Love Poems About Hour or Hour Love Poems
by Ink Empress |
Categories: dance, deep, love,

Lucid Dreams

Last night I dreamt that I was dancing in soft foggy mists designed in pearly bows, frolicking from thin fluffy silver waves- blanketing moonlit skies within hour less hills and jasmine fields free flowing through blue bliss lakes, in lucid motions, as seamless ripples reflect a sweet rhapsody of a golden rose sprouting amidst glistening rays, as I name mauve stars with your love

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: longing, love hurts, romance,

My Love She'D Lent


I followed her where'er she went
Lured onward by her fragrant scent

She clasped his hand, a handsome gent
How could she know my love she'd lent

I died one thousand deaths inside
Choked back my tears with wounded pride

How long such anguish could I bear
My heart asunder to let tear

The hour had come to make my move
My love for her I had to prove

Unsteady I, and quite unsure
Just how to break the news to her --

My tongue was still despite I tried
'To ask her this: 'Please be my bride.'

      ~ Iambic Tetrameter ~

        December 30, 2019

by Joyce Johnson |
Categories: flower,

Lemon Trees

I know the land where the lemon-trees flower.
My love met me near them, to linger an hour.
I kissed him, I hugged him and smelled the sweet scent,
And prayed it stayed with him, wherever he went.
The day was so perfect, the skies were so blue.
The fragrance entrancing and love was so new.
He broke off a blossom and gave it to me,
And promised his love for an eternity.
My friends were so happy to plan bridal showers
And my wedding bouquet was of lemon-tree flowers.

Written  7/15/ 18

Sponsor;  Julia Ward

Contest "Pretty Poem, Please

by Brian Anderson |
Categories: love, passionme, me,

Yin & Yang ( a Love Letter )

she's absolut
i'm hennessy
i'm rush hour traffic in L.A.
she's a small town in Tennessee
she's left handed
i think i'm always right
i love the way she will compromise
i never give in without a fight


she's satin sheets
i'm the body wrapped within
together were complete
without her i feel without a friend

i'm lust
she's desire
she's my redemption
my salvation from the fire
and while were not exactly opposites
she compliments me beautifully
picking me up when i fall
and standing by me dutifully

by Bill Baker |
Categories: dark, emotions, evil, inspirational love, light, pain,

The Darkest Hour

The darkest hour comes with pain that's insane,
Excruciating, unrelenting pain.
The sobbing and gasping are so abrupt.
The heart is broken; the body gives up.

The darkest hour tries to take full control,
Searching through the suffering for the soul.
Disillusioning evil tells a lie.
“Death will set you free, so let yourself die.”

Numbness begins to smother the feeling.
The chaos of your mind sends you reeling.
In time you know there must be a reason
To continue at least for a season.

Looking deep within, you search for the light,
A seed of love to help you through the night.

by Nina Hernandez |
Categories: angst, daughter, death, depression, devotion, family, fantasy, imagination, love, mother, sad, dark, dark, rose,

The Rose

Once bloomed a rose so young and fair
With dark brown eyes and long black hair

Beside her be a tall dark tree
Whose branches stretch to smother thee

Too close beside the shadowy bark
That soon begins to leave its mark

She cries for help, but none shall hear
Her thorns too sharp, who’d dare go near?

To save this rose, who’d risk their life?
With naught to gain but pain and strife

Alone, afraid, she lays to rest
Her heart beats low inside her chest

And with the hour growing near
She sheds her final grieving tear

And so the rose soon falls asunder
Her final day, eternal slumber

She lies beside the old dark tree
The only one who mourns for thee

by Doug Vinson |
Categories: love,

Love Is Blind

Our fellow travelers,
What measure of trust for them?
The moment's imperfections are easily, even instinctively overlooked -
We risk for their benefit, sacrifice for their good.

Minutes stretched, the holy person spoke to all comers
As I heard love's woman,
Hanging on the pierced and tattooed man.
What did she see, he was fractional to me;
Her freely-given look demanded no return,
Love's area of the mind spreading over others.
Was it that he'd only hit her once?

The sightless mother's fingers over the face of her child
Tenderly traced that juncture of skin and hour,
Acquiring an instant in time.

by Kash Poet |
Categories: love, romance,

Talk To Me

Talk to me otherwise I'll disturb you, I'll follow you everywhere and sneak into your mind silently. From the busy street to your lonely room, in the hectic hour and in lazy noon, I'll come to you, upsetting your schedule frequently. In sleepless nights when you nurture, caress a newborn poem, I'll come in forcing you to stop and think of me. Please talk to me! ================

by Joseph Spence Sr |
Categories: devotion, faith, hope, inspirational, life, time, visionarylove,

Amazing Grace

The soul whom the Son sets free
is free indeed,
Unlocking the rusting shackles
of oppression,
Allowing life’s amazing grace
to shine with His embrace,
Transformation of soul’s darkness
to light’s brightness,
The uplifting revelation of God’s
truth of freedom,
His extraordinary and infinite power
shining love every hour,
Preservation and hope for life
His love abound, no strife
How sweet the sound—
Wrapped in His embrace
Singing Amazing Grace! 

