Love Poems About Epigram or Epigram Love Poems
by Daniel Turner |
Categories: funny, love, sad,

How Long

I've never kissed a pig with my eyes closed
Nor have I ever held a hand of time
However, there was once when I proposed
But that was back when I was in my prime

I still recall how much she loved to dance
She'd laugh at me and make my face turn red
She taught me all the secrets of romance
That love was what one did, not what one said

I search the shadows for her purple hue
I take her mem'ry everywhere I go
Its smile has it's own special shade of blue
Its  taste so sweet no one could ever know

They tell me only time mends broken hearts
I wonder just how long before it starts.

   by Daniel Turner

by Edgelord Pingas69 |
Categories: depression, loneliness, lonely, sin, woman,

Pretentious Poem 1

Boiling shells crack down hard upon raining rooftops
None doth any apparitional material cover upon her arrogant gift
She hast not laid down upon her last upstanding
Glass convails images of the inconceivable 
Throwing away the Sun in blackened sickness 
No guilt, no shame, 
Unfeeling the inevitable eternal despisement 
Swarms choking the insides with a blanket
They whisper in your ear "I love you"
They grant you no delegable antidote
Pig-wrapped in a wasteful pursuit of carnal futility
Living out the rest of days hollow 
Old and carolled she slips on the filth of plastic suit
No, she won't live that long 

(Originally Written 3/20/2019)

by Kachayla Payne |
Categories: love,

Together Like Love

Together like peanutbutter and jelly
Together like the stars in the sky at night
Together like a pig in a blanket 
Together like the deep blue sea
Together like like the petals on a flower
Together like the word L-O-V-E
Together just like me and u
Together like the #2

by DM Babbit |
Categories: absence, lost love,


Stubborn, pig-headed, obstinate
 just had to have my way, inconsiderate
wanting this, wanting that, only what I could bring
 trying to control everything;
made you bend to all my dreams
 poorly self-centered planned schemes,
you bent, reluctant but ever giving in
 my wants and needs, my selfishness forgiving;
not once did I think more of you than for myself
 putting all your needs upon the shelf 
late I saw the blessings in your self less love for me
 forgive me please, I'm so sorry.

by Janet Vick |
Categories: funny,

Cupid: Ps Mary

Oh Cupid! You still looking?  It’s me...
Where’s my dream man? You know...muscled he.
And some brains would be nice,
otherwise, no lice,
fumigating has caused allergy.

That stupid pig was NOT company.
He just grunted and rooted, you see.
Take that thing you call bow
and bring my man in tow.
Oh Cupid, where’s the love pin for me?

The lawn regrew from your fiery blaze.
I forgive you, the alcohol raze...
Ev’ry year, I’m older,
so Cupid, I’m bolder!
Justifiable, menopause phase!

Janet Vick

by Barbara Gorelick |
Categories: humor, silly,

Oh, the Life of a Pig

I is as dirty as dirty can be
Cause I is just a pig you see
I wallow around in my lovely sty
Your cleanliness rules just don’t apply
I love the mud, that gooey stuff
And as to the odor, I can’t get enough
The stuff they feed me, you call it slop
Well, I think it’s great, really tip- top
I have no worries, no not a one
But the dog just said ,”Go on, have fun-
For if I’m not mistaken,
                   You soon will be bacon..”


by Brenda Meier-Hans |
Categories: character, christmas, fun,

Christmas Clerihew

Charlie Browns, alias Pig Pen,
wears overalls time and again.
Friends love him as he is;
a dust ball celebrating Christmas.

Written by Brenda Meier-Hans 
Contest: A Christmas Character Clerihew

by Cory Long |
Categories: fantasy

My Retirement Place

LOVE crystal blue seas, with snow covered sands, dreaming of this place.
Grass skirts, necklaces, pig roasts and coconut drinks. Soaking up the rays, hanging 10 and snorkeling, a FUN place to retire at.
I'm sitting around the fire. Speak of island legends, take with me words of wisdom, and POETRY of this land. Fun and frolic contest cory long

by Stephen Kilmer |
Categories: confusion,

I Am Just Saying

Terror pure terror
The dog on the other side of the fence
A pit bull
With an attitude
Reminds me of my first wife
She would like to get hold of my leg
And hold on till I bled dry
That’s why I carry a chain
And a pig sticker
For pit bulls and X wives
Man can’t be too safe these days
Got to have your possibles if you know what I mean?
I got nothing against women or dogs
Hell I love them all
But man they can love one minute
And be hell on wheels the next
Can’t live with them; pass the beer nuts
I’m just saying…
Don’t understand them or quantum physics

by Jessica Durham |
Categories: funny, life, lost love, love, teen, love,

"a Trip Down Memory Lane"

