Love Poems About Host or Host Love Poems
by Yoni Dvorkis |
Categories: lost love, lovelove,

God Is Love

Love is an authority.
It dictates choice and consequence
and joins together all the wayward lamenters
who grieve at their loss of purity.

Love is an actuality.
It breathes new life into masochists
who wished to die a thousand times over
and prey upon the weak and fragile.

When you let love in at first, it may seem out of place,
like a foreign object lodged in your chest, a parasite
feeding on the brains of its host, thriving in darkness,
blood-letting leeches drain this swollen heart...

But love does not enforce kindness; only offers a gentle reminder
for anyone who's forgotten how great it feels
to give for the sake of giving
and not be afraid of his own shadow.

by Paul Callus |
Categories: love,

Iridescent Allure

a host of wild flowers vying for attention...
in vain I search for elusive love
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A two line contest
hosted by Silent One
Placed 2nd

by Rosalie Risley |
Categories: introspection, love, nature, visionary,


I dream of a day
when there is total blending.
Like sombiant in host.
the self extension that is self.
Total penetration in each other.
The discussion of eyes,
the echo of embrace.
My time wants in your love,
like brook surrounds stone
like breeze shivers tree.

by Hello There |
Categories: dance, imagery, longing, loss, love, poetry,

A Viennese Waltz

~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Viennese waltz, seamless and sublime... We move as one, adrift on heaven's floor; and, though my knees go weak, sky-high I soar! Each measured stride defies a need for time. Within its reign, we actualize our climb... impassioned flames, no longer keeping score, now steal their way through paradise’s door, and hardly contemplate this choice a crime. But, in this blissful state, subdued yet free, I've come to fear the thing that I love most for flames still threaten to devour me; and I, alone, am dancing with a ghost. Each dream, concrete, then sheds all certainty; alive, fulfilled, I'm left an empty host… ~~~~~~~~~~~~

by Eve Roper |
Categories: self,

Bio Modified Passionate Romantic

an impressionist writer, oil painter, and a loving role model grandmother. 
I love the creativeness, easy-going, and wit of the friends I love.
Ideas of trying Yoga, Zumba, and host a girl's bunco night. 
My soul feelings are an inspirational drive, love, and forgiving.
My biggest fears, are loneliness, lightning, breakdown on the freeway.
I would like to shop, melt in someone's arms, and dance until I drop.
Resident of the biggest state, the Lone Star State of Texas.


Bio Modified Poetry Contest  
Sponsored by: Dear Heart

by David Mohn |
Categories: loss,

What Was

Encumbered soft with sorrow’s ghost
      Alone among the torpid souls 
   A shadow grows at evening’s host
  Your name dims gently with the sun 
   With every dusk, my heart undone
    Old conversations – sacred scrolls
    The night unfolds, our love rerun
      Sweet sanity returns - almost


by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: angel, beautiful, beauty, blessing, color, love, miracle,

Drunken Honey

When you kissed me love 
pure the heaven's above smiled 
melting the warmest dream dew 

From crystal oceans 
buried salt upon footprints 
underneath into sand held 

A thousand shades gold 
diamond light shades rainbows 
illumination one host  
stands beaming through the stars mead

by Pariah Love |
Categories: beauty, body, confidence, courage, growth, poetry, pride,


Your precious youthful portrait you polish,
Till thy cheeks dye rose and yellow seems gold.
Seeking praise her truth she shall embellish,
Concealing blemish under manifold
Brushes in prayer for brief perfection:
“Make lush my lashes, allow my eyes allure,
 Veil in vanity this unloved complexion,
Feature me anew to comely contour.”
Who fed her the lie that her flaws were foes?
Who whispered she’d die unless she attain
A visage pure as those in heaven’s host,
Wherefore she sees her face and can’t complain.
     Pretty pictures indeed a frame deserves;
     Artless love, she ought learn, no mask can earn.

by Mark Massey |
Categories: allusion, angel,

Inner Light

   Her touch defines the images I feel,
each kiss, a breath from Heaven on my face,
the sheer sensation makes my passion reel
then leaves me with a longing for embrace.
   Such beauty is an essence that bestows
and not an image molded by the light,
illuminations, only Vision knows,
are metaphors that pass me in the night.
   Though rays of Sun will never light my day,
‘tis only in my mind that I may see,
and though true love shall always light the way,
an inner light reveals her love to me.
    Though absence of the light may leave me blind,
       her beauty radiates within my mind.

