Love Poems About Skunk or Skunk Love Poems
by Mary Duhart |
Categories: friendship, inspirational, social,

Forever Young

I see that we still have some youth in our *****.
We still love to play games and run like a skunk.
Just been hit with a tag for Katherine Stella.
And I've learned spencej is a popular fellow.
So Mili Sehgal please join in a poem
Tag you are it-So take off and run.....

instructions: write a tag poem that I tagged you and then go tag another poet 
don't tag joe spence hes been tagged liked 6 times already lol

by Jimmi Canada |
Categories: baptism, beauty, city, eve, first love, funny, gender, god, history, independence day, mystery, mythology, night, obituary, raven, sea, silly, summer, sweet, teacher, world, yellow,

Roll On

Lauren Hill slow songs thrill,

they pop like a fast moving pill,

I am flopped on top of a junk food bill,

and running with a skunk who tells me to take in my fill-

like leading um' on into my dream,
I create a festering lean,

I rank every thought in order of how I like it,

and prep for a long time that's gonna break all the cycles.

Striding with my shrine,

as I shock a spine,

revitalize and prime-

as I preen and primp and chimp-

as I act like a pimp,

I black out and gimp,

skimp out on my dying moment because death is no shrimp!

by Edward Ebbs |
Categories: animal, home, life, love, wife,

Who You Are

With big blue eyes
the way you look
and look at me
makes me smile
when you talk
your voice comforts
the things you share 
involves trust
friendship and love
they set me free
watching you care 
for others
like family
your friendships
feeding the birds
caring for a deer
dogs and cats 
a raccoon family
once even a skunk
the place we live
a sanctuary 
for all creatures
all that breathe
for this I smile 
you love me
I know this
I love you
for who you are

Edward J. Ebbs - October 24, 2015

by Sabion Osore |
Categories: abuse, allusion, break up, farewell, goodbye,

Skunk Love

Skunk Love Your love is a bunch of fake fraudulent misleads, You smeared your skunky scent to soften me, I did not want us to be foe? 'Coz I knew love fills the vacuum hurt of the past tides, Though past can never be completely erased. Get over it, and erase it off, Don't bliss me with the pot of your craft, Don't enchant me with a portrait smile on your face, Your scent chokes me, get over it.

by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: natureblue,

Southern Blue Swallowtail

Butterfly floating
Southern Blue Swallowtail Lays
Love on Meadow Rue

Soon caterpillars
Stinking like skunk munch and munch
Meadow Rue for  lunch

The air is filled 
Miniture blue sailing off
To mate for their day

by Paul Stacey |
Categories: children, funny

The Zoo- After Hours

The monkeys called together all
Of the animals in the zoo.
There are tigers, giraffes, lions,
Lizards, zebras and rhinos too.

They have an enormous party
After the people have gone home.
This happens every single night
When the animals are on their own.

The tigers love chocolate ice cream,
Lizards always play with the skunk,
rhinos dance the waltz and  tango,
While the monkeys always get drunk.

by Emilia James |
Categories: animal, cat,

Pepe Le Pew and Penelope Pussycat

Pepe Le Pew
Quest for love he would always pursue
But his over enthusiastic romantic way
Is rejected by a skunk look alike who keeps running away.

Penelope Pussycat
Smothered in kisses and squeezes she would always combat
A black cat with an accidental painted white stripe 
Penelope knew she wasn't that type.

Cleritoons Poetry Contest

Sponsored by Joseph May


by John Lawless |
Categories: humor, love hurts,



Oh, joy
the skunk is back.
No one has seen her
yet all know she’s here.
There is just an air
about her
that turns the head
(and stomach).
She is so cute
that wiggle waddle,
those cute eyes,
fluffy tail,
white racing stripe.
Her rather overpowering
femme fatale
pheromonal presence
assaults the unsuspecting.
A sensually aromatic
two by four
come hither.
I think the dog
just had his heart broken.

John G. Lawless

by Jack Ellison |
Categories: children, happy, happy,

Four Little Stinkers

Four little stinkers
All in a row
They just want someone
To love 'em, you know

People run and hide
Whenever they appear
These white striped kitties
These friendly little dears

First one's named Flower
Second is Bouquet
The third is Li'l Wafter
Last is Sweet Sachet

Skunks need lovin' too
It's not a well known fact
So next time you see one
Just show some tact

Don't hold your nose
Pretend nothing stunk
You'll make this little critter
A happy little skunk

Four little stinkers
Their spray makes you squint
But make 'em all happy and
They'll smell like peppermint

©Jack Ellison 2012

by Edward Micheals |
Categories: adventure, earth, love,

Earth 2 Keep

Earth 2 keep

2nd hand skunk, dirty and drunk.
Ace of spade’s, politician’s razor blades.
Lies linger, in there eye, frozen fish finger.

Box on the wall, reality or natures ball.
Live to lie, don't live at all.
Gaze at your strings.
Puppeteer’s to call.

Fake innocence, inherited tolerance.
Scruffy face and bags of glue,
Saint or sinner, excited or blue.

Who are you? Who am i?
Where all here before we meet the sky. 
Tree root’s similar, say what you will,
Disown your own ignorance pill.

