Love Poems About Horrors or Horrors Love Poems
by Ink Empress |
Categories: destiny,

Forbidden Freedom, first ever Collaboration with the Silent One

If "we" are a sin,
Why is my heart bleeding for you?
Why is my soul screaming out your name?

Chained by the links of horrors that hold me against you,
Towered high up above the ground,
Little did they know I'd crumble every bone just for you.
I would not wish such adversity upon my adversaries, such as the animosity which chastises our hearts.

Every precious petal in my garden has turned black, waiting for your lips to rejuvenate their vibrant hues.

Why must love be cursed by society's blindness,
or has Cupid's ignorance plagued our forbidden fate. Maybe death is the only freedom for our devotion 

by A Yorkshire Poet |
Categories: absence, abuse, addiction, adventure, anxiety, lost, pain,

The Torment

You've seen beyond the dark
You've lived behind the light
What is it?

To you the truth is lies
To you life is a crime

Your lies make you survive
Your truth is where they hide

Dark rages deep inside
Light can't get through your eyes.

The secrets of the night
love burned out of sight
The horrors of the mind
The torment you must find

What is it?

by Gregory Richard Barden |
Categories: change, humanity, love, peace, wisdom,

The Equalizer, Love

The sun will shine brighter tomorrow

          When we learn to transform our sorrow,

                    For the terrors we witness today,

          Hold the keys to build castles from clay ...

Thus, as hard as they are to impart,

          Tragedies plant a seed in our heart,

                    To grow blooms from the horrors of men ...

          And insure they don't happen ... again.

~ 1st Place ~  in the "Poem of Poems" Poetry Contest, Charles Messina, Sponsor. Mandatory starting phrase: "The sun will shine brighter tomorrow when ... ".

by Tariq Al |
Categories: humanity,

Humanity's Story

Once upon a time, 
When love knew –
No bounds and shackles
We dwelt in Eden

Then, the genesis of the ego
Spewed wide open Pandora’s Box
And its burdens and horrors
All, adventurously, flew forth

Now all humanity is in wake 
Of a teardrop they await
Straight from heaven’s gates
Pondering over the Lord’s grace

But lead and sulphur,
Stirred in a lake – do burn
Where all hell is unleashed
Upon the earth from beneath.

by Tawona Mzila Ranganawa |
Categories: satire,

The Student Bar

The student bar

I went there just to see
All the decency lost
Nudity everywhere
Parents don't have a clue
The Noise , the drunkness ,the drama
Pretense celebrities
I went there just to see

Embarrassed to say, words fail me
A mere look tells you all
This place, a reflections of the horrors of our society
A little hell
When do they grow up
I just went there to see
All the chaos , flying bottles

Church people, oh i am embrassed to say
Those smiles and that socialising unity
Beauty distorted, love measured
The height of the voices
I just went there to see but what i saw i am embarrassed to say.

Written by Tawona Ranganawa

by Robert Broadbent |
Categories: how i feel,

I Dare To Dream

I dare to dream!

With all the horrors in the world,
The hatred there has been,
Where tolerance is very rare, 
Still I dare to dream!
A common cause, a joining hands, 
A sharing I have seen,
When man will love his fellow man,
Because I dare to dream!
Shock, revulsion, dreadfulness,
Evils yet unseen,
A river of tears still to flow,
And still I dare to dream!
Togetherness will win the day,
Bring an end to the selfish scheme,
Man, once lost, will find a way,
When the many dare to dream!

by Lupus Viribus |
Categories: dad, daughter, divorce, family, military, suicide,

Father of Mine

Father of Mine,
What horrors have you seen?
That kept you from us
From the family that we could never be?
I love you
And I fear that the further you drift,
That you’ll answer L’apple du vidde.
Is it so wrong to be worried?
I love you.

by Timothy Brumley |
Categories: faith, inspirational, religion, , cute,

A Small Still Voice

Through this tempest dark I hear
That small still voice of love
Which fills me now with cheer
And faith in the One above.
Oh dreadful storm approaching
Hurling downward spears of fright
Your thunderous encroaching
Is bereft now of its might!
What horrors now instill thee
Seeking hearts to destitute?
Why bid you to harass me
And my peace to prosecute?
   For naught bids as highly priced
   As God's promise kept in Christ.

