Love Poems About Hosts or Hosts Love Poems
by Emile Pinet |
Categories: baby, beautiful, love, sweet,

Ever So Sweet

My scrumptious baby girl's half-awake, half asleep. And her toffee yawns are sweet as caramel cream. Her cotton candy cheeks glow like pink marshmallows. And dark chocolate curls adorn her pretty head. She sports blueberry eyes and red licorice lips. And her creamy face hosts a million-dollar smile. A confectionery treat, she is delicious. And gives sugared kisses that taste ever so sweet. (Verse) 7/24/2015

by Juli- Michelle |
Categories: beautiful, emotions, first love, happiness, longing, love, lust,

Midnight Romance

More sensual than the cerulean sky
More still than the ash of roses at dusk
This charcoal haven that hosts you and I
Beneath the moon's dimming ivory tusk

My love, can you taste absinthe in the air,
Lingering sweetly between these pale lips?
Fingering cheeks of porcelain, so fair
Heart racing when fingers slide to my hips

The world turns crimson when two lips collide
Yes, more sensual than sunset is this
My fingers entwined in your sable locks
In the heat, in the smoke of midnight's kiss.

Your obsidian eyes wake from the trance
As ends this session of midnight romance. 

For Midnight Romance Contest

by Hgarvey Daniel Esquire |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend, love, thank youlove,

The Heart of a Poet Speaks Part 5

Good day , I have been dormant for many years
Maybe some of YOU can remember my words
I spoke in my Host’s stead, through oceans of tears
I come to YOU, singing ; Flutter with the birds
Humming Hymns : a crescendo of  “ Forever “
Barbara Jean Gorelick : my Hosts’  “FOREVER”
I’m beating for her : the Gift of God : to Man
I see the Light again : LOVE I Understand
                                                   To be Continued

Inspired By Dr. Ram Mehta For His POEM : "Life a flowing river - Rispetto "


by Kathryn Collins |
Categories: symbolism,

Stone Cold Statues

Stone Cold Statues

Clothe the saints.  
Whosoever sees their flesh
will be damned to the great kiln.

I love their garments, the sculptor’s breath
on billowing stone, their faces white
like hosts of God turned man,

of bread turned God, and sinners
turned harmless in unleavened circles.
I am not of the miracle life.

I only understand the statues' 
never-wavering watch as their
clothing flows obdurately soft.

©Kathryn McL. Collins

by Clair Eloise |
Categories: grandmother, love, nostalgia, ocean, planet, senses, word play,

Ode To the Bay of Eloise

She is whipping winds.

washing over my hair, eyes, skin.
Numbingly cold waters,
as if just unfrozen,
spilling into, refreshing
the Bay.

She hosts,

An eroded map
Of webbed and pebbled paths.
Barnacle scattered
Rolling fields of green low tides.
A fisherman’s daydream.
A meeting
Of core and sun.

She is
an awakening,
a renewal,

a provocation of adventure.

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: betrayal, bible, child abuse, christian, hate, history, native american,

Onward Christian Soldiers

Onward Christian soldiers
Marching off to prayer
Making sure your wallets
no one at all will share

Onward then, ye Christians
as atheists help the poor
blend you prayers with hypocrisy
as the lord closes all your doors

Christ may not be handicapped
he sure as hell isn't blind
stop playing life's lotteries
give food and love, be kind

At the  malls small book shop
Satan's hosts and Christians flee
Hells foundations support not
ignore poor and needy brothers pleas

Onward Christian soldiers
copper pennies are your reward
Just remember the cross of Jesus
was constructed by the poor

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: baptism, blessing, faith, god, i am, jesus, love,

Redeemer, the Lord of Hosts

When it boils down to the truth taking a platform
the words Jesus speaks deeply to me
Most assuredly I say to you 
before Abrabham was I am
there is no one before Him or after Him
In my books He is Alpha and Omega
clearly from this statement our Lord says
I am the first and I am the last
besides Me there is no God

Picking up the stones under blasphemy laws
being a man trying to make yourself a god low key
speaks for itself the worth you attach to life
for what works do you label someone
is it for the value or beliefs held inside
for every attack is on Love by hate
and our King holds the keys of Hades and of Death

by Jerry T Curtis |
Categories: inspirational,

Greater Consciousness

Greater Consciousness  Aug 15, 2015

There's a day, that's coming soon
and there are those who'll see it clear
It's for those who have no room
for petty thoughts of hate or fear

From different races, and different creeds
They will recognize each other
and just the one will fill the needs
of each, their sisters and their brothers

Then this world, will have to change
For evil will be lacking hosts
and in the Heavens, love will rain
upon all those who see the ghost

With animals, they'll be as one
No more hunters, no more prey
And all will thrive beneath the Sun
In greater consciousness that day

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: encouraging, fantasy, feelings, imagination, inspirational, poetry, writing,

Feast Upon Your Words

Greetings, all you literary ghosts haunting old reams like attentive hosts. What secrets will you reveal tonight, what magic wish will you bring to light? Adventure appeals to every age when stories flow from the written page. Will you sail a pirate ship with me, our hearts in tune with the wind and sea? Perhaps instead, we will chart the stars or peruse ancient scrolls stored in jars. And turn snips of exaggeration into gems of imagination. Is it your subtle wisdom I find wafting into my subconscious mind? Tell me tales of love and fledgling birds; for I wish to feast upon your words.

by Lori Lucas Mcclure |
Categories: death, faith, religion,

The Home Coming

I can see a city growing nearer!