Coors Lite, Food Fight,
My bros dirt bike, and kisses good night,
Orangutan Sex, "I give it a ten"
Billy Bob and Bacon, his little pig friend.
In the dark playin' basketball,
Don't forget about Niagra Falls.
What kind of hips do you want?
It seems we can't agree,
Candy Shop, PDA, A BIG mouthful of me.
Varsity Blues, The "I Love You's"
Makin' Cookies that look like pancakes,
But all of these things just lead to a heartbreak.

This poem is for Terry Bell!
He was my first "true love".
We aren't together now,
But I still Love him.
Let's face it...
I ALWAYS will!

by Janet Vick |
Categories: funny, love,

Cupid Wanted

I thought to give his description
and tell why I want him alive.
He often causes adventure,
my life took a certain nosedive.

Standing, he’s five to six inches,
a bent toothpick he calls his bow.
He shoots tiny pins like arrows
and he chants garbled words for show.

His claims make love everlasting,
‘specially on Valentine’s day,
‘twas last year I called on his name
so right now... it’s better he pay.

No man came my way as promised.
His pin shot some pig in the ***.
Chanting with alcohol bubbles
started fireworks across the grass.

So please, help me find this Cupid.
The smoked ham and bacon is gone.
Insurance covered fire losses.
I’m ready for love to come on…

by Anthony Williams |
Categories: 12th grade, cheer up, dream, fun, silly, true love, uplifting,


Imagine a pig
In a big purple wig
Imagine a car
In the shape of a star 
Imagine a bear
Wearing a pink underwear
Imagine a fox
Wearing red,fluffy socks
Imagine a shoe 
That always stayed new 
Just imagine!

by Michael F Lewis |
Categories: on writing and words, people,

Flanerie Downtown

I breathe grey air in spaces in between,
And whisky stings my tongue and bides the time,
In steps I aimlessly record the scene,
And cherish my misanthropy sublime.

Wandering the streets and alleyways,
Of this downtown, wherever I may be,
No need for love suffocating my days,
Alone but free to lie with honesty.

I let my flanerie in verses sing,
Excited to report that everywhere,
The happy tattered P.I.G. is living,
“The great imperative” of Baudelaire!

by Tahira Parveen |
Categories: abuse, beauty, betrayal, death, jealousy, love, voice,

Acid Attack Victim

Acid Attack This is what I looked like You may say beautiful, kind and sweet This is the ugly pig people warned me about I turned it down It took its revenge of his honor tainted Ruined my life to a degree The rush of revenge upon me Finding a way to ease my pain Chopped and sold its flesh I’ll never be the same again But a bit of relief To all the beautiful ones out there Seek justice Never think your alone Revenge

by Ovidiu Bocsa |
Categories: beautiful, feelings, imagery, joy,

Poem of Joy

When Joey was five or six
Good feelings, she tried to mix
And living colors, a few
Dissolved in the morning dew;

Happy landscape of the world
 Of starry heavens unfurled
And birds to fly like angels
All ought to live in pictures: 

What we dreams on ancient things,
Eternal play of love with wings
And nights on the way and hopes
In round waves and verdant slopes…

Flowers dance at our feet.
Then, a sweet image I meet:
Joey eating her ice cream,
Keeping from cornet a rhyme;

A luminous smile of joy
Like having in hand a toy:
This empty cornet is big.
I let it for my Guinea pig.

by Jake Donovan |
Categories: absence, food, for him, horror, love, sad, sad love,

Still Empty In the Stomach

Hotdogs without the skin is like unrequited love,
all sorts with no where to put it.