                                    Timothy I Brumley

by Ian Petch |
Categories: introspection, life, nostalgia, sadchild,

The Night Terror

The phasing of my nightmares
Through to conscious time
Has stolen my last dreamscape
As this child screams inside

My creations always singing
Of the fear that still hides
Behind incentive’s reason
To pretend I didn’t die

This place without a meaning
Dressed in ashen love
Locking up its history
And mopping up my blood

The burning of my nightmares
Into this black hole
Reveals the bold reflection
Of the horrors in my soul

I’ve shaped my own existence
Using broken hearts
The red abyss now laid before me
Is everything I am so far

The truth is all around me
The night terror took my dreams
This child is now a monster
And alone I need to feed

by Dymytryk Argyl |
Categories: betrayal, death of a friend, heartbroken,

Shadows and Secrets, Lies and Echoes

Wilma Mankiller, I love that name
It wasn't too much of a nothing day
Such a pretty, pretty boy
In such a pretty, pretty car
Nearness of blood
He didn't go far

Wounded, abandoned, lost
Hidden inside the woods
                     deep waters   
                     shallow grave

Winds in the trees
Only God knows the name

Perched on winter's bone
Sings a sparrow
                     no horrors
                     without sorrow

Forced to bare the bitter chill
Of infinity's winters alone
How bright the stars
How cruel the frost
                     after death
                     nature follows

by Michelle Southers |
Categories: death, faith, lost love,

I Hear the Angels Calling My Name

I hear the angels calling my name
Away from those devils not easy to tame,
Away from the sins that shape the earth,
Away from Satan laughing with mirth.

I hear the angels calling my name
Away from cupid’s faulty aim,
Away from a love that did not last,
Away from the horrors of an undying past.

I hear the angels calling my name
Away from a routine that is always the same,
Away from a life filled with despair,
Away from a heart broken beyond repair.

Yes, I hear the angels calling my name
Away from my troubles, Away from my shame,
Away from my loss, Away from my pain,
Away from my faults, only peace to now gain.

by Bobbie Jo Price |
Categories: art, emotions, evil, love,

Show Me

i want you to show me
the deepest part
of your consciousness

i want to see the twisted thoughts
the monsters
the horrors
that keep you up
late into the night 

i want to understand
the intricate 
and fragile design 
that is your mind

i want to meet your demons 
and hear the things
they whisper into your ear

i want to hold your hand
as they tear you apart
so you know
that you aren't alone.

by Olusegun Arowolo |
Categories: life, love hurts,

Hard To Forgive

You kill my will, my heart on fire
This treatment I do not desire,
My mind confused and I fell ill,
My heart on fire, you kill my will.
Pain and sorrow, I can’t forget,
Though as time moves, you now regret,
You didn’t think of tomorrow ,
I can’t forget ,pain and sorrow.

You hurt greatly, without thinking,
Where were you, when I was sinking,
Now you came back pleading daily,
Without thinking, you hurt greatly .

True forgiveness, it’s hard to give,
Horrors of past , I can’t relive  ,
You gave series of sleeplessness ,
It’s hard to give ,true forgiveness .

*Swap Quatrain*

by Zed Kay-Doubleyou |
Categories: corruption, crazy, love,

Drowned God

Soft tongue, sharp teeth
Leave unto me your poetry like a wreath
Ivory skin, translucent.
You breathe color unto me,
Wreak ravishing horrors.
We become Dionysus’s servants
Dance, dancing mad,
tremulous whispers lulling me further 
Into the eye of the maelstrom.
Twisty and dark, your salty kiss burns and deteriorates.
You spit out the bones, the tarry flesh, cracks besmirched ivory
A rusted over echo
Of a copy of a copy of a copy

by M. L. Kiser |
Categories: appreciation, care, change, christmas, uplifting, winter, world,

Dear Santa

Dear Santa please bring me good news from all the world; that peace will be the future. Bring everyone contentment, love and good health too. In short, obliterate the horrors, in the world today; thank you.

by Brenda Martin |
Categories: love,

Ancient Ways

Ancient ways sing the night
Not of horrors and fright
But of light and love
From the god’s from above

Healing pain and healing heart
It’s the ancient art
Open your heart and you will see
The love that lives in the heart of me

Ancient ways sing the night
Of love and light
Not pain nor sorrow 
Or gloomy tomorrow

Look to the stars above
You will see the love
Ancient ways sing the night
To the hearts delight

Close your eyes and feel the pain
Let your tears fall like cleansing rain
Only then you will see
The way life was meant to be

Ancient ways sing the night
Leads to love’s guiding light
Open your heart and see
Then your soul and spirit are free!

by Cheryl Eldridge |
Categories: devotion, love, sister, heart, heart,

Loving You Through Hard Times

Times of change vents in breezes,
whistling sorrows...but for a moment.
Pleasured diamonds shine like spring
in seasons of dull haunted misgiving.

Kindred spirits entwined together
standing against all life's battles.
A blessing here to finally see through
the horrors into a wonderful friendship.

My heart reaches out with undying love
to comfort emotional anguish inside.
Prayers sent to heavens thrown room
to bring peace back into your sweet life.

