Love Poems About Rail or Rail Love Poems
by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: death,

Fear Not Death

“Fear not the Grim Reaper. Death is an angel that accompanies good people to their home of everlasting joy.” by author

Death is not a spectre that wields a scythe.
The minute we’re born, we wend our way to it.
Neither is our Heavenly Creator but a myth.
Even if you breathe your last mortal breath,
a home like no other waits beyond the veil.
If life seems so hard that you want to scream,
there is no need against God to rail.
Life is but an eye blink in His grand scheme.
If you are kind and faithful, blessed in death you’ll be.
Joy, light, and love will be yours eternally.

by Evelyn Judy Buehler |
Categories: animal, beauty, bird, color, flower, morning, sun,

Wakey Wakey

Red rooster is crowing, perched on a split rail fence,
In the bloom of a rosy dawn, when all nature is tense.
In the chocolate colored trees, of the emerald leaves,
Baby bluebirds are cheeping, to the spicy warm breeze.
The flowers bob and curtsey, with many colorful cheers,
In a love affair that's endured, ages of sunlit years!
Purple shadows are drifting, the world partially awake,
And it's still a shadowy mystery, what destiny will make.
Perky squirrels are scampering, the sun is on his way,
Sweet life is beginning again, for it's a brand new day!

by Anthony Biaanco |
Categories: life,

The Great Fall

There's a Polaroid 
from some sixty or so years ago...
of a father and son in the fore ground 
the great Niagra Falls just beyond.
A thin rail in between us 
as the violent black froth rushes on.

Times were thin for him...
scarcity of money
scarcity of security
scarcity of love.
but he held on tightly to his cub.
With a fistful of hard labor and 
a thimble of good luck...
the burlap of our time 
softened to cotton puffs.

Throughout his entire life
the old man clung tightly
to the little boy
in front of every single great fall. 

by Thomas Martin |
Categories: cute love, funny, hyperbole, school,

Ice Skating

I skate
with date

not ready

cling rail
would bail

my maid

would skate

leave rail
act male

fall down
I frown

but she
helps me

cling arm
no harm

we skate
up late

let go
oh no!

spill cup
helps up

red face
no race

to rail
still male

take home
not nome


high school
now fool

by ... Gigno |
Categories: devotion, love,

All-Life Ride

Give me a plane and I'll be at your door
Send me by rail and I'll be back for more
Gas up my truck and I'll be by your side
Step in my head and it's an all-life ride

by Kash Poet |
Categories: funny, me, love, me,

A Secret Funny Tale

This is going to be a secret funny tale not told before,but now I must tell some soupers are sending me sweet soupmails as if they are in a journey with me in love rail or taking me to a love island on a sail and they are doing it constantly without fail of course they are not male but female till now they are thinking that I'm a male I think it is my name that leaves a manly trail though never did I mention that I am a male enough is enough and now I am going to unveil who those soupers are to turn their faces pale. ** Do not forget to read what Andrea Dietrich wrote in her poem "A Soup Tragedy" in reply to this poem. =====================================

by Christuraj Alex |
Categories: care, life, love, poverty,

The Waste Picker

She's a little girl aging nine or ten,
Short, serene, slim, with a look luminous;
Obtaining no formal education,
Possessing many a dream glorious;

At sharp five, every morning, her day dawns,
Her dirty sack she takes and off she goes;
Roads, rail tracks, parks, and even private lawns,
What will she get? And where? She never knows;

Parents long unwell and struggling siblings,
She serves them utmost with care abundant;
She collects old bottles, pans, iron strings,
Exchanges and makes a meager amount;

Thus, the little goddess solemnly toils,
Feeds all, sleeps hungry, often, full of smiles.

