Love Poems About Grandmother or Grandmother Love Poems
by John Watt |
Categories: light, love,


Your incandescence drew me to your flame
Moth-like, I gravitated to your light
Then feigning nonchalance, I asked your name
The music of your voice set me to flight
And added several inches to my height
When you inquired of my name I saw stars
Stellar arrays beyond Venus or Mars
Puncturing through the thick shroud of the mask
I use to hide my stories and memoirs
My lady! All you had to do was ask!

written 18 Aug 2020

by Rhonda Johnson-Saunders |
Categories: depression, loneliness,

Fading Porch Light

Fading porch light lures with pale glow
a circling moth, dull-beige and bare.
As starlight ties vast sky in bows, 
I shy away from ruthless glare. 

Night holds secrets I’ll never know  
of bold ventures and starry-eyes 
of love; cast alone in shadows,
I cry. The fading porch light dies.   

Unwelcomed guest, the moth again
boasts of heights, flitting and spurring 
my desperate cries - through open
window, lifting higher, whirring.

Moth seeks light on wings now broken
forever gone, my dreams unspoken…   

Entered in Silent One's Sadness Contest, 2/9/17
Originally for Chopped II Contest, written 11/4/14

by Don Johnson |
Categories: love



hope life is like a buttercup
cos this old fool does care
if i was there I’d kiss you but
you might object "how dare"

perhaps  I shouldn’t call the tune
and bring you to my sight
attraction brings the moth too soon
if I don’t employ it right

patience like a cattle dog
who lays there in the shade
connected not, just like the frog
before a prince was made

Francine made me do it:

Don  Johnson  15-4-11

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade,

Luna Moths In Mid Flight

Luna moths in mid flight
giving the world a sense of delight
they seem evermore bright

things will now be all right
I love the sense of air and light
Luna moths bring in me in the night 

I wish I may I wish I might
Live a life so nice and tight
That some day I can return so bright 

And be a luna moth in mid flight
Giving the world a sense of delight
Warming up creatures of the night

by Anumeha Bhadouriya |
Categories: 12th grade, absence, addiction, angst,

Love's Longing

The longing for beloved, like a moth longing for flame,
extinguishing it's own fire, admiring it's own pain,
with the bejeweled beauty of stars and moonlight     
I find you engulfed in the scent of my unforgiving plight. 

The damage your absence did has never been aided,
the scars I have been carrying have never faded.
Your body might be aligned with roses and dust
but I'm still holding onto the blade of proses and lust.
The deeper it cut, the better it turn me into pieces,
for a poor, vulnerable, tortured soul, only left in traces.

Since centuries, conspiracies against you have allied with dove,
agony, misery, calvary, woe, curse, they say, but I opt for love.

by Heather Ober |
Categories: memory,

Ardour's Cloth

When love becomes a masochistic moth
That yearns to feel the heat of passion's flame,
It chews a hole through sheets of ardour's cloth.

Its wings ignite, too close to blazing shame;
They glow at first with fervour as they feign
A beauty that becomes a painful game.

The tears can't quell the heat or halt the pain.
They fall to feed the weeds of sprouting dread
And drench the heart with beads of acid rain.

But rest assured that time will smooth and spread
The memories into the shrouded past
And stitch the lesions with a healing thread.

The day will come when joy will blink awake
To leach the sorrow from that phantom ache.

For Craig's "Terza Rima Sonnet" contest

by Audrey Haick |
Categories: life, love, passion, sad

My Obsession

My obsession.. like moth to a flame
This love for him will never cease
We've said, 'what will be, will be'
Dreams do die, but once
Their ashes tell truths
Always alive 
In my soul

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: appreciation, introspection, life, love, passion, poetess, self,

Lyrical Daydreamer

inquisitive, imaginative, intuitive and playful
daughter of Alice and Albert
lover of my twin flame, family and Nature
who feels appreciation, delight and empathy
who fears oppression, the unknown and hateful emotions
who would like to dream new dreams, believe in tomorrow and never give up
resident of Acushnet, Massachusetts

My husband Bill  my center flame  
and I  the moth  drawn in so close
he bathes my life with candlelight —
I shed my wings and fall for him again  and again

by Robert Lindley |
Categories: art, beautiful, creation, desire, love, passion, romantic,

Shall I Twice Pluck Thy Soft, Sweet Fruit

Shall I Twice Pluck Thy Soft, Sweet Fruit

Should I court thee as moth to flame
sky to its wondrous blue?
Some say, love is but a fool's game
Aye, we both know untrue.

Shall I twice pluck thy soft, sweet fruit
be it with soft touch?
In such, will our love take firm root
or presume I too much?

In thy heart's beating my heart trails
begging once more thy hand.
We seek love and all it entails
life's dance, its greatest band.

Shall we find vermilion sunsets?
Hold Love's all and all it begets?