Host:  Mark Toney
Marathon Contest - Mile 13
Written 7-1-19 (posted 8-27-22)

by Dale Gregory Cozart |
Categories: love, night, romantic,

Shadowed Night

As sable floats the shadowed night
I stand in true love's disrepair
beneath a host of haloed light
this lamp shines in the autumn air.

I stand in true love's disrepair,
of nuptials do my dreams now flow. 
This lamp shines in the autumn air
corona of an opal glow.

Of nuptials do my dreams now flow, 
my thoughts of crimson honeymoons.
Corona of an opal glow
now whispers vows and passioned runes.

My thoughts of crimson honeymoons,
beneath a host of haloed light,
now whisper vows and passioned runes
as sable floats the shadowed night.

by Kimberlee Jones |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend


A whisper 
A look 
A touch
A note

Get you thinking about what you dread the most


Keep you praying its all in your head
you change your mind when you think about whats not been said
Hes out again, you just ignore what u dread..

love is a circle one to never end
until its broken beyond mend,

time is a gift dont waste it on doubt
open up your heart but dont leave your mind out 

dont let him do what you feared the most
your a keeper not just lovers host.

by Ruth Phipps |
Categories: christian,

Praise Him



                             RUTH PHIPPS

by Rama Balasubramanian |
Categories: angst,


Tears are emotions deep
Come out when hurt heart weep
When those around are bad
Our tender heart is sad
In mind negatives seep
For life we are not glad

They cry who love to cry
To stop they never try
If we divert our mind
End of tears we will find
Our eyes instantly dry
Do it, to self be kind

When you ponder you cry
To remain thoughtless try


Written for -
Contest : HexSonnetta
Host : Emile Pinet

by Paul Callus |
Categories: fun, math, money,

What Does the Fox Say

wrong calculations
bought my love new coats to wear
        found I broke the bank


is my favourite sound.
Dedicated to my host Skat A.
Author: Paul Callus ~ Feb 2014
Contest: What Does The Fox Say?

Placed 2nd

by Joe Maverick |
Categories: faith,

Love Daylight and Colour

Falling shades and bolder tones,
now are wreathed 
across the glen and over the fells,
exposed rocks show like earths bones
currents of subtle air glow, 
 host to an ultra-violet dispersal
as iridescent colours inflow,
drawings, from a well of inspiration 
my God alone does know.

Copyright Joe Maverick 2011

by Keith Baucum |
Categories: devotion, love, marriage, romantic, spiritual, symbolism,

Love and Loyalty

Dressed in light and wearing a crown of Olive leaves,
Love stands before Loyalty her husband to be and a
host of wedding guest.  Looking into each other's eyes
the two exchange vows.
Loyalty - My dream of making you my wife has become
reality.  I promise to hold you in my arms and keep you 
safe for all eternity.  I promise to cherish you and treat
you like royalty.
Love - I've been waiting for this moment ever since my 
heart took it's first beat.  Like doves flying on the winds
of peace I promise to uphold this marriage above the 
clouds of serenity.
Surrounded by all the virtues Loyalty and Love kiss.
Written by Keith Edward Baucum

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: mother, mothers day, mum,

My Mother's Voice

One voice for me 
Stands out like a mountain, 
like a song sings, 
holding the ears beautiful 

Like a host of angels when hurt 
Kind and loving, 
gentle when I am sad 
I love her voice 
each day i carry 

My mountain when I am weak, 
my love for this woman 
Is light years away, 
a blessing 
Never ending 

In your distant mind 
A woman of substance, 
the treasure is mines, 
now this voice in pain 
I would weep with her 
Bound by my heart 
Now that's a voice 

I would surely listen 
My action in words 
the loudest voice for me 
My mother's voice, 
to mum with love

by Joyce Johnson |
Categories: food, holiday, thanksgiving day,

Thanksgiving Day

Thankful for bountiful blessings,
We gather on Thanksgiving Day
To feast on the gathered harvest.
This is the American way.

We gather on Thanksgiving Day
With all the dear folks we love most.
We each bring our favorite food
To help out our hardworking host.

To feast on our gathered harvest
Is a right that we gladly share,
As we all humbly bow our heads,
Thanking God for His tender care.

