by Celeste Butler-Mendez |
funny, love
What underhanded monkey business
razzle-dazzle bull is this?
Whose double-crossing, flimflam scam,
debauchery or hocus sham
is wheeling dealing in romance,
putting lovers in a trance?
Antics, capers or witch's brew,
enchanting hymns or shaman's stew,
whose quackery or voodoo drink
made Casanova stop and think
and turned the ancient lovers cold;
poor Romeo and nymphs of old?
Perhaps black magic's potent gel,
or craftiness or wicked spell,
a clever con or master hoax,
or just some trickster playing jokes.
Whatever ruse that works the arts,
mumbo jumbo seduces hearts!
by Kim Rodrigues |
anger, hate,
toss anger, he said
into the bin of waste
waste not mankind’s love
with abuse and bite
the bullet skies
high the eagle flies
why not the steeple
less with feathers flocked
why not the pews on
threadbare knees
that knock and palms
close touch of closed
and ethereal eyes, in shock
of amazing blue, far above
the whizzing bell of shots
some fell, some rise
both have a knell and sigh
anger flung like monkey dung
lay upon the sheetrock roof
its lies are born and cradled
evil has a childhood, is able
to wean and crawl, to fall
toss anger, he spoke
to the deaf and blind
they never woke nor wised
up. six feet downer done
swept into the bin of waste
a godforsaken life
by Skat A |
adventure, brother, fantasy, funny, funny love, giggle, girlfriend,
Monkey See~
There once was a monkey named Frank
Who loved to walk the plank
He said too many jokes
Pulled too many hoaxe-s
Ha! Ha! Ha! Then he got a good spank
Who's that monkey in front of me
I dare to hang with you on a tree
Oh! What I do? Will you do?
Together we are like glue
Is that my flea or your flea?
~ Skat ~
by Anthony Biaanco |
absence, war,
Broken glass world
pithed with black flags
madmen and misfits.
Where is our god in all this fantastic muck?
Atop an out of touch mountain top...
Salving wounds of savant sons?
Far below all the rest flayed and salted.
mostly forgotten
Our collective-depressive monkey minds fleeing to
origami boats.
Drifting upon shark finned ponds.
Flaming arrows line the shores.
Ribbed strays and one-legged orphans
turning tricks for milk and crumbs
and the rustic prosthetic called
by Declan Molloy |
history, remember,
Noisy Little monkey
Techno junkie, clever monkey
Habilis in magic mist
Little Lucy's dream
Swingers in city sky
*****erectus being
sunlit opposing thumbs
sad bipedal thing...
Flint knapper back stabber
rapping dancer man
tippers, dark skin tappers
ancient mountain clans
Neanderthal folk dying oak
river crashing sounds
rumbling in that stormy pass
above ancestral ground
Searching warming grass
Silent monkeys dared
Invented gods of love and fear
hung them in the stars
Remember fingers in winter corn
Oh warriors of the plain long lost
Sapient kings of a dying earth
just shadows in approaching dusk
by Tom Larrow |
children, teacher, wisdom,
Tell me, why does God make puddles, in our driveway, when it rains?
Then mom says "play but, don't get dirty, cuz I won't get out the stains"
God made me, to love that feeling, of jumping in them with both feet
I'll send that water flying, maybe as high as mom and daddy's seat
Then mom yells "girl you know better, look at the mess you've made
Our clothes and shoes, filthy, wet and dirty, like a monkey in the arcade
This child constantly tries my patience, dear God why is she such a pest?
Astonished by Gods answer “when teaching lessons, I use my very best”
by Leon Enriquez |
Mind and heart know the way of flow,
Opt to receive the grace of zest;
Now sense the glow of love that shows,
Keep and achieve your affluent best;
Eye with delight bliss with sure ease,
Yes dare to seek blessings most grand.
Bright words spark sight of scented peace,
Urge your bold peaks in joy's lifespan;
Sights and sounds swirl and call you now,
Indulge the heart with happy days;
Niche then your world with fond endow,
Expand fine start through rainbow rays;
Set your mind clear with faith that grounds,
Soar beyond fear to peace profound.
