Love Poems About Skate or Skate Love Poems
by Brian Strand |
Categories: childhood, nostalgia,

Sweet Memories

Nose pressed flat upto the glass,
Pockets tinkling full of brass;
Oblong jars,row on row
Candy -filled,to over flow.

Mintoes,chews and Pontefract cakes,
Limes and milk chocolate flakes;
Jelly beans and sweet love-hearts,
A few of each ,just to start.

Toffee whirls and butterscotch,
Long liquorice laces,all top-notch;
Aniseed balls,French bonbons,
Available now without coupons.

Sugared almonds and white mice,
Vanilla fudge,a penny a slice!
Just for starters a chocolate ice,
As it's going at half-price.

Barley sugar and a sherbert straw,
The shop bell tinkles as I close the door;
Is that the time! I'll have to skate,
Back into school,I can't be late.

by Thomas Martin |
Categories: cute love, funny, hyperbole, school,

Ice Skating

I skate
with date

not ready

cling rail
would bail

my maid

would skate

leave rail
act male

fall down
I frown

but she
helps me

cling arm
no harm

we skate
up late

let go
oh no!

spill cup
helps up

red face
no race

to rail
still male

take home
not nome


high school
now fool

by Brian Strand |
Categories: childhood, funny, nostalgia, chocolate, , sweet love,

Pocket Money Day

Nose pressed flat upto the glass,
Pockets tinkling full of brass;
Oblong jars,row on row
Candy -filled,to over flow.

Mintoes,chews and Pontefract cakes,
Limes and milk chocolate flakes;
Jelly beans and sweet love-hearts,
A few of each ,just to start.

Toffee whirls and butterscotch,
Long liquorice laces,all top-notch;
Aniseed balls,French bonbons,
Available now without coupons.

Sugared almonds and white mice,
Vanilla fudge,a penny a slice!
Just for starters a chocolate ice,
As it's going at half-price.

Barley sugar and a sherbert straw,
The shop bell tinkles as I close the door;
Is that th time! I'll have to skate,
Back into school,I can't be late.

by Jack Horne |
Categories: childhood,

No Snow

I wish we had a little snow;
But nothing here! I do not know
Why not this year; why not at all?
I’d love to play and have a ball.
A snowy day, what a delight.
The child in me, from morn till night,
Would happily skate on the ice,
And build snowmen. That would be nice.
It hasn’t snowed since don’t know when!

* It really doesn't snow here : (

for Isaiah's contest

by Earl Schumacker |
Categories: conflict, death, identity, lost love, planet, relationship, stars,

Tragedy On Saturn - Sonnet

Betrayal my love, lift high the laterne
Face Venus in retrograde traverses
Translucent on corners remote curses
Born black, myriads of stars find Saturn

Accouterments of time form a pattern
Empty space ends where voided souls cascade
She lives on the outer planet decayed
Contaminated world spins through that turn

Our cold orbits cross paths, not each others
Nor touch warm hands taken now for granted
Stay safe with lies deprived of what is true
World of beauty, frost covered, not lovers

Skate ice bands above the outer planet
Slice through the heart, the frigid night in two

by Jeremy Smith |
Categories: childhood, happiness, happy, how i feel, life, me, poetry,

Happy Days

Reminiscing about the happy days When I was innocent and so carefree Endless hours passed as we would laugh and play When my imagination was set free Fast forward to when I was a young teen Scary movie sleepovers so much fun And skate nights to fill my summer routine Deep in my heart, I wish for a re-run Now older and with children of my own They who are bringing me happy days now And with my wife's love, I won't be alone Happiness I could never disallow And just like my favorite childhood toy It's force fueling my life full of joy 6/26/2017

by Karen Jones |
Categories: america, appreciation, basketball, black african american, black love, childhood,


Years before 13th birthday
Sun beckons me run play
In the street under golden ray
With neighborhood kids on hills of clay

Learning to ride bike and skate
Playing kickball run chase
Playing football basketball too
Dodge ball softball all in June

In Clanton Park we all are one
Hiking green woods under red sun
What to do on rainy days
Play with dolls do hair makeup face

Drawing dresses or playing cards spa
Not so much t.v. but it had a part
We had just begun our training bras
Tomboys galore we are stars.


by Gwen Schuetz |
Categories: appreciation, beautiful,

Winter Love

Winter is both beautiful and dangerous

Islands of snow caress the countryside

Nice friends that you see from day to day

Teachers of nature careful and silent

Every person dressed with style and warmth

Real days of winter where you dress fashionably

Loving the good side of winter where you can ski and skate

Outer limits where you could ski the mountains of Austria

Viceroy ski chalets where you snuggle up with your favorite companion

Every loving minute of winter is there to enhance your lifestyle

Author: Gwen von Erlach Schutz

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: angst, anxiety, how i feel, image, imagery, nature, spring,

Melting Snowmen

March means melting snowmen and freezing rain, with black ice coating impassable roads. And driving through flooded streets that can't drain, while my frustration with potholes explodes. I love the feel of freshly fallen snow, like a white duvet of soft goose-filled down. Yet Winter starts to melt when warm winds show, transforming the ground to a muddy brown. Springtime makes rivers unsafe to skate on, even ice in the shade cannot escape. And Winter's wonderland is all but gone; unveiling a bleak and barren landscape. Spring may be a beautiful late bloomer, but She is born a sprite of ill humor.