Robert J. Lindley, 
Nov. 17th, 2002
Sonnet (86) (100)
Words (88)

Syllables Per Line: 8 6 8 6 0 8 6 8 6 0 8 6 8 6 0 8 8
Total # Syllables: 100
Total # Words: 88

by Edward Jones |
Categories: love,

Lovers Moon

When the moons soft lips kiss the sunset
Veils of darkness close there arms around us
And light bleeds through a pin pricked sky
From distant worlds we can only imagine
And the suns once warm and yellow rays
Are now white and cold on lunar reflections
A dead world, that only shines in darkness
A Jewel on black velvet, a pearl on the sea
A lighthouse to eyes that sail in the night
And as they say with a moth to a flame
So to can you say the moon is to lovers

by Jess Opperman |
Categories: allegory, devotion, imagery, inspirational love, love, romantic,

Our Love

your love shines outward
like a star in the dark of night
drawing me near you
like a moth to a flame
an obsession grasping my thoughts
can't get you out of my mind
and not wanting to
blinded and thinking of nothing 
but to be near you
and the warmth of your tender love
so lost without you
yet no matter the distance between us
your love shines through
even the darkest of nights
showing me the way to you
guiding my soul to a love
stronger than any other on earth
so much wanting to be one
so much wanting
the love we share is a selfish love
kept only for each other
your happiness is is my happiness
your sadness my sadness
two lonely individuals become one

by Martin Challender |
Categories: dark, day, dream, loneliness, lost love, memory, night,

All That Remains Of Yesterdays Wishes

Old flame memories, and game show repeats,
viewed through tobacco, it's smoke fills the room,
loneliness, only, stays glued to defeat,
blue-bottles, can't help, but choke on the gloom.

Dreams like the remote, corroded to rust,
unopened, unpaid, bills sit by the door,
surrendered and lost, to despair and dust,
no-one levelled up, around here for sure.

Each day's an ashtray, of stub filled regret,
while moth eaten drapes, block out the world's light,
another neat gin, will help to forget,
added indifference, towards day and night.

The blocked drains and sink, dirty old dishes,
all that remains of, yesterday's wishes.

by Kewayne Wadley |
Categories: for her, home, longing, love, peace,

Anywhere There's Peace

I feel most at home
When I am beside you.
I am able to breathe freely & abundantly.
You speak kindly to my soul,
& nurture the points of direction
Which I grow.
My sanctuary of peace,
My birds eye view of serenity.
I feel most at home
When I am in view of your garden.
Offering the utmost
Of warmth & affection.
Make no mistake,
I am not there to simply pass time
Nor am I there out of the convenience
Of you.
Being around you takes me
to another world
& I am glad to share in the experience
Of you.
I am in awe at how you transform me
Into a moth, in terms of light.
I’ll follow you anywhere

by Joe Dimino |
Categories: courage, friendship love, heartbreak, inspirational love, longing, love, wisdom,


Love is like a street-lamp,
on a cold moonless night;
the glow, a warming sight
we move toward as would
a moth advancing on flame -- 

love can heal and maim…

Love is like a buoyancy
for one long treading
and about to sink – only
so much loneliness can
gulping heart drink – 

love can be missed by
a blink -- 

So, take a chance on love -- 
lips offered, the song played
no matter time and place – love
is a blessed grace 
though only the daring 
need apply and embrace – 
all we have to freely give 
and hopefully will receive

for love can joy and grieve...

by Ndaba Sibanda |
Categories: deep, friendship, humor, hyperbole, imagination, romantic, words,


Here goes...
she said
it loudly and

l`m a miss
and  l miss 
you inside out

I miss you like
bees really miss
their honey

water for my thirst
food for my hunger
scratch for my itch

want to take
to you like 
duck to water

you draw me
to you like
moth to light 

you are my cake
my cup of goodies
my hot ice-cream

at night my moon
daytime my sun
your love my light

take a seat
I sold that heater
for your heat

you bathe in milk 
l bask in your presence
a sublime quench

what she did not
say is that we`re close
strangers on the net!

by William Masonis |
Categories: wife

Valentine Haiku For My Wife

Red sparks in brown hair -
Winter sun ignites my Love;
I, her circling moth.

by David Smalling |
Categories: friendship, love, heart, heart, universe,

The Inspired Heart

One more poem, Lord
Let my heart diffuse in words
Candle wax of love

One more drain of grief
The songs that make children smile
Flower spoilt by fruit

One more gift of grace
To fence death in coming night
In eternal song

And much more for love
The moth upon flame ignites
The wonder of eyes

One more poem, I
Darkness of universe, light
Saints on pilgrim shores

Give me heart to write
Upon bright in drops of dew
I quench sun's thirst too

by Nicholas Windle |
Categories: devotion, friendship, girlfriend-boyfriend, life, lovelove,

Love At First Sight

A silhouetted lengthen form,
Came from out the morning sun.
As my eyes adjust to its savage glare,
I knew you are the one.

