Love Poems About Jay or Jay Love Poems
by Lin Lane |
Categories: lost love,

On Restless Wings

I wrote verse on the wings of a lark
romantic phrases in perfect rhyme
but the lark flew away in the dark
I wrote no further for the longest time

A lone blue jay landed upon my lawn
I wrote sweet prose on his sapphire wings
He spent the night with me, but at dawn
the jay flew away and no longer sings

I answered the call of a beautiful raven
I wrote love sonnets on his ebony wings
He stayed for years in my safe haven
I was one of the raven's castoff things

I no longer trust those who take flight
I lost them all and my torn heart bled
On restless wings I'll never again write
of love that leaves me alone in my bed

by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: bird, day, dream, love, remember, sky, today,

When Silence Speaks - POTD

Now you have gone away,
I have not much to say.
Remembering sitting on the bay, 
even when the big clouds were gray.
I know you could not stay,
what I would give for one more day.
You went on your way,
no more running at play.
When silence speaks through a singing blue jay,
all I can do is now pray.

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: love,

A Birthday Picnic

In a secluded tidy sandy bay 
In the delightful month of May
My love and I spent a whole day.
I had to show without delay
And thus, my feelings would convey
That my love was not hearsay.

I gave her a lovely bouquet,
With a red rose, a fragrant spray,
Bubbly champagne for her birthday,
Delicacies I had to pay
And fruit we ate without delay.
Celebrate her fine soul so gay.
Pure happiness for us that day.
How we kissed and sang, mere child's play.
Ran across the sand, a mock fray.
Admired the flight of a lone jay,
We rested under the sun's ray,
Then plunged into the sea to stay
Until crimson evening we'll lay.
Time up but happy for the day,
Retired to our rented chalet.

by L'Nass Shango |
Categories: philosophy

The Map

Glacial ice melting
The climate suddenly changes
Old relationships.

When the blue jay sings
Listen how wide it ranges
The boundary of spring.

After rain rainbow
Thunder makes the coastland smile
Faith provides the oil.

So I map landscapes
With audacity to see
Change, a boomerang.

I search through petals
To find a woman's soft heart
Felt a bumbled sting

No bridge left to cross
Love drowns everything in tears
So the cuckoo sings

by Sue Mason |
Categories: devotion

Silent Speaking

To speak a name ...
most Beneficient, most Glorious,
the All-Wise or to This
from whence I came:

No words have I to say
for love lies between us, unspoken.

How to speak of hope if
I turn away from the downtrodden,
how to ask for forgiveness
as my hands kill in Your names ...
so many names ...
how to say thank you for all
as I hoard wealth and
how empty are promises
as children starve?

No, I have nothing to say
as I listen to the cooing of a dove
or the cacaphony of a blue jay
and laugh with You.

     for Matt Calieri's "If You Could Talk To God" contest

by White Wolf |
Categories: love, spiritual,

Beyond the Dark

As egregious as this world may be,
In the crevices and folds search and 
You will see. 
Magical moments can be captured by you,
And embraced by me.
Let your spirit wander being free,
Losing your fears and shine, because 
Without darkness there is no light.
And it is within this darkness 
We learn our might. 
Walk with me, as together we’re strong 
In each other’s sight.
Entwined as one we shall become,
Like an eclipse of the moon and sun.
Beyond these earthly delights a 
Spiritual bond.

A collaboration with Blue Jay.

by Lu Loo |
Categories: love,

Complicated Perfection

She was covered in messy hair
and wore such manic eyes.
Though she was complicated, 
she offered me perfection. 

She knew not self-control
or aided in anything worthwhile, 
but her voice resounded in an
aria of a tune even a Blue Jay
couldn’t comprehend. 

She lived a life on the edge, 
no rhyme to her reason and
no reason for her mistakes. 
Though she was difficult to 
say the least, she was flawless 
in my arms. 

It was clear she inhabited a
perplex mind. Though she was 
intricate to the world, she owned
a simple heart. A woman with 
arduous passion for me.  