17th Place Honorable Mention/Certificate
Poetry Soup's International Poetry Contest
July 1, 2007

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: devotion, hope, inspirational, love, uplifting,



Lotus petals soft with shadows
Drinking from your shallow pond,
Blossoms that compete with heaven,
With the twilight hour you bond.

Aquatic in your very nature,
Deemed fit to float at Buddha's feet,
Your peaceful beauty calls awareness
Where such enlightened beings meet.

Sacred plant known through the ages
Your spirit dwells within my heart
And centered there, your spark of light
Assures me that we'll never part.

11-14-18 rev. 

Zen Poetry Contest~First Place~
Sponsored by: Line Gauthier

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: chocolate, kiss, love, nature, rain, sweet,

Sweetness - Rictameter

                Perfume, Flowers 
             A Gentle Rain-Shower  
        Candy Kisses, Chocolate Hour  
Spring Breezes, Sheltered Cover, Leafy Bower 
      The Sloping Curves of Your Profile 
          Tempting Lips that Beguile
               Love's Tender Smile

by Kash Poet |
Categories: love, romance,

I Am In L Ove

I am in L ove,I am the L I am L avender,L eaving a traiL. Like the peta L of a fLower on your L ip at any hour. In my L ight you can see I am in L amp gLowing brightLy. In your L augh and your smiLe on your L ook and your styLe. Though in L ess,will be more in your L ife,tomorrow sure. © kashpoet ===================== Placement: 2nd; (June 2012) Contest:Alphabet Soup Sponsor:Nancy Jones

by Jay Del Fierro |
Categories: love, passion,

A Rose Is Not Just a Rose...

In morning's glory forms a dew
upon petals sweet,opened bloom
previous nights fevered mist
now greet the sun's golden kiss

Symbol of love rose's flower
from deep within' feelings shower
every hour of every day
we make it happen in every way...

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: care, humanity, love,

Awake Compassion X

Awake compassion!
Your destiny's call, do not disregard,
Scorch the frantic passions,
Smash the rocks of excess,
And bar the streams of hate!

Awake compassion!
Your luminous face, do not turn
Open the gates of charity,
Trace the path of happiness,
And light mercy's holiest flame!

Awake compassion!
Your noblest hour has come,
Humanity's decree to proclaim!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
       14 July 2022

* I am humbled by your comments and your support and for that reason 
I would like to share with you the POTD honor bestowed upon me. God bless
you all.

by Susan Jeavons |
Categories: blessing, faith, heaven, inspirational, jesus, spiritual,

Our Fathers Love

God touches us with healing hands 
if we will just believe
he’ll take away our every pain
our sorrows when we grieve. 

He’ll hold us in his loving arms 
and wipe away our tears
and in the darkest part of night
he’ll ease all of our fears. 

For God the Father’s love is pure
much purer than the snow
and when we accept him in our hearts 
it’s then that we will know 

that no other love can ever compare
to the love we feel inside 
for a father who loved us all so much 
that upon a cross he died. 

Even in our darkest hour 
his love will light the way
so that we might have eternal life 
with him in heaven someday.

by Ahellas Alixopulos |
Categories: beauty,

Jan's Garden

This sweet gentle sonnet is for Janet.
In whose garden I've sat for the last hour.
There is no better place on the planet
to capture the grace and awesome power
of a person who thinks she has neither.
A silent orchestra of bright colors,
soloist and chorus of each species gather
in season from subtle to loud bellow,
in a silent sonata conducted
by a genius gardener spreading life
and beauty and love. Reward not expected
by our maistro except the relief
of life's burdens, a few ripe tomatoes,
appreciative children, any of those.

by Johnny Sumler |
Categories: lovelove,

Sonnet 19

Cupid, why hast thou cursed me with thy bow?
Enchanting my desires and compliments
Unto a woman who seems not to show
The same affections of my hearts contents

Of vibrant colors I pick each a flower
Laying them by her doorsteps where I daze
I dream of her awake at sunlight hour
Kissing her image that my mind displays

Yet I am like the rain above her head
The way she runs away from showered gifts
I never knew inside my heart could shred
Heartbroken by her distant love that drifts

