Love Poems About Hopefully or Hopefully Love Poems
by Craig Cornish |
Categories: cancer,

The Topic of Cancer

God, so cruel a plague upon me,
dreams crushed, forsaken,
even as I hopefully step
where the sun leaves me to smile
for those brief but celebrated 

Through tear blurred windows
dear hearts that suffer more than I
can despise their suffering -
much more than my own sad fate.
I'm called brave but it is they
who smile through pain,
struggle for the right words.

They need not speak.
How lucky I have been
no matter my end
to have known such love.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: life,

Flipped Hourglass

At the appointed time (you know not when) your spirit will kiss this world goodbye. Sands of your earthly time will then have run their course. Folks will cry. Your progeny will be left behind, and words hopefully kind about you will be said. The hourglass at this time for you alone will have flipped. Dear ones will keep on their own path. With spirit eyes, you’ll view them from behind the veil where you will slip, knowing that the hourglass of those whom you so love will also soon be flipped. Feb. 6, 2022 For Edward Ibeh's Pick-A-Title, Vol 28 Poetry Contest Title 4: Flipped Hourglass in double etheree poetry form

by White Wolf |
Categories: longing, love, poems,

Trust Me Baby This Is Love

The turtles roam where the butterflies go How can I say what your love means to me A poem I write to hopefully show To convey with tender words sincerely My love for you continually grows For in my heart I hold your loving smile Inspiring me to write you endless prose Our time too brief though your love does beguile All I can offer is my heart to you In return for yours that will never stray I promise you I shall always be true Hear my words of love and let them convey Of my undying love until the end For now this love poem to you I send
23~June~2017 For Trust Me Baby This Is Love contest Sponsored by: Mystic Rose

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: appreciation, love, peace,

Peace of Heart - Potd

Times when I felt my life is spent.
Should I yearn for happiness?
I feel I am like a towel
That absorbed too much.
Has it been washed
Far too many times?
Or like a colourful hummingbird
that lost its joyous tune
And can only grumble
At injustice and senile shame?
Behind the dark clouds of everyday
The sun shines bright and clear,
Emitting golden beams,
Enriching the deep galaxy,
Around it circle myriads
Of gaseous nebulas 
And gorgeous stars.
And as I contemplate this greatness
I know I'm not alone,
I smile a little hopefully
And feel peace in my heart.

by Sally Eslinger |
Categories: desire, imagery, light, love, moon, music,

Spring Enchantment a love poem

Spring Enchantment (a love poem)

As wisps of clouds creeped
overhead before a storm moving quickly east,
the moon lay down his vanilla beams 
to dispel the darkness hiding our bared feet — 
set side by side — romantically
touching for warmth, for love, for eternity,
hopefully, to envelop us, like the coming rain
in our lives’ thundering, combined heartbeats
…joined into those duets passion will release
all about from the great springs of yearning.

(c) s.y. Eslinger 3/2024
Thanks be to God——

by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: beautiful, blessing, change, moving on, thank you,


Stopping by with a sweet hello to all

Mentally, I'm not over my issues
However, I am Physically well 

I do miss everyone, even the new poets.
Hopefully, my friends know, I miss them 
I am sorry to say, these 6 months have been the worst experience ever
Even I endure heartbreak and pain. 
One step at a time, 
I'm experiencing a big change (a good one)

Hello, and Hi, sending a small smile to all...... 


by Emma Major |
Categories: blessing, emotions, family, inspiration, life, love, mother daughter,

Treasured Moments

Treasure every moment
Every little thing
Every sight you see
Every word you sing
One day
Far away
It will be
Just a memory
To recall
And re-see

Treasure every beautiful thing
Every bird in the tree
Every flower in bloom
Every joy you see
You might
One day
Loose sight
And then that
So important
It will be

by Viv Wigley |
Categories: humor,

The Ballad of Connie Marcum Wong

An idiom by which she's always stuck
is 'having one's head buried in a book'
The truth behind it, she was unprepared
that morning as she went to climb the stairs.
Stopping to lift a bottle, bad mistake
especially when one isn't quite awake
her balance gone, could not control herself
now plunging headlong into the book shelf.
Bruised head, bruised knees,bruised pride was quite enough,
thankfully, make-up would disguise the scuffs.
But then she only went and made it worse
by saying that it would make a good verse.

Hopefully next time she will be wiser
and not tell me, but tell 'Trip Advisor'

29th August 2016
With love, Connie, from Viv x

by Winged Warrior |
Categories: desire, feelings, giving, i miss you, love hurts, missing you,

2 Sides To Love

I will send my Love thru timeless space
No other emotion shall take its place
And as it lands on the many moons
You will see explosions of their crusted dunes

I shall send it to the vivacious Venus
As she prays nothing comes between us
But some will fall on the warring Mars
As he erupts with rage and leaves love scars

And if it should fall on the planet Jupiter
All will be absorbed by its custodian Lucifer
There are many sides from this heavenly view
Hopefully my Love will make its way to you

Two sides to Love two sides to live
One will receive and the other shall give.