I’m sorry it took so long to write you
for sickness had settled within my body.
But know that my heart goes out to you
and loves you with all that’s within me.

by Johnette Loefgren |
Categories: hope, love,


Kiss my eyes 

with your lips,

inhale the visions,

peel ing strips,


from all the years,

layered horrors,

gathered fears,

gently excise with

your blade,

honed down from

the love we made,

clouded corneas 
of pain


let me see 

love's light


by Jesse Kaler |
Categories: love,

The Stars Have Shone, From Times Beginning

Sheathed in holsters from fire to ice, 
holding burning through the freezing oceans, 
and freezing through the blazing skies. 
The pain I have felt, from these scars, 
these past horrors, from the beginning 
these are my stars, 
my freezing oceans and burning skies, 
and I let them shine with you, 
I let them shine with no one but you. 
See my flares lighting up the pitch black sky, 
dyes of red, yellow and blue all calling out to beckon you. 
My dear I bow before you a man who is torn in half, 
ripped apart from his other half, without you, 
let me join, so we together can light up the pitch black sky.

by B. Maxine Revolution |
Categories: dark, eulogy,

Honey Im Home

Honey I'm home..
but only echoes greet me.
the only smiles shown
are broken memories laid anyway but discreetly
silence is my new found spouse
the only weather I notice is my tear soaked blouse
the only thing I hear is mumbled noises from my mouth
the only food in my fridge is fear
I seer and season it it with my blues
everything in here including myself are askew
looking for my honey and all I found was bees
living in a hive of horrors
when once living but a dream
I dont even fight time
without you this life is not mine
still I scream the same question still
looking for my love my honey who has been killed.

B. Maxine

by Jesse Kaler |
Categories: health, love, relationship, romance,

The Stars Have Shone From Times Beginning

Sheathed in holsters from fire to ice, 
holding burning through the freezing oceans, 
and freezing through the blazing skies. 
The pain I have felt, from these scars, 
these past horrors, from the beginning 
these are my stars, my freezing oceans 
and burning skies, and I let them shine with you, 
I let them shine with no one but you. 
See my flares lighting up the pitch black sky, 
dyes of red, yellow and blue all calling out to beckon you. 
My dear I bow before you a man who is torn in half, 
ripped apart from his other half, without you, 
let me join, so we together can light up the pitch black sky.

by Alla Antsis |
Categories: change, conflict, courage, freedom, humanity, sorrow, violence,

Stop the War

Amidst peace's promises, war's horrors remain, 
Spring brings new life, but love feels in vain. 
Lost souls wander, searching for hope, 
Pain and heartache, a never-ending slope.

When does it end, this cycle of strife? 
When will we lay down our weapons and knives? 
Can love conquer all, and heal our wounds? 
Or will we be doomed to eternal ruins?

The answer lies not in the hands of fate,
 But in the choices we make, before it's too late. 
Let peace and love guide our hearts and minds, 
And leave war and pain, far behind.

By Alla Antsis
March 18, 2023

by James Starkey III |
Categories: pain,

The Deadly Cost of Love

"Love is the enemy of Reason." -- Rational Ethics 101 * * * In ancient portraits, wingèd Cupid e'er is painted blind, True Love an eyeless bigot vile in love with its own kind, full with its family, nation, god, and Nazi pal alligned -- the parent and original of Madness unconfined. * * * a dedication of Respect for countless worldwide Horrors continuous rooted in love a revolving helios rhyme menippean satire on the popular, sentimental, romanticized notion of brotherly love among klans february, 2023 -- yet billions of non-humans annually being tortured in concentration camps by true genocidal love for one's own species

by Mutemwa Gideon |
Categories: faithworld, love, universe,

A Written Word

Do not be afraid or terrified 
For the Lord your God is with you.
He will never leave you nor forsake you.
Even when you face horrors,
Troubles bigger than mountains, 
Even then be strong,
Do not be discouraged,
For what good will that do the Lord.
He who created the earth and the universe
Can build a whole new world for you
Take hold of His Word.
And His love that is eternal
For the Lord delights in His children.
Those who love the LORD.
Shall see goodness in His life.
They shall be blessed
And with their very own lips
They shall say:-
"Praise the Lord my God
Who has spoken light into my life
and separated me from the darkness.
He has made a whole new world for me."

by George Yiorgos Stathakis |
Categories: child, dark, depression, emotions, love, mother, war,

In Darkness She Sits

In darkness she sits
Her existence now revolving around mind created horrors.
Her child, not at home.
Has been away for weeks, perhaps months, for she has lost sense of time.
She feels the anger, the rage.
She does however understand the purpose, the cause, the reason
But her mind is overwhelmed by the feelings of the heart.
Confused and disheartened, she continues to sit alone
While tears run down her face etching deep scars within her soul
As she pleads and hopes that her only child will soon return.