This is the American way,
Thanksgiving is a holiday,
Coming fourth week of November
When the harvest is stored away.

by R. M. Eichmiller |
Categories: depression, emotions, growing up, high school, psychological, school, teenage,

The Poem That Answers Itself

Why should I care,
     About Academics?
     Saying the same thing twice?
There be no reason, 
     To try in school,
          When failure is nothing less than host, 
     To try with a hobby, 
          When no one reads your
Why should I care
     About love?
     About aspirations?
     About, poetry?
No one listens, 
     Nor cares.
     Leave you behind
     Are self-absorbed
          and you, nothing less than giving.

by Jack Horne |
Categories: adventure,

A Dream Voyage

By Sara Kendrick and Jack Horne

A small craft was put to sea
In mid-ocean it was set free
It carried but one passenger
A host scented with lavender
She to mighty craft transferred
To meet a friend she preferred
He was a poet by unique gift
She a grandmother equipped 
A love of verse their souls shared
One should enjoy this unique pair

I launched my ship and then set sail,
And crossed the famous ocean, ‘Pond’,
But halfway there, I stopped to chat -
I met a friend of whom I’m fond. 
We chuckled much and talked a lot,
(Mid-ocean, yes, upon a raft)
And then we swapped our ships and saw
Each other’s country - we aint daft!!

Written just for fun : )

by Anna Nomaly |
Categories: absence, dad, daughter, divorce, loneliness, love hurts, parents,

Just Laugh

I’m not sure if you’re real
You could just be a ghost
I speak of you 
I miss you too
Yet your presence lacks a host

We call, we text, but not enough
I fear its my fault but alack
The breaking of my heart
was when you did part
Without ever looking back

You held my hand but couldn’t see
The dragging scars you made
I want for your eyes
and never realize
There’s a debt you can never repay.

You can’t fix what you’ve broken
You tore me in half
Your shallow heart
twisted mine apart
Yet I fear to these words you’ll just laugh

by Ian Confrey |
Categories: family,

I'M Going To Australia

I'm going to Australia Da 
A year at the most

I'll try to be like u such a gracious host

So don't fill Ur heart wit a great sorrow

 if I had the shillings I'd be  home tomorrow 

So tell me ma  I love her and not to gloom 

And make sure there's no one in my old room 

I can't wait to see my family. My family the most 

But I've made some great friends I don't like to boast 

So wen the time comes for me to leave 

My mother always told me keep a tissue up Ur sleeve 

Is there work at home I don't know

There's only one way to find out we'll see how we go

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: devotion, emotions, faith, heart, love, moon, night,

Only the Queen Herself Glows

Held under the crescent of your smile 
in the purity an enchantment bell rings

New beginnings deeply the sickle cuts 
as tiny silver shadows breathe with light 

Illuminated stars sparkle with immortality 
enlightenment from the dark side of nature 

An energy field surrounds the host 
formed in the ambience of a heartbeat

by Reason A. Poteet |
Categories: 11th grade, adventure, memory, smile, star,

The Shadow of a Smile 1

kyrielle sonnet

Graduating from college life
in June of nineteen sixty-five,
I recall in music's spotlight -
The Shadow of Your Smile - top-flight.

Departing from four-year friendships,
Some thought that nothing could eclipse
a love affair, they knew was so right -
Shadows of Your Smile at midnight.

On the world's stage, we’re newcomers
We march to different drummers;
All but forgotten, tribute’s slight, 
the Shadow of Your Smile became trite.

What wistful star may shed some light? 
The Shadow of a New Smile might.

written 18 April 2016
Contest: Gren's Evergreens (Golden Oldies) #1,  Host: Teppo Gren

by Raven Drake |
Categories: identity, imagination, loss, symbolism,


Is this the ghost within
 Poking through my skin
 Crashing through a mask or two 
 Rapping as I cringe

 Is this the part that dreams
 Is this the part that sings
 Or the sharp tooth on a devil's wing
 Searching for a scream

 Is this the task at hand
 The host that makes demands
 Or some vagrant in a mirror world
 Too worn out to stand

 I thought I was alone
 With this wind that bites my bones
 My higher self, a drunken elf
 Too spaced out to phone

 Is this my shadow on the run
 Some hope without a home
 Is this the love I dared to shun
 Or the god that I disowned

 Written by © Raven Drake