A brilliant glowing light becoming clearer

A white stone wall I see and a band of heavenly hosts 

coming down to great me!

A procession of angels, their trumpets to play 

Welcome us all home in perfect harmony! 

Arms out stretched by a golden river 

I’ll soon be there!

All sorrow and tears fade away; 

forgotten memories of yesterday.

A distant voice I hear, “ well done thou good

 and faithful servant!” Enter thou in the joy of 

the Lord!” 

All Heaven  is filled with praise,A as the Father looks on with

eyes full of love, another child comes  home

to take his place beside  Heaven’s Dove

by Wendell Brown |
Categories: god, inspirational, joy, spiritual,

The Only Living God

Shall my heart not leap with vibrant joy
At the coming of each new day
Is not my heart full of the happiness
That my spirit has now embraced

For You Lord are my constant pleasure
The life that allows my heart to beat
For with each new breath I take deeply
I daily embrace the love my heart seeks

I lift up my praises to You, “Lord Of Hosts”
For Your Holy name is my most valued treasure
As I rise each day with the new morning sun
In my life there won’t be a time called never

For all my steps are written in your book of life
As my beginnings can be traced back to Your love
When my heart was fashioned by your loving hands
To daily give praise to You the Only Living God.

by Rhonda Johnson-Saunders |
Categories: angel, heaven, spiritual,

Heaven - Pleiades


High above crests descry
heralds angelic hosts. 
Hallelujahs sing to
hallow lazuline skies,
hailing from God's own breath.
Harps strummed in perfect love -
harmonies quench like rain.

Written 2/19 17 for Pleiades H Contest

by Ngoc Nguyen |
Categories: allegory, angel, christian, devotion, faith, fantasy, god, heaven, hope, imagination, inspirational, metaphor, miracle, philosophy, religion, religious, spiritual, thanksgiving, tribute, visionary,

Prime Mover

Like the seraphs whose wings unfold,
Christ's light and glory goes not untold;
as the love of his humble grace
moves inside me all time and space,

as the planets orbit heaven's sun
and encircle it one by one--
so, too, am I caught in his sway,
beloved of him from day to day.

Through hosts of astral dimension
God's angels fix their attention
with expectancy and burning pause
around the universe's First Cause.

He, the one true Incarnation  
that begets cosmic causation,
resolves the Infinite Regress
from the pre-Socratics' egress

with his omniscient wisdom
and the archives of his kingdom
where all can come and read and know
what miracles he'll yet bestow.

by Laura Leiser |
Categories: angel, universe,

Angels Are Aware

Angelic hosts align along a heavenly horizon 
covering all four corners of the universe, aware
Always alert, with eyes all around, acting in unison
moving with devotion, appearing here and there.

Yea, upon that stellar staircase, they go to and fro
'Tween heaven and earth, bearing tidings from above
Flaming, fiery ones, with angelic tongues that flow
mysterious messengers, proclaiming God's great love.

Written on 3/17/2016

by Mitchell Eadie |
Categories: butterfly, freedom, happiness, how i feel, life, peace,

I Don'T Care

I haven’t seen her face in years;
I don’t care,

Ever growing seldom knowing post psychotic womb dreams
arrive while I’m awake.

Ever present effervescent esoteric moonbeams
shine every time I make,

A laugh erupts atop the stair.
Pink velvet pulse
beyond compare,
dress daylights breath
in cashmere flare
silk smooth.

The smile spreads
throughout the coach.
Weaves blinding threads
to frowning hosts

by Charlie Milne |
Categories: fantasy, imagination, life, love, passion, people

Voyeur Intrusion

Silk soft skin and midnight eyes
In those eyes pure passion lies
Heated breath with moistened lips
Soft panting breast with hardened tips
Flushing cheeks, small beads of sweat
All is given with no fear of threat
Soft-lit room from warming fire
Two souls within burn with desire
Heat that built not from the grate
The two are here no act of fate
Both our hosts know not we view
Their minds are locked as lovers true
No sordid act for each they chose
Passion heightened as bodies close
She is he then he is she
Their merging forms not ours to see
Silence bar for murmured cares
We leave them now for this is theirs

by Dominique Baptie |
Categories: appreciation, beauty, earth, environment, faith, feelings,