Leon Enriquez
09 February 2016
by Joyce Wolayo |
allusion, anger, angst, best friend, break up,
His colours are usually red
Which stands for brotherhood
White which stands for purity and honesty
Blue which stands for love and good luck
However when I saw him recently
His colours had changed
They pierced my eye sight and hurt my pride
His colour had become a terrible nightmare to me
The colours were black
For a darkened hurt inside him
He was grey the colour of a turning
Storm ready to explode in my face
It was also yellow in his face
Like a bomb just exploded and left
In its wake a heap of burning debris
I did not expect to find a mysterious friend
Turned into a real monkey
Into an enemy
Into a fool
He was no more.
by Asif Andalib |
life, love, me, passion, romance,
Baby tell me you like me
Like a poet likes poetry
Baby tell me you love me
Like a flower loves a bee
Baby tell me you need me
Like a river needs a sea
Baby tell me you want me
Like a monkey wants a tree
Baby tell me you miss me
Like the beggars miss money
by Barbara Cotter |
allegory, angst, imagination, lost love, love, old, day, old,
If it's just the organ grinder
with his little pet monkey
give him a penny
and send him on.
If it's just the organ grinder
coming around to tell me
what time it is,
tell him I bought a clock.
I had a tolerance for the old man
and his little dressed up monkey,
but day after day the same old tune,
I grow bored. He was quaint once
but now I'm seated comfortably.
If it's just the organ grinder,
give him a penny, or two cents,
send him on to the next house.
by Samuel Durant |
lost love, , cute,
one year for christmas i got this book
called 'people of wal-mart'
filled with gross photos
of fat people in tight clothing
except for this one picture
of this cute chick holding a monkey
the top half of her head wasn't in the photo
but man, she had a pretty nose
cute chin, too
oh monkey girl
will i ever know the pleasure
of navigating shopping facilities
with primate in tow
just me
and my monkey girl?
by Duke Beaufort |
animals, satire
Five vow to be corporate wench
To twist votes with their monkey wrench
The freed business fist
Full of money--they've kissed!
Gives Robert's court bench quite a stench
Moneyed pigs love this press release
Their chunks of great wealth must increase!
These skunks gorge and snort
Their ads—thanks Supreme Court—
Are greed that’s been freed and won’t cease
by Richard Breese |
fun, funny, funny love, giggle, hilarious, humor, humorous, silly,
once a wise monkey named stan
dreamt of becoming a man
so to fool all the rest
taped a note to his chest
my wife use to date tarzan.
by Patricia Bernard |
body, desire, heart, love, romance, sexy, truth,
This much is true I do need you
For ever waking hour and even in my dreams
You are with me and I can only say this is sweet
torture to me
I feel you to the very apex of my sex
When you are near I start to tremble with fear
you will smell just how wet my seat
is for you now this is not lust I trust
For this is true love
You kiss me and I lose all sense of time
I am like a sentence without a conjunction I can not function
You are the yun to my yan
Make me complete say you will stay make hot monkey sex with me please
If it is not ment to be forever I will settle for right now
For I need you inside not outside don't you see make me complete
by Charles Hice |
imagination, life, people, woman,
The Monkey And The Woman
The monkey and the woman
Smoke swirling,
out of burnt nostrils.
Clouds exhaled,
out of female lungs.
Looks(better than a poodle).
Not young or old not bad.
Between drinks,carrying a purse.
Walking to her next rendevous.
The woman of Flagstaff,
dismissed the monkey.
No love for you.
But no way am I sad.
The part I am missing,
is still somewhere in my future.
Charles Robert Hice
Copyright ©2006 Charles Hice
by Jackie Manuel |
Was it a mocha latte or a moch frap ?
My mind escapes me at the moment
I can nor grasp nor reenact the events that play in my late memory
Was it you screaming or me leaving that played the biggest part
I cannot recall
But it is said if you love it you must let it depart
I hold it less at my heart and more as a monkey on my back
I think more so.....
