categories: fun, humor, imagination, nature,

It Ain'T Nursery Rhymes Haiku

     (It's haiku by Shiraito)
Three little kittens
jumped over the candle stick
Mama goose is sick

peas porridge is hot
can't get to heaven on a watermelon rind
Mama goose is loose

old man Humpty Dumpt
sat in a corner on his rumpt
squashed a big spider

hear the mourning dove
got a big hole in my glove
I might be in love

one potato two potato
twenty-six potato more
Susie's a floozie

come ride on my swing
you can sit right on my lap
we'll pump to the sky
SHIRAITO aka vee bdosa the doylestown poet
aka ron wilson

by Charlie Knowlton |
Categories: break up, love, marriage,

Honeymoon Haiku

hermit crab
                            and recluse spider
                            i give it a week

by Funom Makama |
Categories: i am, imagery, imagination, psychological, sick,

Schizophrenias Temple- Hope I Am Making Sense

The suffering inflicted when I was George Bush I’ll gladly take back. This is my calling to give back to society. Love and fulfillment are fakes, I’ll not give in evil and good, all I can handle and take in hard work is a fluke and a trap to stop me from giving myself an applause. Nature can give its all, which is why the sun is black someone’s always telling me to go to the nearest bank and take it all. I love the idea because, I just watched a spider grow to a Hippopotamus then I realize I can take down the arm forces to please my possibility of glory in deliverance to mega winning lottery. Hope I am making sense!

by Russell Sivey |
Categories: animal, nature, drug,

All About the Spider

One thing that spiders always love to do Spin their webs of mastery just for you Beauty of their fine, silvery web strings Holding each drop of water in its rings The center holds the granddaddy of all Creator of this masterpiece installed He sits just waiting for the naive bug Then he kills it with his engrossing drug The spider can build this web in one night Some webs are quite the incredible sight Web makes it through many types of weather Even powerful storms could not bother Spider spins all of its webbing just right Web and spider work together with might
Russell Sivey Contest: Along Came a Spider...... Sponsor: Suzanne Delaney 6/2/2013

by Sammy Lykens |
Categories: nature,

The Nature of All Things

I love to go strolling
Through the deep woods
And see all that nature unfolds
Hearing the sounds
And seeing the sights
Are marvelous just to behold
The sparrow reminds me
that God always sees
Each one that may fall from it's nest
And each little creature
Seen or unseen
God tenderly each day invests
The spider that intricately
Weaves out his web
And the robin who
Sings his sweet song
Are just among many
A spectacular thing
I witness as I walk along
In the beginning
When God made it all
He smiled when he heard nature sing
Now you and I can enjoy the created
And that is
The nature of all things