by Tasmina Hayat Khan |
appreciation, bangla, passion, patriotic,
Bangladesh my Homeland,
Bangladesh my Dreamland,
Bangladesh I love you,
Bangladesh, I live for you.
The green flag out of the red ball,
Plays the flute on golden grains tall.
The motion of charming water lily,
Reminds all Tigers to snatch back lost glory.
Oh my Homeland, Oh my Mother!
Hence you’re rewarded with plenty of rivers,
The Hilsha and its silvery shine
Makes the magpie lovely dance in rain.
Our fishermen and their vessels,
Make the motherland ample
And secure thy royal castle.
Each tissue of thy Jack-fruit,
Can meet up hunger and play flute
We love you, we love our Bangla
Pretty Mom, you’re softy-sweetie Bangla!
by Annabelle Jane |
He thought she was a magpie,
For she set her sights on radiant things,
And her indigo wings were
Polished like jet.
Little did he know
That the treasure she sought
Was the sole, bloodied stone he kept
In his chest.
by Stephen Clarke |
death, funeral, loss, lost love, sad, christmas, christmas,
As christmas mounts decembers passing
we huddle in your absence.
Our eyes earthbound in aversion
of the stinging words etched upon the marble.
A solitary magpie skipping over the crystallised blades
highlights my purpose at your graveside.
Your first christmas misspent in the depths of the earths
are my thoughts as my eyes thaw the ground beneath.
by Brian Strand |
nature, seasons
the red kite whistles
to it's mate soaring above..
from their nest of love
chatter in the sky
northwards,in neat formation
migrating geese fly
a magpie arrives..
the starling's melody dies-
soundlessly death cries
just one flap of wings-
the sparrow-hawk makes its kill
pouncing down at will
by Samuel Durant |
Everyone is listening,
and being empathetic.
Holidays are meaningless.
Isn't it great?
The less you wash your hands
the more you catch feelings,
just never wear gloves.
And oh my, I don't know why,
but, with my eye up to your thigh
I can see the sky, a greasy magpie
in flight.
I love it when you
into my psyche
take a chunk
or two outta me,
and set me free
so tenderly.
by Inga Beriashvili |
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,
Pitied is the vanity of sheer vengeance-
For lying in justice is seldom truth
And petty satisfaction in mere penance.
The Magpie, all swathed in day and night,
Shall weep into the genesis innocence,
But beware what skulks in black and white,
For crocodiles’ tears bear dissonance.
Ignorance is the key to Hades’ gate-
It bleeds and forgets mortal guilt,
In the benevolent the Devil lurks and awaits
The destruction of the crucifix goodwill built.
Oh Magpie, what divine hands forged thy evil eye?
Yet bestowed an unlikely love so smooth,
A Magpie’s lie is never a lie,
And its truth is never truth.
by John Anderson |
I fed the magpie scraps of bread
stay home
sentinel now perched, outside my house
essential travel only
'tis Spring, nice to get out and about
those swoops and jabs can really hurt
no friends in house
nice to feel the warm sun on skin
wear a spiky hat
only exercise for one hour a day
my dog cringes inside, bird-shy
only buy the basics
love the rain, umbrella helps
jab-shy, got the jab anyway
the dish ran away with the spoon
by Rama Balasubramanian |
Oh Robin! I wish I could tell how much I love thee
Small fluffy and beautiful, you bestow much joy to me
Mesmerized I listen your melodic music whole day
Wagging your tail angrily, you drive predators away
Your cosy home, a hole in the trunk of flame tree
Amid flower's, wearing orange skirt, you bring glee
Note : Based on real observation of Robin from my balcony. When they sit on top of flame tree flowers, it seems they are wearing orange skirt. They look very pretty in that.
Both pictures taken from my balcony. One depicts the nest in tree trunk.
For Bite Size Poem no.4, Line Gauthier
by Caren Krutsinger |
Raymond Magpie fell in love with a crow.
When she was around, he was a glow.
It cannot be true!
Said Mother Prue.
I will bring him home by his big toe.
So she did what she said she was going to do.
She dragged Raymond Magpie by his left shoe.
There he stays
Pinning his days
Wishing his mama was not a racist shrew.
by James Smyth |
Brilliantly Blue Sky with Wispy Wondering Nebulous Cumulus Clouds
A bench. The scarred magpie
The dull thud of realisation
Easily mistaken for a heartbeat
And our conversation;
Itself a Venn diagram of times very non linearity
Our elliptical orbit spun me dizzyingly to it's furthest reaches and back again
Events of a million years ago fondly remembered
But for you and I
Only yesterday
by Michelle Morris |
bird, blessing, environment, inspirational, life, nature, perspective,
Two magpies
By Michelle Morris
I see two for joy
Two magpies in the garden
Enjoying the sunshine
Inspired by the moments
Two as a pair
Love and happiness
Inspiring our joy
Blessings and gladness
Two as a couple
Joined in time and space
We are blessed profoundly
Every single day
© Michelle Morris, 2023
Since time immemorial, it is believed that a single magpie always brings bad luck and magpies in a pair (two Magpies) bring joy or are positive. One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for a birth.
by Daisy Reilly |
allegory, angel, children, earth, love, mother,
Earth Poem
By Daisy Reilly
Life keeps on turning
With or without me
To the sound of a carasol
A distant memory
Of love that once blessed me
Through the window of my soul
Remedy of bygone times
In sweetness of motherhood
Child in my arms
A spoonful of honey
In the wild dell of a tree
Lights up our smiles and sets our mind free
Once again upon a sunny day
Mother Earth of love
Leads us by the hand
Singing and dancing to the tune of her wonderland
Where a little red robin
Sings from her nest
A song of peace for the very best;
And the magpie has flown
Back to the throne
To his black and white palace of temple stone.
by Jeanette Swan |
child, garden, nature,
I love to sail on waves of sky
where breaths of clouds are rushing by,
where tall trees toss their leafy heads
way above the garden beds.
I love to swing with the birds at dawn
when sky cracks open and day is born,
when hems of fur on the robes of night
gently brush the morning light.
I ride on a swing. I swoop and fly.
I kick at falling leaves.
I call to a magpie as she dips by,
and feel the whoosh of the breeze.