Never mind, forget it, I'll never get that memory back
Long as the Great Wall of China or short as a life span
excuse my inner thoughts Im just babbling
Guess I'm going through a life transe
by Neldy Jolo |
absence, addiction, adventure, age, art, baby, birthday,
So cold in the cave
The serenity of religious rituals
I can feel how peaceful is living
And the being living in peace
Harmoniously blended with other faith
The doves are flying inside here
They flap their wings with no harm
The monkeys are waiting for the visitors
In the 272 steps they are seen sacred
A cone like stiff of the cave interior
I love it.
I love you peace. Let's sail together. Layag Sug!
by Caren Krutsinger |
getting out my paints
primary and secondary
starting slowly, but working my way to a frenzy
Pollack style.
tossing out a few dots
no satisfaction.
begin penciling in some lines
thinking animals as I do this.
an eagle, an elk, a monkey,
something fun, humorous, clever
lots of yellows, reds, and blues.
love the basics.
a little black, some white, more than usual
I like bright. Bright is the ruler of the scepter if you ask me.
tossing some random bulls into the fray
Pondering whether or not to leave it alone.
This is how I know it is finished.
I love it!
by Annie Lander |
age, beautiful, break up, conflict, dedication,
When You Follow Your Heart
We might have made love
In the bed of roses: the bed of fragrant flowers
As we consummate the joy of true love: at age sixty
where the pursuit of pleasure: is a taboo subject
where the Irish moss warms our soft lips:
We might have reversed the aging process, because
our bodies become fascinating and seductive: coherently
We might have rattled the monkey cage: like epic lovers growing old
With one thing on our minds: we follow our hearts
by Michelle Wingrove |
son, love, , cute,
Cheeky little monkey
All sweetness and light
Huggable and cuddly
He brings such delight
He gets in moods a lot
And has a habit of annoyance
But you can’t stay mad with him long
Cos he is as cute as they come
I love my little Jordyn
I love him so much
I can’t explain
The closeness we have together
And his incredible touch
He is my baby boy
My youngest little man
The cheeky one
Of all the clan
by Pamela Griffiths |
The monkey sits in a tree so high
Looking towards the reddening sky
A Mars effect is happening now
As the sun is setting the effect is wow
In light of the setting sun monkey calls
The other monkeys listen over waterfalls
Monkey madness is here today
All screeching in a wondrous play
Monkeys are swinging high above
Screeching out their undying love
The mating call of the primate group
All cling together in life’s sweet loop
by Nola Perez |
You imagined his love an antidote
not an addiction to enslave you,
but when the spiral you were in, left you
with a splintered heart, that fragile part
surrendered when you laid down
your arms you became a junkie for his em-
brace,you wore a monkey on your back,
you were an abyss of unworthiness.
Yet in the finality of it all when
you were back upon the shelf, know
you did not fall to Love, but to
the Shadow self. It's not the same,
so brook no blame, and bless
the one who stayed, and stayed again.
Bless him who embraced both
shadow and the sun.
by Gershon Wolf |
animal, giggle, music, romantic love,
Yesterday I ran into a macaque
Who was playing a violin out back
Making music with his bow
A real monkey Romeo
Fiddling with sweet Juliet in the sack
by Ts Poetry |
an enigma of adulation
captured before release
dressed down desert sand
paraded, in once forgotten land
makeup off of the monkey
and rising moonbeams put aside
eyes daring, dying only to see
out past the distance
where the water runs so free
I can taste her in the salt-tease
drying out for me
promises, no promises
where one gazes
a pill of "what's it gonna be"
a lifetime of surrender
where desert never meets the sea
or a morning blowing in
amid songs of the red dawn
an endless soothing breeze
by Jagdish Bajantri |
Monkey & Human
Jumping,jumping,jumping in a box
monkey would like to dance
stretching,stretching,stretching monkey
would like to scratch
hurry,hurry,hurry monkey would like
to eat
eating,eating,eating human wants to
eat fruits
anger,anger,anger monkey would like
to slap
sending,sending,sending human wants
to send monkey to the sun
ramayan,ramayan,ramayan in that we can see
monkey and human fight for good
poems,poems,poems monkey wants to read
human wants to sing a poem,wink
with love all
jagdish bajantri