Though mortal in my quest am I
Fair maid I love thee so.
Smitten as the moth to the flame,
A pure vision to behold.

In trepidation of things to come,
Free from my lonely cell.
Heart beats like fluttering butterflies,
As from her lips, she chants her spell.

For I am but a simple fool,
And what can she see in me?
For that, what can I offer?
Except selfless love and loyalty.

For it is said love conquers all,
And for me I’m but a boy.
For what do I know of true love?
But in these words I try.

Nicholas Windle 2009.

by Neha Godambe |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend, life, love, mother, nature, passion, romance, satire,

A Contraceptive Pill

Afore falling in his arms they advice to think twice
Unregretful I act beyond my surprise
It’s the grip of a force, a force here to claim
Compelling, like a moth drawn to the flame

Every night encloses the heat of flaming souls
But sun kissed morning plays a wicked role
To my realization it brings an obvious question
What next to prevent conception?

Like always, I pop in a pill to save the bill
My guy admires the worth of a contraceptive pill
It causes side-effects. Ah! How would he know?
He enjoys the freedom of reckless show

Nevertheless, I look at kids and admire their innocence
Wish the pill could kill within me my maternal pretence!

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: emotions, feelings, imagery, love, lust, metaphor, sad,

Hotter Than Fire

Hope ignites the candle that burns in the depths of your heart and soul. And yet, persistent doubt returns, levying a heartbreaking toll. When that inner flame’s doused by tears, anxiety makes you nauseous. And while loneliness fuels fears, lust circumvents being cautious. The moth woos the flame, and they waltz; though courting death, she may expire. Enamored, she's blind to fire's faults, for desire burns hotter than fire. Happiness morphs into teardrops within a world where wishes die. The lying simply never stops, and fledgling hearts need trust to fly.

by Rachel Tate |
Categories: love,

The Prose Solicits the Person

Fairy Tales and as you wishes have warped my mind
Cause with you I have come to find
Like Icarus to the sun, and Annabel Lee to the sea
There's something about your smile that compels me
Like a moth to the flame 
I long to whisper your name
So let the Sirens sing their song
And I will blithely hum along
But as I slip my little black dress on
I wonder could this be a lasting bond
Or like Eleonora in The Valley of the Many-Colored Grass
Am I destined to fall on my ***
Unfortunately, that last sentiment can not matter
Because as everyone knows, it's all about the happily ever after 

For the contest  
Edgar Allan Poe ref Annabel Lee and Eleonora in The Valley of the Many-Colored Grass

by Shrikant Sharma |
Categories: lost loveme, day, me,


.It became a pain, when I flourished it within my veins, 
Love is what, nothing like a game of gains, 
I follow my feeling until I ruined, and I ruined my feeling until me drains, 
In her eyes I saw a depth, in her face I found an Egyptian Seth, 
She murdered my soul, made me blind, and made me beg my life, 
As a moth searching always a flame for asking to drag his life, 
One day I will asleep on a sleek, 
That day nothing will left as a desire, when I will be on a fleet, 
I asked you to have a dream, and you to become my dream, 
You chucked me like a stone, like it was a prone, 
It became a faint again, when I dare to burn the whole gent,.

by Rosemarie Rowley |
Categories: appreciation, blessing,

Goodness As a Vibration


I love only what is good, and this aesthetic
Delights the blind man, for he can feel
Shimmer like a moth at his elbow, my pathetic
Sighs of creation in making what’s real, 

And he can distinguish the dark shrouds
Of faces where wicked deeds were splendour,
He can detect the feast of envy, and loud
Avenues of fame, their soul’s provender.

A child glistens with beauty like a rain-
Drop, dancing with the feet of time,
Innocence is bliss only when his pain
Of not seeing is absent, for he hurts like lime

Thrown in the faces of perceived sinners -
Who say horses backed on principle are not winners.

by Nita Martin |
Categories: love, relationship, romance, sweet, me, sweet,

Your Sweet Lips On Mine

Your touch drives me crazy sends shivers down my spine
Your kiss is so sweet stops my heart 
I need to know how to make you mine
I don't want the time to come for us to part

I have never meet a man like you
With your arms so willing to hold me thight
Your soul so true
Your smile so bright

I am a moth being drawn to your flame
I catch my breath every time
Your sweet mouth calls my name
Just basking in your persents is sublime

by Chaim Wilson |
Categories: emotions, life, love,

A Time When Moth and Man Rhyme

A moth’s drawn to light,
Man seeks his dawn in a lover.
Either species takes flight.
Both lose ability to hover,
As balance becomes slight,
Circling and spiraling another,
Crashing is dangerous due to the height.
Two voices emerge and vie to take over,
Caution says, “Incoming blight!”
“To be safe, I better run for cover!”
Abandon says, “What’s natural is right!”
“Isn’t this how dad met mother?”
Breathing room’s scarce, everything’s tight, 
For moth or man it’s no clear matter!