Love Poems About Sloth or Sloth Love Poems
by Samuel Byrd |
Categories: beauty, bereavement, death, death of a friend, eulogy, sister, sympathy,

Angel Returned To Heaven

An angel returned to heaven today
deployed to erase gluttonous hate
from envy's grasp love is pulled away

To bring order to disarray
supplying hope while replacing sloth 
An angel returned to heaven today

Armed with beauty, charm and compassion
pride is now faced with a trained assassin
whether with song, a smile, a shoulder or ear
greed, anger and lust is sent running in fear

An angel returned to heaven today
after years of service in the field
from the mission never did she stray

In our hearts she will forever stay
so, let us remember, let us rejoice
cause our angel returned to heaven on this day

by John Lawless |
Categories: sin,


For what is pride but an ego's false facade

Greed a fallow field of need

Lust a liars claim of love

Wrath a harbinger of hate

Gluttony a beggars fitful dream

Envy a failures silken cloak

Sloth an active acquiescence

by Jacqueline R. Mendoza |
Categories: black african american, christian, devotion, faith, religion, religious, spiritual,

Two Kinds of Sin and Its Types

Two kinds of sin are Original
Original sin is from our first parent disobedience
Actual sin has two types Mortal sin
Venial, daily or 7 Capital/Deadly Sins
Chief Sources of Actual Sin
Pride, Covetousness, lust, anger
Gluttony, Envy and Sloth or Laziness
Vices are Humility, Liberty, Chastity
Meekness, Temperance and Brotherly love


by Sophia Valentina |
Categories: flower,

The Lilies Gave Me Nightmares

My Lover’s heartfelt tithing setting by my bedside looms.
For his comment undermining, gave a gift of Lily blooms,
but the bouquet ever blossoms off intoxicating fumes
and the blunder of my Lover unbeknownst becomes my doom….
What augurs well, perchance foretell! The Lilies shroud my tomb?

So drifting off through slumber soft my summer sloth descends
into the blue, the muddled hue before the black begins
and dreams supreme replaced by screams as Nightmare settles in.
For if I die before I wake, eternity to spend!
I pray my Love, my Soul, to take the lilies back again.

by Laura Breidenthal |
Categories: animals,

The Sloth

slow and steady
beady eyes, furry
what's not to love?

by Mydavolu Venkatasesha Sathyanarayana |
Categories: romance,

Disturb Me Not

Disturb not my peace! Oh flowers!
With thy sweet scents, that haunt, daunt
Worse, thy prattle with butterflies
Lest her thoughts retrace my heart; taunt

Disturb not my sloth! Oh silly winds
With thy grating, gyrating caresses
You rind my confidence, I had
Been pretending with courage-false

Disturb not my silence! Oh senses!
With dreams, desires and promises
I spurned long ago your finesse
When she took my love; gave distress

by Dale Gregory Cozart |
Categories: lost love,

Black Orchid

I drank bottles
of potent optimism,
trampling impatiens 
in the garden bed.

In love's labyrinth
I stumbled in the hedges,
emerging to disengorge
in a plaster fountain
under a starless sky.

I awoke a sloth
in morning's garish chasm,
the silent telephone blooming
like a black orchid.

by Liliana Negoi |
Categories: lost love

Absolute Sinner

forgive me lover for i have sinned,
i tasted all seven deadly sins:
pride - when i dreamed that i deserved such a total love,
greed - when i wanted you just for myself,
wrath - when rebelling against your need for distance,
sloth - when i prayed for my death instead of your life,
envy - when others talk to you and you to them, but i just watch,
gluttony - when reading each word of yours like the holy book,
lust - whenever you're in my thoughts...
so tell me, lover...
would a lifetime of "i love you"'s be penitence enough?

by Nirode Ray |
Categories: love, valentines day,

My Valentine

You are the warmth in winter sloth
melody of tulips when spring froths	
cool comfort in summer scorch
sound of silence as autumn falls.

You lighten me up as I dismay
your elfin smile charms my sleazy day
I see your face and my fear fades away
you are my love in every adoring way.

Sometime, life tastes musty, sadly!
we squander moments in shades
I even stumble to thank you
and forget to wish you well.