Open Poetry 4 Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Charlotte Puddifoot

by Mike Miller |
Categories: first love, goodbye, heartbreak,

Ferry To Freedom

Leaning on the rail,
Clasping a clutch bag of dreams.
Sea spray blends with tears.
Propellers churn memories,
Of Love betrayed and submerged.

by Jordan Dickinson |
Categories: love, baby, baby,

Sunset Blues

Miles away from the train rail track-
Baby girl lets not look back-

Walk with me, lets go as two-
And baby sing the sunset blues-

Don't worry bout the distance dear-
Anywhere with you seems all so near-

Now honey we can come as two-
And baby sing the sunset blues-

Now you left me by the train rail track-
With nothing else but to look back-

I look up high and think of you-
And by myself I sing my sunset blues-

by Deb Wilson |
Categories: anger, animal, children, evil,

Send Them Straight To Hellfire

Thoughts of taking an eye for an eye saturate my being.
The black invades my very heart because of what I'm seeing.

Cruelty to the helpless beings brings out the rage in me.
Some day I might just cross that line when I can't let it be.  

So many times I think that Old West justice should prevail.
These ugly less than humans should be run out on a rail.

Let them feel the pain and misery they richly deserve.
If I can be the one to give it I won't flinch a nerve.

Innocent animals and wee ones have such love to give.
The evil ones causing them pain just don't deserve to live.

written 5/18/2015

by Talena Alienmermaid |
Categories: angst, confusion, introspection, loss, love, passion,

Dragon and Phoenix

For better or worse
The path is laid

I've tried and I've cried
But the desire doesn't fade 

Does losing ones center
Make one whole?

I question I rail 
I confess
That I've failed

But the Dragon swallowed the Phoenix
And so ends this tale

I've loved and I've lost

It's my choice 
My tale

We pretend to be rudderless 
but the truth is

We are the wind and the sail.

by Jennifer D'Andrea |
Categories: friendship, happiness, life, nature, people, time, uplifting,

Lazy Day

We are on our porch 
in the morning
in the canvas chairs,
drawing in the sunlight, 
Hazily lazing over the 
wooden floorboards
bleached and weathered
by the sun over time.
And he and I are 
having coffee, talking, 
gawking at nature and 
the people walking up
and down the street.
Our legs stretched out before us,
the garden on our porch: a forest. like a steamboat 
on a river...
Birds on the rail
flick their beaks and tails,
Morning Glories galore
climb the wood
near our door.
It's Summer, we love it.
It's what we wait 
all year for.

by White Sage |
Categories: allusion,

Time Will Wail

Time will wail
As love trips away
And the sky won't stay
Time will wail
On the big ocean where seasons sail
And in words written in the grail
Time will wail
By the green oak so pale
By the fish without any scale
Time will wail
And the world won't say
And experiences will decay
Time will wail
In futures veil
And in the luxurious vain
Time will wail
For those who fail
And by the innocence of jail
Life will wail
On jeopardy's rail
On Doom's trail
Life will wail
And it won't wait
 When the clock is tamed on a fox tail
Life will wail.

by Alex J Stokas |
Categories: lost love, memory,


Wanted to touch your face moment I saw you 
In softlight on stone stairs grasping  that rail-
Coy downcast gaze - 
Looked into those soft blue eyes
Heard warm words from your precious lips-
Wanted to kiss you again,
Hold you close and chase the moon-
Guess time takes its toll.
Distant train whistle-calls
Reluctantly we move along …
Following lifepaths which lead to unknown times
You perhaps slightly northward to a new life--
I to explore gypsy-like 
Unable to tell my own fortune.

by Patricia Lawton |
Categories: flower, children, garden,


My Little Cottage.

I love my little cottage adorned in roses by the sea.
I've lived here a long time just my cat and me.
In summer it's really pretty, the roses out in bloom
the fragrance from the petals filling every room.
The gardens full of flowers, of pinks, golds and reds
neatly displaying each colour boldly in flower beds.