Bravery pig with no city to save,
chopped liver makes it the same.

Beef tenderloin
and it followed the stretch to the fryer.

Medium rare 
like it should be
but still not what it requires.

by Paul Geiger |
Categories: first love

Eric's Bacon

Greasy fat popping
Shrinking curling pig meat 
Heavenly nose scent

by Rajat Kanti Chakrabarty |
Categories: fun,

Mister Pigo

I so loved Mister Pigo the pig
                                       It was not at all infra dig
                                            A Man and a beast
                                          On a great love feast
                                    joked jigged and rode in a gig

by Poetry Is It |
Categories: brother, business, caregivingtime,

The 'Happy' **** Star

The 'Happy' **** Star.
Grew up in poverty, 
on a farm,deep down in the south.
With too many brothers 
and many her cousins.
She had not the time to love them all..
Except for her pet pink pig.
She had no use for a cork screw.
Most of the house looked like there's.
Not her room, 
full of lace and silk, they yurned.
She burned and burned wanting more.
She has her own pony.
Nice little pony and friends.
By the time she was grown and tall.
Every thing of value she owned.
Old gold coins and silver in a box
southern confederate money, 
yellowed with age.
She packed it all up, 
while her pony and she rode away. 

Is It Poetry

by Kenneth Fordham |
Categories: food, funny,

Oh Pigs Feet

Chickarrones for me,
Yankees say what oh my yuck,
Love eating pig skins.

by Patricia Leonaitis |
Categories: animals, love, nature, pets, beautiful, beautiful, love,

Bleu--A Pit Bull Puppy

Bleu, Bleu, who are you?
Pit Bull so young
Where did you come from?
Our Blue-nose American Pit Bull.

Bleu, Bleu, who are You?
Happy and hungry, tail always waving,
Only wants love and a pat,
Our beautiful, Blue nose Pit.

Bleu, Bleu, who are you?
Growing so big, eats like a pig,
Running all over, chasing the birds,
Growing like crazy, our beautiful Pit.

Bleu, Bleu, I know You!
You're our Love and our Surprise,
Who ever thought you'd come here to live?
A blessing from God--Heaven sent,

Our beautiful baby Pit Bull.

by Joel Thornton |
Categories: allegory, character, confusion, introspection,

Stoned Or Shown

Stoned or shown

Darkening skies,
Clouds Coalesce.
Converge. Bleeding Truth.
Shedding illusion,
Everything must die,
But really not.
Unless less useless onerous 
In onus, they rest.
Senile youth, devoid
Love in bane. Lawless order,
Chaos. Confused. Confess!
A love in vain , in veins, in rain.
Did I lose? Are we on our own?
Home-rule.. in shadow of a cold shoulder – unanswered phones
Political pig picks/ pocket stones
Or  chains to the boulder.
Like broken appliances, or unpaid loans.
Owned or owner? 
Stoned or shown?

Written by J.R.Thornton

by Sarah Mullan |
Categories: growing up, love, love,

Role Play

What is love anymore?
An image?
A casting role for Romeo
And Juliet to play along- Almost dying for fantasy 

Young love never lasts in the end anyway
It dies just like pig flies!

by Bonnie Hollywood-Cutts |
Categories: anger, betrayal, break up,

Now the End Has Come

Now the end has come
I'm so furious 
about your attitude
and feelings about us
You're pig headed and rude  

To avoid arrest
I walked away
Knowing you'd protest
my love isn't a game to play  

I clenched my fist
To hold back the venom
while the truth you'd twist 
Now the end has come

by Bala Naga Lakshmi |
Categories: depression, emotions, feelings, love, mom,

Answer Me

I carry the torch for thee
Why did you give up me with glee
Was it you wouldn't be caught dead
to identify me as your blood
Did I cork up my love
or were you cheesed off with this low dove
Were you cut to the quick
because of this dimwit pig
Are you coming apart at the seams
due to my first gleam
Why make me a fish out of water
Was I not a thing or matter
You couldn't give a hoot!
as I a worthless boot
Were you tokophobic
How long should I blink my tears back and endure
When will your invisible palms to wipe away my tears come out
My life a story not a tale
Will it not tug at your heartstrings