June 10, 2018

by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: beauty, bird, moon, summer, uplifting, world, yellow,


I love when the hot summer days melt away, autumn will be here real soon. A change is coming says the big blue jay, I can see it in the moon.
Days are now getting shorter, as the days play hide-in-seek. The moon told about it the last quarter, this is the cooling off week.
Pretty colors are everywhere, I love seeing yellow, orange and red. The falling leaves have a real flair, picking them up is a real dread.
Autumn I love the cooler days and nights, you bring wonderful new delights.

by Shane Solomon |
Categories: music

Sittin On a Parkbench Waitin For Jethro Tull Or Jay-Z

I love a good rhythimic beat
I can imitate a drum with the pounding of my feet
Whether it's rock & roll or rap
A stadium amp or a backwards cap
Any type of music makes me get out of my seat

by Jay Johnson |
Categories: absence, abuse, addiction, africa, age, allah, allegory, allusion, analogy, animal, anniversary, anti bullying, april, arabic, assonance, autumn, baby, beach, best friend, betrayal, bird, birthday, brother, daughter, death, faith, father, hope, life, loss, lost love, mother, nostalgia, religion, satire, sister, son, sympathy,

The Apple Pasture


                             The Apple PASTURE

Oh how I long
To drift into the apple pasture.
Were once was and all well meet.
A pure and dear site.
Where silver reflection cover the still waters that holds the golden
grains of morality and the grazing souls lie young amounce no stars.
Oh how I long
To drift into the apple pasture
Were winds smell of melon and the trees whisper spring corals in the mellow dark and best of light and time creeps into no tomorrow.


by Jun-Jun Villanueva |
Categories: life


A son, a brother, a friend and a lover,
A brother of Richard, Jay-Ar and Ralph,
A lover of love, wealth and hardworks,
Who feels afraid, desolate and helpless,
Who fears death, blood and demonic sins,
Who would like to see you,"heaven and earth",
Resident of Batangas City,

by Odwa Mdeyide |
Categories: change, cute love, dream, fear, horror, image, metaphor,



The day begins with promises, 
from the east as the sun rises, 
it has hope that to all it carries, 
lighting our way from bitterness, 
that we wish to leave with yesterday.
The promise to shine away the pain, 
bring smiles and joy to its prey 
that it feeds from everyday.
Then the wind changes its direction, 
twisting smiles into smirks, 
clouds try to get each other’s attention, 
light shines from the grey sky,
threatening to take life by a flash.
Then the blue hides under grey, 
then small drops of tears of the sky.
That is how love passes by.
			The loving OW-JAY

by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: bird, love, red, song, sweet, tree, uplifting,


beautiful red bird                                                                                              singing and eating your seed                                                                                oh how I love you


Date Written:1/18/2021

5 Place
A Cardinal, Blue Jay, or Chickadee Haiku
Contest Judged:1/22/2021 
Sponsored by: Tania Kitchin

by Caycay Jennings |
Categories: baby, cat, family, friend, joy, love, perspective,

My Sweet Boy, Raja

Dedicated To My Sweet Baby Boy Companion, Raja (Raja is pronounced Rah-jay)
More than a pet, Raja is special kin My cat fills my heart with blessed joy His luxurious fur is a cuddly skin More than a pet, Raja is special kin As my steady constant pal, he gains my grin My feelings happily sigh for my sweet boy More than a pet, Raja is special kin My cat fills my heart with blessed joy
2-5-22 Caren Krutsinger Trilogy Contest

by Gwen Von Erlach Schutz |
Categories: faithautumn, thanksgiving,

The Miracles of Thanksgiving

A day of autumn beauty,
Beautiful in every way,
Canada is a land blessed,
Dance of the leaves, when the wind blows,
Each person thankful for Thanksgiving reunions,
Free to celebrate and be together,
Goodness given to us by the Lord,
Houses and apartments warmed and comfortable,
I like being there, at home,
Jay the beautiful bluebird that sits in the pine tree,
Kindness everywhere, a land to be proud,
Love and friendship prevails with every good neighbor,
Miracle, God's blessing,
New faith and days of worship at church,
October days and nights, the fading of summer,
Parents and children gather for Thansgiving at church and house.

Author: Gwen Meyer-Erlach Schutz

by Jay Johnson |
Categories: animals, black african american, brother, dedication, fantasy, girlfriend-boyfriend, husband, life, love, music, mystery, native american, nature, passion, romance, seasons, teen, uplifting, wife, longing,

Black Love

Black LOVE

             My head rested
on the pillow of her smooth skin.
She opened the curtains of her being,
My hands slip into indulgence while 
 they explored her expansive dark skin.
With half words she whispered moans,
 followed by screams of passion.
With her shadow I bounded, as she 
swarmed waters of our endless longing passed.