Only if thy arrow and bow had missed
My fate and love for her would not exist

by Darlington Lordkelvin |
Categories: beauty, how i feel, true love,

Divine Beauty

I stand like an inverted portrait on your wall
Bollixed Like a lost wallet in a mall
I remained Glued to you all day and night
Like a scabbard to the waist of a knight

Your inexplicable uniqueness got me riveted
And leaves me feeling complete like a script that has been vetted
The sun is full of envy of your brightness
Even Your shadow divulges your uprightness

Your smiles makes me feel like the clock has stopped ticking
And energetic like a baby in the womb that's kicking
You are the moon, I am the night
In my darkness hour, you are my light

(c) June 2019

by A. Ormulyce |
Categories: love,


"The fables always recount the same ode.
Every woman dreams of a prince charming
Who is the fruit of a kiss on a toad.
Their sudden love will never stop burning.

Who bets on such a metamorphosis?
Faith of batrachian! It's foolishness!
No pretty lady wants to put a kiss
On a petty frog to find happiness.

If she were existing; pure happenstance
Only at the right dusk, at the right dew.
Only at the right dawn, at the right dance.
Love is not for me. This is what is true."

So spoke an old toad until the last hour
Before a kiss fell, sweet like a flower.

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: care, day, life, love, poverty, power,

All In a Day's Calling

First, settle your differences 
    with those whom you love
  Pay any debts you owe
    down here or above

  Greet everyone you see
    with a cheerful 'How-do'
  and a smile from your heart
    that's 'genuine you'

  Make sure to call those
    who live far away
  who've grown remote, but
    helped you 'back in the day'

  Give a few bucks
    to the homeless you see
  Pray to God their souls
    from indigence be free

  Don't neglect to remove trash
    that bars people's way
  If you don't do it now
    it won't get done today

  Then when you're so tired
    you need to nap for an hour
  Pray your heart out to God
    Ask Him for more power ...

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: dream,

in lilac dreams

"I love the silent hour of night,/ For blissful dreams may then arise, Revealing to my charmed sight / What may not bless my waking eyes." from first verse of Anne Brontë's "Night" tarrying in lilac dreams I flower in full sunlight where I flirt with butterflies and gleefully kiss tulips when lilac dreams wilt away I sojourn nearby a sea caressed by its rippling tides under a lavender sky the twilight turns into night bathing me in the splendor of a full blue-white hued moon and myriad stars’ sparkle deep violet melts away I drift again into dawn wishing that I could linger ever in sweet lilac dreams

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: nature, new year,

Ekphrasis 12 Line Max

New Year’s Eve

I need to feel the trade winds blow
To know they have my heart in tow,

Here in the twilight of this hour
I feel the grandeur of God’s power.

The Sun, a ball of golden fire
Rises with my heart’s desire

That this New Year will offer love
As Sol begins to rise above.

How wonderful, the winter sky—
With mist filled clouds that float on by.

Sweet birds of beauty on the wing,
Portends the gifts New Year will bring.

© Connie Marcum Wong

My Muse is the New Year
Contest: Ekphrasis 12 Line Max
Sponsored by Rick Parise

by Gary Bateman |
Categories: allegory, beauty, emotions, feelings, i love you, together, wife,

Your Beauty Is

Your beauty is a most precious flower
Which signifies our love by the hour;
Your eyes twinkle most bright like stars high in the night;
Your touch is gentle, exciting, and feels so right;
Your scent is enchanting and your skin is so soft;
All of these make me think of you darling—so oft!
You are my beauty and my only true love in this life!
Gary Bateman, Copyright © All Rights Reserved, Schoeningen, Germany 
(October 11, 2014) (Rhyme Septet poetic format)

by Donald Williams |
Categories: dedication, girlfriend, holiday, passion, romantic, thank you,

Thank You My Love

The days go by, each hour and each minute, 
Sometimes I neglect to say certain things, but you know that I mean it. 
In light of this special occasion, I wanted to share a thought with you. 
So often I pass you by with only a gentle tug or two. 
Even without words, you know my feelings, 
Today is one day that has special meaning. 
I want to tell you that one thing you hardly ever hear, 
With passion from me to you, my dear. 
A whisper in the darkness and you look to see who. 
I want to say "THANK YOU" for all that you do.

by Joy Wellington |
Categories: love, timelove,

Time My Enemy

Time has become my greatest enemy
It drags on, an infernal grating on the nerve
Like a broken muffler, dragging around the curve 
While my love and I starve for each other’s company

Until time surrenders, I wait my love with baited breath
Watching time, which I have confounded for going by so slowly
For that hour, that minute, that second, when you will be mine only
When I shall pledge my love to you forever, until death

For: Barbara Gorelick’s contest
Once Upon A “Time”