by Lin Lane |
What beauty reflected in love's fair eyes,
a passion treasured beyond all measure.
As ardor stirred flames, I failed to disguise
the need in my loins ere want of pleasure.
As sweet the music I discern profound,
tis more honeyed your lips when touching mine.
Oh! My pained heart shall beckon love resound,
my moonstruck maiden, unearthly divine.
Mute, I cannot be, so near your soft breasts.
This besotted man has but scant more breath.
Grant me your pure love, not in mere request,
but with an angelic kiss 'fore my death.
I beg thee allow the stars remain bright.
Give yourself to me ere the end of night.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
January 9th 2016
by Bill Baker |
emotions, life, pain, river, truth, water, wisdom,
A balance in life can solve the riddle.
To find the balance, start in the middle.
Distractions from the banks may lead us wrong.
Go with the flow where the current is strong.
The banks are sirens calling to our ears,
offering us pleasures relieving fears.
The emotion of love, the fear of pain,
tossing and turning, driving us insane.
Too much pleasure can lead to addiction,
pain and sickness can lead to restriction.
Reject their temptations, stay in the flow,
the river is wise and knows where to go.
Avoid extremes, be content with enough.
Life on the river, no need for the fluff.
by Charlie Smith |
beauty, kiss, love,
A wordless song drifts from your eyes
with rhyme disguised in poems lost
from heavens smile your heart replies
assuming risk, no fear the cost
You dare not weep to dampen dreams
but pledge to take this hand of chance
no less from love this passion streams
in turn of fate not circumstance
Left breathless from a lovers kiss
this treasure found its place in time
a pleasure true, no more than this
not once rehearsed in pantomime
Within each heart pure beauty lives
When fancies flight is there to give
by Carol B. |
devotion unveiled
the fisherman casts his line
his heart now possessed
curves carved in pleasure
chiseled spine traced by touch
love stripped to the bone
flaws etched precisely
he frees an internal scream
she opens her heart
her essence absorbed
two souls artistic beauty
a match written in stone
by Tim Smith |
love, morning, peace, sun,
It is quiet now
-the sun moves up the ridge
Honey crisp scent of freedom
-hovers and engulfs the air
Pangs of pleasure peal
-the primrose bows her head
Yellow paints the morning
-the fields are all aglow
by Francis J Grasso |
devotion, joy, love,
I will love you like tomorrow
Like the days that come to me
Like the warmth of summer sunshine
Like a wind that blows me free
To hear the song of nightingales
Beneath a crescent moon
To share each simple pleasure
On a rainy afternoon
In the silence of a morning
Deep within a restless sea
Walking through the darkness
And with everything in me
For every precious moment
That lives in effigy
Love will grow within my soul
To reach eternity
And when we gather moonbeams
After twilight steals the hours,
Sleep with me through endless days
Among a sea of midnight flowers.