Then comes the curse of winter with winds, hail and rail
and I see my flowers all die off until spring returns again.
Well I guess that's the tapestry of life as seasons come and go
Then come next spring you'll hear me sing
with a beautiful flower bed to show.

by Jeremy Street |
Categories: baby, jesus, love,

Tippy Toes Holding Tight, Love's Rail

Of warm tiny tears; twas a long night....
Baby swept away amid taunting gray as grim
Photographic images their dreamscapes montrous
Montage bold yet cold, this shivering plight: black pearls
Coloured stones mortified his mosaic an albatros in timeless gales
Insidious insomnia; insolent's ancient anthology spreading wide these wings
Posed a verse her phantom's hearse Pompeii ? Whispering winds awaken the child....
Leviathan's leprechaun: sprinkling magical dust baleful skies prophetic life: tender tides reaching high.

by Debra Hernandez |
Categories: inspirationalme, me,

Lord I Feel Your Presence




by Neelam Sangwai |
Categories: goodbye, love hurts,

Stationary Prisoner

bidding her farewell,
mist of unsaid confessions
rail track  forever
in legs turned heavy anklets 
--stationary prisoner--

by Goodness Lanre |
Categories: art,

Can I Impress You

As I sit at 
my table
Hoping to 
Words fail 
Yet, my 
Not a bit a 
one right
I am 

I wish to 
express an 

There was 
with my 
As wrong 
as it is
Until you 
A strange 
Singed my 
Like a 
firing dart
It was a 
love wrong.

I wish an 
I am 

My heart is 
As of the 
debt of a 
huge levy.
My soft 
indulge a 
The run of 
a train on 

I wish an 
But I sell 
you my 

I can't 

by Emily Gem |
Categories: best friend, boyfriend, cute love, kiss,

Sakura Blossoms

On the bridge I wait, my hands clasped 
Something on my mind as time passes
The beauty of the pink little petals~float
Dance in the air~as does my heart
I see your smile, I could see it from miles away
On the other side of the bridge a petal falls on your face
You laugh and I laugh with you, even though we make no sound
I feel light as warm air flowing with the breeze
Just the crinkle by your eyes makes my heart feel free
I take quiet steps across the wooden bridge 
And your hand travels on the rail as you do the same 
Our hands collide as we mirror them 
Only our kiss can make the petals stop~in my mind

by Kitty Lou |
Categories: funny love,

I Gave My Love a Cherry

I gave my love a cherry 
And asked him to bake a pie
I washed the dirty dishes
And told him he could dry
I carried up the laundry
To see if he could fold
I took his favorite sweatshirt
And told him I was cold
I handed him a hammer
To fix the broken rail
And when I gave my love a ring
He gave me his voicemail.

by Tim B |
Categories: angst, love, people,

The Reserve

A passionate embrace of last reserve
Steel tracks taking their twisted curves
Harrowing frights dark of hue
Speed demons singing the blues
Over and over they are off the rail
Careen the cliff and off she sails
Top notch is their deadly reserve
Drops of pain the only preserves
Let the games begin

by Lorrie Scheider |
Categories: life, placeslove,


Here is a place I love and dread,
I am drawn by its soulless gravity,
Only to loath the streets I tread.
So foolish to rail against streets.
They are just streets, after all,
I hate memories contained here,
Yet too often I long for their call.
And cling to them endlessly wistful.

My love here has long been sour,
A needful, bittersweet affair,
For the insipid promise of power.
No place but this taints dreams so fast,
Tearing them down into shreds,
Entangling them with pain and anger,
Transformed into nightmarish treads.
Here is my perdition, I need it, 
But I need it purged from my heart.
I long for a sweeter freedom,
When this place and I can part.

by Robert Lindley |
Categories: age, allusion, analogy, appreciation, art, beautiful, blessing,

Thoughts On the Rail

Thoughts On The Rail

I ponder on, this big world, you and I
Does love ride the hard gusting wind
Moving its beauty about in a sunny sky
A journey magnificent but without an end!

I hope, life will forever hold anew
Eternity and the joys of sweet dreams
So often united in the hearts of two
Wading the brooks and mountain streams!

May I know, the joys my father found
The great treasures of his humble life
Spirit flying fast while earthly bound
Far above the din of sin and earthly strife!

Robert J. Lindley, 06-21-2015

by Poetic Babilo |
Categories: adventure, africa, black love, blessing, color, confidence, courage,

I Am Nigerian

I am Sky high
Black face
Bold looks
With thoughts dancing on the rail of time
I am moving train
Extravagant looks
Exciting struggles
With a mind focused 
I am sharp smile
Seducing worries
Searching for delighted sparkle
With dreams larger than Africa

I am Nigerian