Today I desert the world and the rest
take a pause, hand you a rose, scarlet red
kiss your lips in an adolescent way
feel you deep like a tree that roots in its soil
whisper in your ears and softly say
you are my love, my Valentine!
today, and every single day.

by Cody Turner |
Categories: familybeautiful, heart, beautiful, heart, love,

Family Lovin

A beautiful feeling it is
To be loved by so many
All the warmth from there hearts
And the love that they send me

Love with a purpose
Love with a view
Love viewing from the sky heights
Saying we sent this to you

Beautiful feelings do come and go
When they do come they come slow
Like a sloth in a tree
Moving slowly at ease

At one’s final boiling point 
There love you begin to see
Filling your cold heart with there warmth
And sets the sadness in your heart free

A beautiful feeling it is
To have a loving family
With there love I will gain strength 
And nothing will ever sadden me

by Sami Larose |
Categories: poets,

My Pen Is Mightier Than Your Sword

I’ve got pens for days
All the bad things in my life
Suddenly became a have
The sun shine and light is all I see now
I had started to feel so much like a sloth
Then I stepped outside
And took sight of the light
Life suddenly changed for the better
Life became love
It was there all along
Hidden within my heart
I should of looked there
Right from the start
I almost let life pass me by
I was on auto pilot
Thank goodness for the positive thoughts
They saved me 
From becoming,; lost within the dark

by Balveen Cheema |
Categories: anger, cry, feelings, joy, lost love, lust, sin,

The Deadly Seven

Like an indolent sloth I lay effortlessly in my mother's womb

With a cry I floated out into the devilish world of harbouring sins

As a dwarf gluttony kept me in peace and in a happy mode

Wobbling on my toes I showed violent anger at my mother's divided attention

I grew envious at the arrival of little siblings that brooked in all my tension

The joy in my world often corroded as I lusted for love and over possessiveness

Over the years the dwarfed sins grew up into a gigantic pride 

After conquering and strapping in my wilful sinister vices 

All frustrations burnt down to ashes for a fulfilled life of virtues

January 28, 2016

Contest: The Deadly Seven

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade,

Bee Observes Bear Family

Mama bear pins up clothes on the line.
April day is wonderful, breeze is so fine.
Grandma is in the kitchen, tasting vinegar wine.
Children and husband are waiting to dine.

Little brother is doing a chicken dance goofing off.
Siblings are laughing, observant deer gives a cough.
Daddy brings a compliment, he is no sloth.
Best day in the spring, according to gossip McGoff.

I linger in my bee hive watching the bear family.
They appear as normal as any bear family can be.
I love watching their excitement from my dangling hive from the tree.
No one has any idea all of the activity this bee can see.

by Cynthia Shelton |
Categories: love, love hurts, relationship,

Sonnet To a Bad Habit

On selfish whim I hold tight to your heart
and offer crumbs to stay your tender flirt.
In truth, I wish to consciously avert
an earnest practice of your lovers art.
For if a flash of sloth sent Cupid's dart,
the "L" word from my foolish lips in blurt,
I cannot promise you would not be hurt.
Better to avoid the intimate start,
and save us both the misery of fact;
we are mismatched by nature for the roles
of mates intent upon domestic pact.
We do not share an all-important goal
of mine to Live Life Large Inside, and act
on need for true companion to the soul.

by Mv Venkataraman |
Categories: bereavement, dream, feelings,

Vanishes Life With Unfulfilled Wishes

Life will cross many decades
Come and go many comrades
At last, stays only loneliness
We meet end with helplessness

Many losses and many defeats
We leave with incomplete feats
Our life is taken in a flash
Our love to live has a crash

We plan to do a thing always
But, to do it, we find no ways
We simply take a firm oath
But, we are ruled by sloth

Life simply is spent
We, one day, repent
We give a sad sigh
Our plans just die

Let us do to the maximum
To realize our golden aim
With assistance from God
By working truly very hard.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: love,

They Were a Couple

They were a couple
He was a milligram
She was a million

They were a couple
He was a braggadocio peacock
She was a compassionate giving deer

They were a couple
He was a worthless sloth
She was an enterprising entrepreneurial bee

They were a couple
It should not have worked at all.
It worked beautifully.

by Imtiyaz Gull |
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade,

Love and Hate

Why lovers love has no fight?

And the haters hate has a wrath!

Let me compare lovers love to light.

And the haters hate is sloth.

Love is fruitful and insight!

Hate is lust, and da lust is short.

Love never says us to fight!

Love and hate are poles apart.

When you had a spiritual love, thou became Maulana Rumi!

Hate is hatred & maniac lust.

When your lover was God, thou became Maulana Jaami!

Don't hate anyone, because it is dust.

Love getting ahead, it is never lost!

Hate is decline, it is ever lost.

by David Crandall |
Categories: animal, humor, love,

When Cupid Hit the Punch - TRI

Cupid went on a tear
that day he hit the punch.
His shots went here and there.
He sure was out to lunch.

That day he hit the punch
and ventured to the zoo
to where his arrows flew.

His shots went here and there
and hit a hare and sloth
thus twitterpating both.

He sure was out to lunch,
and I would like to know  
which cubs are fast or slow.