written Aug 23, 2018
by Tim Smith |
Dancing with the moonlight
there's a glisten to the air
fluffy flakes of goodness
filter here and there
a soft and peaceful feeling
your hand touches mine
captured by the beauty,
two souls just lost in time
There's roses in the window
I'll choose a few for you
so pure and fresh as daybreak
and a pleasure floating through
My gaze is with the star shine
glints of wonder cast your eye
I tilt your head, then kiss you
releasing feelings trapped inside
by Tim Smith |
Crimson's luster illuminates a brilliant bead
satin strokes of beauty a bottle bleeds
scratch softly across this barren chest
and along with moonbeams shall you rest
Silver streaks of goodness held in place
passion's pure pleasure soon will trace
circle past tiny smudges born in haste
where one more night we shan't waste
Starlit moments soar as solace sleeps
dear reflection of radiance forever keeps
in gentle arms of hope true love is staged
consoling promises from battle's waged
Alabaster bursts of heaven gently weave
Another night in comfort we shall receive
by Daniel Turner |
appreciation, mom, mothers day,
My mother was your average country mom
She wasn't gorgeous. Some might call her "plain"
But had the patience to diffuse a bomb
Her eyes grew narrow, when I caused her pain
She never raised her voice nor slapped my face
Still taught me right from wrong and not to lie
Made sure I bowed my head when dad said grace
Encouraged me to find new things to try
And even though she worked, twas not for greed
She took great pleasure from the "simple things"
She told me, "Faith in God," was all one needs
That real love doesn't come with any strings
My mother was as gentle as a dove
My prayer this Mother's Day, she knows she's loved
by Daniel Turner
by Vince Suzadail Jr. |
cowboy-western, life, love, me,
Come and sit here by the fire
Watch the flickering firelight
Let me touch your lips with mine
Will you keep me warm tonight
I've been here reminiscing
Just feeling kind of sad
Wondering why angels love outlaws
And all the times we had
We've been through Hell together
Feeling the pleasure and the pain
Stood side by side against the world
In the sunshine and the rain
Outlaws live their lives on the edge
Their castles built with sand
Why angels fall in love with them
It's hard to understand
So while we're sitting by this fire
And thinking of all the times you cried
This outlaw loves his angel
I want you forever by my side.
by Poet Destroyer A |
beach, passion, romance,
Spicy experiment!
Victoria secret bra
Love, toy with hidden pleasure
sweet surrender to my taste
grenade ecstasy.
Spicy taboo!
Sticky forbidden kisses
buffalo breath down my neck
leak like a water faucet
time to get a fix.
by David Meade |
love, snow,
feel the mountains shake
deep snow moans of pleasure rise
freestyling in love
@ @
__ /__\__
David Meade
Live Generously
by Evrod Samuel |
love, lust, senses,
Enchant me
Serenade me
Touch me
Raise my temperature
Heighten my senses
Make me tingle all over
Apply your hands to my trembling body
Caress the heaving contours
Of my pliant body
Feel the rhythm of my passions
Boiling within
Explore all of what I have to give
Arouse me
Titillate me
Enhance my desire
Make me tingle with your soft kisses
Own me
Mould me
Control me
Free me of inhibitions
School me in desire
Pleasure me
It’s not all about me
But of you and I becoming we
by Andrea Dietrich |
just being with my love
and basking in the afterglow
of our ascent to the peak of pleasure,
I now settle, spent and cozy,
in the crook of his arm
like a kitty -
by Lynn Marie |
food, imagination, life, love, nature, nostalgia, passion,
on a quiet
amidst the
trees of
with a
sweet juicy
ripe with
all senses
simply are..
the Fruit
of the
one of
for the God
& Goddess
in all.
by Gabrielle Jordan |
betrayal, color, lost love, love hurts, perspective, yellow,
When I saw him last,
He wore grey bananas on his feet
He had a pirate’s hat between his teeth
Long last the man from Oliver Kitten arrived on the shores of my head
How was he to bring such a large basket of straws and ask me to bloom a white rose
You have been back he said with a twirl of a red gem
Yellow kittens for my pleasure,
Only one black dog
Keep roaring up the hill, don’t stop
Take the bottom off the wheel
You won’t need it soon
You are on your way down
The pink parade will catch your fall
Dolphins everywhere
Even under my old brown coat
by Susan Ashley |
emotions, longing, love, memory, missing you, passion, romantic,
Romanticism descends an unbridled staircase
bittersweet; stripped bare and unleashed
passion in supple nudity
sashays down my spine
a ginned up shimmy and sway yearn
tingling every naked nerve with a sudden surge
of electric longing and unmasked pulses of pang and pleasure
Susan Ashley
October 11, 2019
*romanticism: romantic spirit or tendency*
by Gregory Richard Barden |
angel, appreciation, body, metaphor, passion, true love,
let me ...
you are the All
your need is my pleasure -
your pleasure, my need
i, water to your vessel, rain to your bloom
your fingers are the spaces in mine
your body ... the bread of my desire -
and the altar of my sacrifice
let me fill my hollows ... sip your wine
oh let me ...
you are the One
the reef i break myself upon
and the soft sand beach that receives me
i, your spindrift ...
washed shore-ward by the storm
you are my mercy ...
bind me with your sorrows
let weep, the blood of pain and passion
wrap me in your wings
and let me.