                     Jay Johnson

by Odwa Mdeyide |
Categories: cute love, desire, dream, funny love, happiness, i love you, word play,

My Wife


Every night I close my eyes,
every night I dose at stars,
see the beauty that never dies,
dream of her brown eyes
that light my days of happiness
hear her voice that cheers sadness
listen close to her words of encouragement
promising me my whole life’s entertainment,
but I wake up every morning grumpy,
sad that the day is longer than the night
in which she exist and shines bright,
brighter than the spot light,
that i use to see the smile in my heart
and all i see is sad nights when i don’t dream that.

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: animal, beauty, nature,

- Haiku X 196 - Blue Jays -

tension in the air

                                     a love affair is a choice ~

                                            blue jays do rob nests

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

A Cardinal, Blue Jay, or Chickadee Haiku Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Tania Kitchin
4th place in the contest

by James Marshall Goff |
Categories: lost love

My Love Far Away

I wished to own some things someday
To bring them home and call my own

The trees have grown without a care
To where their seeds have up and flown

Oceans ebb and rainbows arch
These things I gather turn to dust

The Blue Jay flies not knowing why
The birds he mimics, resent my lies

And as my world spins through the stars

       One thing I need-

                                My truth
Dare say

My love for you




by Jay Johnson |
Categories: anniversary, friendship, love, me, passion, teen, uplifting,



                                   How you make me feel
                                        I feel no pain
                                 Your laugh makes me smile
                                 Your voice gives me butterflies
                                        I know it's not hate
                                 It's not I like and it's to early to say love
                               Yet the reality of you is better than a dream

                                                 Jay Johnson

by Ken Carroll |
Categories: bird, lonely, love,


Songbird in my front yard
feeding on seed I've thrown
I can see you
because I have become 
part of the silence...

Each day I learn from you
as the fish learn from the sea
the Sparrow and the Blue Jay
learn from the wide open sky..

Mockingbird I am lonely today
chant your melancholy in the still air
call for your lost lover
making the stars smile 
and your mate to sing  back..

Tonight I will chant for my lover
as I look for her in distant stars
perhaps they are all just nests
of celestial invisible birds...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

by Gwen Von Erlach Schutz |
Categories: appreciation, beautiful, blessing, celebrity, friendship, god,

God's Plan

A is a beautiful day
Brave and bold
Courageous and my Christmas miracle
Divine and religious
Excellent and fulfilling
Figuratively enhanced
Godly and receptive
Handsome and alluring
Idol of humanity
Jay of blue
Kind and princely
Love exemplified with religion
Man of my dreams
Nice to perfection
Outdoor manner refreshing
Papal all the while secular
Question of love and friendship
Reign of kindness
Solar complexity like the sun
Teacher of God and humanity
Universal and fulfilling
Victorious mountain climber
Worldly and romantic,
Xylophone of moderation
Zealous and courageous,my love and friend, God

Author: Gwen von Erlach Schutz

by Gerald Buss |
Categories: care,

Mourning Dove

The mourning dove visits daily, comes for her noontime meal. This sweet-faced bird also has the sweetest song, a haunting melody. But what is most endearing is her politesse, her courtesy, her hanging back, while others eat ahead. She doesn't "push or shove," nor does she intimidate, as the blue jay does, or seems to at any rate; she waits and, for that, and for what it is worth, the mourning dove has drawn from this bird-loving bird-feeder an abiding love.

by Rocell Grace Aranas |
Categories: courage, cousin, creation, crush, cute love, dad, daughter,

The Last Dance

Move thy feet to me 
Let us dance to the rhythm of our hearts; 
Go to the oblivion cold spring of guilty roads and selfish love. 
And drink the cup of our undying passion; 
Could this be our last dance? 
For our hearts know the reasons why.. for the second chance; 
Before the phantom of dishonest morning dies: 
Come! be with me my Poseidon.. 
 Listen to the unheard melodies of the blue Jay; 
A mind can forget, though it's questioning.. 
 And a heart can remember, despite it's aching. 
Weep must not we for sunset, 
And have the Last dance!

by Jarrod Denney |
Categories: childhood, friendship, girlfriend-boyfriend, growing up, happiness, romance, teen,

Betrayal Apology

Betraying a friend is wrong
I should have known this all along
For I should have given you my trust
Instead I screamed and cussed
So to my dismay
To this very day
All I can think is I am sorry
Just know my eyes are starry
Because every time I look at you
I see what I almost blew
And it make me sad to think
That all in a blink
You could be just gone
And I would be lonely for so long
That all I try to say
Although it may be cliche
I love you, from your boy Jay