by Blythe Journey |
Categories: passion

Eager Fingertips

sweetly subtle
fingertips skate
across my neck
gliding into the nape
then turn at the 
curve of my shoulder
then back up to
move across my 
vulnerable face 
the fingertips learn
with each motion 
and with each touch
every crevace of my
lips and the softness
of my lashes 
hands inspect
my every feature 
and mold me  
a blind love starved
artist hungry for
a masterpiece
molding me
of passion clay

by Jordan Hedgepeth |

Family of Nobody's

From a family of nobody's someone bounds 
To be a star that's why when I write these poems I make sure to use my heart 
That's why when I skate I make sure is until dark when I wake up in the morning it's a fresh start that's why I always thank god I'm from a family of nobody's so I have to work hard my childhood consisted with wishing upon stars no fancy cars not a lot of money just all the food I can eat and a place where I can sleep even wash when I stink I'm from a family of nobody's but I must say I love my nobody's and I wouldn't ever trade them away

by Kurtis Scott Aka Curtis Futch Jr |
Categories: addiction, adventure,

Roller Skate

its a smooth ride
need no map to guild
 love it 
i do this at  a rate
that don't complate

by Marissa Faries |
Categories: self,

Slipping and Falling

I once slipped and then fell in love.
I lost my grip on reality.
It felt poetic and good,
Only to later feel a sort of pain.

I once slipped and fell down on ice.
I lost my grip on humility.
Tried learning to skate,
Only to end up crying and quitting.

I once slipped and fell onto dirt.
I lost my grip on mood.
Gotten easily back up,
Only to be laughed at.

Slip and fall, at least I stand tall.
I slipped and fell,
Yet now from experiences of falling down
I know myself so well.

by Kristen Bruni |
Categories: love

Curiousity Is Love

As I sit and wonder why
There's no hello and no good-bye.
No kiss or hug to fill my day
Just images to paint my way.

I'm curious to how you think
How you skate in your own rink.
How you move and dance and sing
How you breathe in fall and spring.

Tic Tic Toc throughout the day
How are you? Are you ok? 
Watcha thinking in the mind?
You feeling mad or feeling kind?

I can feel you without touch
Somehow that's strange to me
I don't know quite how to feel
Like being lost at sea.

by Jamie Willhite |
Categories: inspirational, life, people, life,


What is death if the memories stay
what is life if you waste it away]time is limited so enjoy every minute of it
don't stop what you love if someone tells you to quit 
try to make a difference in the world don't just skate by
your capable of more you just got to figure out why
don't take life for granted only the strong survive
so that the lord everyday your still alive

by Ashley Daly |
Categories: life, love, passion,

Skate Across

Skate across
My frozen pond
The ice is thin
But if you should fall
Below my surface
I would rescue you
Yet if you glide gently
Across my fragile heart
You need no salvage
You know the way
Let your love guide you

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, romantic love,

Roller Skate Magic

roller skate magic
brought my parents together
both of them surprised

my mother was not looking
my father was
a voice told him she was the one

roller skate magic
he could not take his eyes off her
she noticed him not

my father did some research
discovered she worked for his cousin
would not leave her alone after that

roller skate magic
a place my father did not want to be
until he arrived

my parents might not have ever gotten together
if my dad’s car had not been on the blink
a friend had to talk him into going roller skating

a great move for my sister and brother and me
roller skate magic
don’t discount it until you try.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: christmas,

What Do You See

What do you see? The inquisitive buck asked his wife Posey. 
The people are missing, she said, but the scene is quite cozy. 
There is a fire, and they have decorated a Christmas Tree.
What else? What else? What else do you see?

I see presents, stockings, and some candy on a plate.
There are beautiful colors, and I see one roller skate.
What else? What else the sight-challenged buck asked.
I see a gorgeous holiday necklace with a mighty fine clasp.

The buck was grateful for Posey, his eyes, for sure.
She had a heart of gold, she was gentle and pure.
They both used to love to spy into homes on Christmas day.
With his eyesight so bad, he was glad she could show him another way.

by Matthew Anish |
Categories: angst, devotion, faith,

Casting Out Your Lines

Let the wind
      blow from the north
We'll continue to 
 as we always have
Let the season become 
We'll move along 
    the path, without 
any fear
The roof and roads
    may be covered 
with ice
We'll move ahead
create our own warmth
   Let the sky turn 
  and drop snowflakes 
on our fair city
We'll feel warmth 
      in our bones
Knowing that we 
  can withstand the frost
gives us courage
  Let Father Winter do 
his worst
We'll learn what 
     we must
As the waters 
  ice over
We'll skate quickly 
to our destinations
We'll meet once 
  Two small figures
Conquering the elements 
      with love

by Chinedum Ekwobi |
Categories: allusion, analogy, bullying, business, courage,


I can’t remember lifting a weight
Without having to for some time wait,
Eyes on The Monster to round it skate
And briefly ponder over Man’s fate…

I can never love, rather should hate
Whomever remembers me, next Weight
And dares me to prove a prowess great:
Say, the lifting of rods in a crate:
“This could be a set-up: Satan’s Bait!
Sure, a guy who wants to hear I’m late,”
It’s a weight that still far is the date,
When one shall open tears-drying gate,
Gaps bridge of the ones given by mate;
Speeding up things still at a slow rate…

A weight when things haven’t reached the state 
For ending one’s writing on kid’s slate.