~ 1st Place ~ in the "Strand Choice D, Any Form, Any Theme" Poetry Contest, Brian Strand, Judge & Sponsor.
by Anne-Lise Andresen |
angel, child, chocolate, simile, , cute,
Cute as an angel
Heavenly - Oh, gosh
One of a kind
Chubby hands, love the hair
Only one little bite
Lovely magical moments
Amazing pleasure
Tasty - but a little sticky
Enchanting chocolate face
Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
by Anne-Lise Andresen |
happiness, summer,
hot, blazing sun
light clothes, naked, summer brown
sunglasses, sandy beach, sunscreen, sun umbrella
sunburn, summer love, summer kiss, summer joy, happiness
sun umbrella, sun hat, swimming, water skiing
strawberries, ice cream, cold drinks
lazy days, pleasure
A-L Andresen :)
by Paula Lelitte |
devotion, love, passion, romanceme, me, universe,
I am amazed by the power of you words,
They seep through my skin
Like ink’s aphrodisiac,
And I feel powerless to stop them,
The mere thought of your hands
Touching me makes
Atoms explode inside my chest,
As if a universe is being born,
A light sweat glistens over my form
As my eyes devour every syllable,
My heart beats to the tune you write,
With quickened breath
I feel it consuming me,
This sexual fantasy wax lyrical,
I fail, not miserably but excitedly
To control my minds dirty idiom,
Where do the thoughts of lust go?
I feel them cling to me
Begging to be made manifest,
Tonight your pen is my phallic pleasure,
Take me and make me your muse.
by Anne-Lise Andresen |
feelings, sweet,
Once in a while
I say no
But you are so seductive
and dangerous
The taste of you ...
You are melting
on my tongue
A pleasure
of love
On the surface you are so sweet
Your inner self is frozen
Even if you
are cold
you warm
my heart
A little kiss
my hot lips
become numb
I taste you
with greed
Bits bit of you
Just a little
Sweet taste in my mouth
Close my eyes
Enjoy ...
Do you want to taste
my delicious
strawberry ice cream
A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
by Richard Palmer |
happiness, love, passion, romance,
Passion,staring into lust,
Noses,sharing oxygen.
Our lips connect,
Lips start to stray,
Nibbling ears,kissing necks,
Closely drawn together,
Nipples piercing hairy chest,
Nails sink into back,
Head-board knocking the wall,
Knock knock,knock knock,
Deep moans,skin locked,
We counter attack,
Knock knock,knock knock,
Screams of pleasure,
Waking the whole block,
Knock knock,knock knock,
Nuclear explosion,
Volcano eruption,
AHHHH so hot,so hot,
The sweetest sensation,
I ever got......
by May Fenn |
bereavement, death, funeral, loss, obituary, sorrow,
Death is not the end,
For love goes on
And you will find the evidence
Long after I have gone.
The flowers that we planted
Will blossom without end,
You’ll find me in their beauty
As to their needs you tend.
The books we read together,
The laughter in the pages,
Will continue to give pleasure
To you throughout the ages.
So do not mourn my passing
You are not left alone,
You’ll always find me waiting
In the places we have known.
The bond that grew between us
Will not abate with time,
It will go on for always,
I’m yours and you are mine.
by Russell Sivey |
heart, innocence, love, passion,
She’s wild, a passionate heart of love inspired
Playing a violin, masterful and free
So fast and fierce, her every lust is desired
Violin sparks aflame burning intensely
She screams with pleasure of the fire’s indulgence
Peak of passion has reached beyond innocence
Her mouth open with flames entering inside
She loves her tremendous trek, her awesome ride
Russell Sivey
Happy Valentines Day