My skin has become like a ripe fruit
sauteed in the sunlight,
The spirit within has crossed over 
a kind of warm frosted paradigm
as the breath therein,
taints the breath without love.
For what is breath without love?
My dear...
it is only fear,
that morbid, bitter word,
a state of mind behind what may seem despondent at first.
But fear not, dear
love is the sunlight that gives life to the skin,
the skin that hosts the spirit within,
Go out into the light and breathe...
thank your God's for the breath that you freely receive.
For all of love is but dead flesh
if not for the breath that's given free.

by Lyndell Cadasse |
Categories: introspection, life, love, evil,

No Rest For the Wicked

I am the evil poet
Evil spells conjured 
Nine love potions
Potent incantations 
Written on scrolls
Bleeding ceaselessly
To bleed is to live
To write is to breathe
With every breath taken
More evil awakened 
Devils on the shoulders 
Cant be shaken
No mistaking for Christmas 
Ghosts the leeching hosts
Life force sucked
Not able to duck 
Can’t escape the chase
The noxious race
Ballet of death
“No rest for the wicked”
A snake laying in a
Thicket of lies

by Joyce Faure |
Categories: adventure, beautiful, bible, hello, inspiration, love, new year,

Happy New Years 2024 from Miz Joyce Faure

Happy New Year from the rising of the sun to dusk to dawn may you reap a great harvest in 2024 and may your days be long and if any hurt short.  Go after your dreams for time waits for no one if you want the blessing then seek the on-time God yes he is our Lord of hosts the Great Master of all masters is always on- time. After all reaping and sowing is an all-time process of great expectations and value of whatever you sow you shall also reap this in my ears sounds like great news and music. Happy New Year to all and to all please enjoy good food good loving good days ahead with your signed signature of pure love and grace.

by Mary Shelwood |
Categories: family,

Our Home

Here stands a special place
With beauty all aglow
This lovely placed called home
where warmth and blessings flow

Sunshines upon by day 
And moon keeps watch by night
Angels hovering close-by
With graceful wings insight

A wreath upon the door
hung there gingery
The porch is most inviting
For friends and family

Warmest hues of rainbow
Surround the walls with love
Sweetest scent of flowers
Yields fragrance from above

The Olver's are gracious hosts
Each guess remembers well
Care for a cup of tea?
Do sit and rest a spell

Hearty conversation
Plenty of good cheer
That's why this house is special
It's memories we hold dear

by Bryan Norton |
Categories: christmas, love, mother,

A Mother's Love

And all the Heavenly Hosts above
That fill the sacred realms of love
Still marvel by the chance to sing
The boundless praise of Christ the King
The one who came to win the birth
Of Christmas time and peace on Earth

A mother’s love is made of such
A kindly heart, a healing touch
A helping hand, a happy way
A sacrifice, to win the day
A rosy sky, to help you know
A mother's love, is felt below.

by Panagiota Romios |
Categories: god, imagery, inspiration, peace, sea,

A Soul At Peace


              I rested upon strong, emerald, velvet posts.

              Twas sunset, and I was praising the Host of Hosts.

              Not one, single soul was nearby to stand and lear.

               I was in His care and had absolutely nothing at all to fear.

               Just listening to the Creator’s waves, blessing the shores.

                Saying, “God’s love for all, is total and forever more!”

                I chose this serene moment to in peace to share with you.

               After all, His love, our pompous words, cannot undo!


by Ilene Bauer |
Categories: thanksgiving,


Its uses, I guess, are debatable
But oh, what a grin it produced!
A turkey, both fake and inflatable,
Was in a new store introduced.

I almost gave in to temptation,
For what a good joke it would be
When the guests, beaming in admiration,
Would hear hosts claim it chemical free. 

Vegetarians likely would love it,
Sitting out on a platter to tease,
While the faces of those who learn of it
Would spout giggles, to varied degrees.

by Alfred Berggren |
Categories: romance,

Without Surcease -Echo Sonnet

When I'm with you the time slips by with ease
This pleasant interlude is most complete
It's break from life's thoughts, dear, without replete
of never ending cares without surcease

Can I not be prince speaking lines that please
and place at feet rich treasure seldom seen
And you'll have ending, my full queen,
of never ending cares without surcease

This promise I do make on bending knees
celestial hosts in heaven know it's true
With me love, you'll have no sorrowing view
of never ending cares without surcease

When I'm with you the time slips by with ease
less never ending cares without surcease

by Jo Bien |
Categories: lovetime, time,


some say it is serendipitous
I think they are ridiculous
left more to hosts up above
deciding who shall fall in love

not lucky the last time I fell
knowing it could not work out well
some discoveries come much too late
find out it's part of love's game

this time I know it is true
different from all I once knew
better this last time around
serendipitous or not what I've found