Love Poems About Hospice or Hospice Love Poems
by Nathan D. |
Categories: depression, fear, feelings, longing, lost love, love, love hurts,

As Comfortable As Possible

Closure eludes my clasp 
Love wilts, somehow lasts
The destination beyond my grasp

The dream decays day by day 
Your light, which never fades
Simply stopped shinning my way 

Castrating chains of second chair
Faithfull, I wither for you there 
Sucking stale stagnant air

Barely beating beneath my breast
My heart, now a hospice 
Gently lays it all to rest

Lightly felt faintly heard
Pumping, pain-numbing words
Its over…its over…   its over

by Lee Ramage |
Categories: caregiving, introspection, love,

Lighting My Candle From Within

I light my candle from within the more I give to you, An inner strength builds inside, it fills my empty soul, The encompassing love present when my life was askew, Needing a reason to get up every morning was my goal, Volunteering at hospice gave me more, filling a gapping hole. Written by Lee Ramage September 18, 2011 Contest by Paula Swanson “By Candle Light”

by Rachel Kovacs |
Categories: caregiving, death, family, husband, life, loss, lost love, peace, relationship, wife,


Her hands shook
as they wheeled
him away.
Had his lips
been dry? 
Had his body
Had he longed
for a touch
against his
fragile skin? 
Could she
have done more
to relieve
his pain? 
Could she
have loved him more, 
needed him more, 
begged him more
to stay? 
Her head swam
in the deafening silence
of guilt and sorrow
as she
buried herself
for feeling

by Brenda Victoria Northeast |
Categories: loss, love, heart, night, rose, heart, night, rose,

Valentine Memory

From a hospice bed
To a special dinner date
And a wet Red Rose 

I hold in my heart 
The memory of that night
My Rose bush still blooms

In my night garden
My Rose bush exudes that night 
My heart is embraced

A gentle rain falls
Creating weepy puddles 
Reflective mirrors

© Brenda V Northeast 6th Feb. 2012

by Peter Onyancha |
Categories: love, sad, war,

We Are Loving In Difficult Times

We are loving in difficult times
Better ape them
For though apes go to war, they go on –
They don’t die to kill, for unknown love
Yet we hunt our kin to kill for unknown love
How cold we can get
To leave them the cold
For love unknown?

We are loving in difficult times
Turn one page at the Hospice
You chop my head, I chop yours
That is how we bid each other
We kill, we are killed
We mourn ourselves
Bury ourselves

For Love unknown
Love of what,  Now?
Of tribe, of Pet,  of Soil, of seat, of what love
The Love of seat; My table!  
We are loving in difficult times!

by Anu Nayak |
Categories: art, love, surreal,



S eductive sea of your tranquil eyes   
U shered me in for an adventurous dive 
R eceived resplendent corals nice
P eppy pure vibes of love came live
R ed and throbbing your heart’s hospice
I opened its door and got a splendid surprise
S pell bound was I to see the shiny oyster shell 
E mbossed on the pearl my name in golden gel! 

20th October,2016

by Danae Griffin |
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 9th grade, absence, addiction, death,


I come from broken glass and tv shows.
From love filled lies and budweiser cans.
Police Lights and Shouting.
I am from broken vows.
Loving spouses, that left and didn’t come back until the next day.
I come from dead grandparents and tears.
Hospice Hours and Hospital visits.
Crosses and Blessed Oil.
I come from forced religion, the holy trinity. 
Broken Promises and Grieving fathers. 
Long school days with no friends, like movies without popcorn. 
I come from teen pregnancy and fighting to get a degree.
I come from success and pain.

by Courtney Hubbert |
Categories: body, change, death, grief, loss, sorrow,

Finis Vitae

The end has now come Once lucid eyes dulled Shallow breaths begin Food and drink have ceased Sleep is now constant Bowels shut down Pulse becomes faint Bluish-hued skin Grimace of pain Eyes roll back Body cools Moans softly With love Speaks name Gone May 15, 2022 **Side note: This was my first experience with writing a Diminished Hexaverse poem. I thought it was a fun challenge. I chose to write it about the very last moment before death because I watched my maternal grandma take her final breath while in hospice care.

by Leon Stacey |
Categories: caregiving, devotion, faith, hope, inspirational, love, social,

Mother Theresa

Meat to the hungry
Drink to the thirsty
You did it to the least
You did it unto me
Hospice to the stranger
Clothes to the naked
Visitation to the sick
And to the prisoner
Minister deeds and truth
Prove faith by works
Judgment with mercy
The needful things 
The basics of life
Care for Christ
You who are blessed
Take your inheritance
Ere resting in peace
Warm and fill
Encourage and heal
With your hands and feet