I belong to the trusted song.
Destruction we seek, nuclear ping pong.
 Our planet asleep, silence as angels weep.
No more threats, Earth 2 keep.

-The Northern Poet-

by Olusegun Arowolo |
Categories: life,

Passing Through the Mist

Despite the quarrels
which drive me
I still cherish and
love her with pure
Storms and
turbulence we did
not bargain
Our home turned
garbage and smelt
like skunk fart
Yet we were able to
endure this pain
Tears and sorrow
travel through our
soul`s cart
Now our rose blooms
and grapes flourish
at last
No more drought and
sadness as in the

Olusegun Arowolo 

by Mubarika Sami |
Categories: love, marriage,

If Fidelity Was An Animal

Fidelity would not be a skunk
It would not stink
I think it would be a deer
it's fragrance musk
The sweet scent of fidelity
That's right, dear

by Patricia Koch |
Categories: angst, animals, nature,


She disappeared
as suddenly as she
like her namesake
we don't know when
 or where
she's just gone
and i wake
at 3 or 4 am and stare out the sliding glass doors
hoping even praying that she might be there
but her food goes uneaten
or a stray skunk or raccoon will stop and nibble
but not she
not ameilia
i wanted her to be free
i knew she would never come to love us like the others
i wanted her to be warm in the winter and sheltered from the hot summer sun
but it was not to be
she's just gone
and i miss her

by Randy Johnson |
Categories: funny


Women once loved me because I was a hunk.
But that ended after I was sprayed by a skunk.
I've taken eleven showers and I still smell.
Needless to say my love life isn't going well.
This stench is as bad as that car on Seinfeld.
All of the ladies run who I've held.
I would like to go back to the good old days.
But when people take a sniff, they run away.
I have some advice for you and I'm not funning.
If you see a skunk, you'd better start running.


by Don Johnson |
Categories: adventure, cousin,

Wayne Went

Wayne went

watch out for ol cousin Wayne,
 he's flashing through the ether,  (he's daid)
 the specialist back door man, 
butt sore n sure to greet ya.

When tree's do dance,
 no sweet romance,
upon the withered bough,
and love is sweet,
dumb humans meet,
but trees don't get the chance.

Watch out for the elephant,
that cousin Wayne is riding,
my memesis with prostate pain,
The skunk went into  hiding:)

He aint too law abiding..
death toook him a riding :(

Me mate poor ol Cousin Wayne,

Dpn Johnson

by Kimmy Holmes |
Categories: animals, happiness, life, love,

Skunked and Maybe Lovin

they want out
they want in
I open the door
they rush in with a whelp
sprayed by a skunk
I scream for help
we chase 
we threaten
we shut the house house down
we get these dogs
in the bath
We go to the store
for tomato juice and such
I throw the dogs outside
till we can fix their smell
They stand at the door
like the are in hell
I feel so bad
I almost let them in
But I'm saved!
He brought it all
the peroxide, tomato juice
we bathe these bad dogs
having a little fun ourselves
wish they would do it again

by Tom Bell |
Categories: faith, family, happiness, on writing and words, philosophy, perspective,

Poets Are Special!

yes, poets are special people
they take the time 
to think of things
others would never dare
well, we may-
have a little trouble
paying our bills
but to a poet
money's just that
stupid green stuff
corrupter of thought
corrupter of morals
corrupter of a sense of perspective
corrupter of hearts
blindfolds to simple human concern
instigator of betrayel
bringer of clouds
pollution to water
proud generator of the devil's leer.
keep your money!
I'd rather have love,
or, lacking that, respect
I'd rather sleep well at night
I'm no monk
I'm just not a skunk!

by Linda Alice Fowler |
Categories: animal, emotions, funny, humorous, sad love, senses, silly,

Stripe of a Different Color

there once was a skunk named Pepé Le Pew
when he came near, well, everyone knew
	Penelope, his chérie
	to her, he was smelly
odorous advances met pooh pooh!

by Mario Vitale |
Categories: anxiety, art, autumn,



limit tree eye
a passing passerby
with tulips that fly
into the eye we shall see
burning with fire
a gun for hire

Serpico as Al Pacino
go with the flow
came out years ago
carry on then let go
elect new members 
place, spaces & traces

Live it up
As if the light of a skunk
braided by the mere notion of goals
barren sea onto remember me
falling down on my knees
love, hate & sweat

so sorry that we met
not so easy to forget...
Attica ! Attica ! Attica !
beat one with a baseball bat
live at each attempt
porcelain tape some call it fate

by Larry mintz |
Categories: extended metaphor, inspirational love, love,

A Luscious Love Poem

You’re my banana split my favorite treat 
Rocky road chunky monkey and one more  ,
Your 're my Pina Colada ,hard to beat  
Sprinkles,whipped cream,sauces I surely adore ,

The Pina Colada, a booze drink with flare . 
You’re my peacock , a flashy bird  of pride .
You’re my hope diamond your beyond compare. 
You are like a redwood tree, strong, my guide 

Banana splits are great ;eat them ,you get fat ,
Do not drink to much or you will get drunk  ,
If peacocks have nous , be not a plutocrat,
Treat your  beloved with care or stink like a skunk.

Balance desires with care no, plights to share.
You and beloved are glad  without a care.