March.04.2016   ^WW^

by Ricky Muse |
Categories: love,


the skin that tingles when lips meet
will probably demand forever

but this heart that beats out of rhythm
from the touch of a dream
must say no to a blush and promises

instead I'm beholding to sacrifice
what cannot be laid down

by Cheryl Hoffman |
Categories: growing up,

Phases of Life

As small children we are wide eyed and innocent,
toddle after Mommy like baby elephants,
go to school to learn with our writing implement,
our parents hoping that we don't act indolent,

As teens upon graduation were confident,
some acting wild while others are reticent,
finding our jobs and falling in love relevant,
some marry while others act more dissident,

When we get old hopefully were still intimate,
thinking back on our lives with heartfelt sentiment,
being nice with people till death is imminent,
eulogy at funeral will be evidence.


by Winged Warrior |
Categories: character, courage, devotion,


Veracious voices that come out to play,
Wandering words tell the tale…
Mending hearts in the mist.

Where secluded sacrifices submerge,
Whispers warming in their waves…
Sailing scriptural shores.

A man stands alone in the baneful breeze,
Watching the world decaying;
The juggling juggernaut.

This verse is inspired by & dedicated to, our brother poet Tommy (Son of Spock)...who is on hopefully, a short sabbatical...Live long and prosper SOS...lets show some love...

Pick A Title, Vol 11 - 
Kimo(3 Stanzas)
Sponsored by: Edward Ibeh

Placed 1'st...Thank You

by Jack Ellison |
Categories: love,

A Petition For Flo

This is a petition to convince dear Flo to return It's just not the same without her Hopefully I can convince 25 people to sign up To make her aware how much she is missed If you're one of those who badly want her back Please respond to this petition and when I reach 25 names I'll sent her the complete list of names to show her How much we love her and miss her I'm counting on you! © Jack Ellison 2014

by Theodora Miranda |
Categories: change, courage, fate, life, love, soulmate, spiritual,

Where Are We Headed

Where are we headed? I know not where
Where are we headed? I know not why
Where are we headed? I know not how
Where are we headed? I know not to whom

Is it better to know or not to know?
Is it better on my own or with you?
Is it better if you come to me or I go to you?

Wonder is an aphrodisiac that may lead me to you
Surprise is not enticing but it may lead me to you
Uncertainty is terrifying yet exciting and it may lead me to you

Where are we headed, me and you?
Where are we headed? hopefully not to doom
Where are we headed in this world and how will we bloom?

by Linda Alice Fowler |
Categories: december, dream, environment, memory, night, snow, winter,

December Nights

Daylight fades away early
Even though our day is not done.
Clumps of snow shimmer in pearly,
Enchanting drifts, reflecting the disappearing sun.
My love stokes ardent embers to glowing
Beneath hungry stockings hopefully hung.
Enthusiasm with warmth flowing,
Remembering times when we were young.

Now golden days are growing shorter,
Illuminated by our fireside memories.
Glimmering from the hearth’s bricks and mortar, 
Halcyon dreams highlight sweet histories, 
Tumbling through gibbous and crescent quarter,
Soothing as we smile at life’s mysteries.

by Jay Del Fierro |
Categories: adventure, life, love,

Only a Moment....

I'm always close.....
.......i'm always near
no need to fear,my darling dear
even as I ride on seperate continents
long distance's just a matter of geography
just know...
that the farther apart we may seem to be
more space is now clear for you to feel free
my sacrifice for you to assure safety and peace
hopefully,one day,i'll be rewarded release
but in the mean time,I battle,for your love is true
security for the whole,lady fair,is what we do

A moments passing,only a moment
everlasting will be our delights enchantment.....

by Kayla Thomas |
Categories: love, me, me,

Something I Wanna Tell You

Boy you got me messed up
I just wanna fess up
About how I feel about you
And I bet you wanna tooo

How I feel is so true
All I wanna do is be with you
I know its more than a fw
That wanna go with you
But let me be that lucky one
Then I'll light up like the sun

Something I wanna tell you
Is that I wanna be with you
And you know everthing I say is true
So, hopefully you wanna be with me too

by Cristopher Sardina |
Categories: friendship, love, me, day, me,

The Moment

I've been waiting for the right moment to 
tell you this, and now is not the right moment.

The way you make me feel when 
your around is hard to explain.

Every moment I try to talk to you,
my lips move but nothing comes out.

There was one time everything I wanted to say came out;
you heard every word and even answered me back.

Unfortunately, when I was done and you were going to
give me your reaction, you were interrupted by me waking up.

Hopefully, one day I'll tell you when I'm in my conscious state
and your reaction won't be interrupted by my awakening.

But until that day comes, now is not the right moment.

by Joe Dimino |
Categories: courage, friendship love, heartbreak, inspirational love, longing, love, wisdom,


Love is like a street-lamp,
on a cold moonless night;
the glow, a warming sight
we move toward as would
a moth advancing on flame -- 

love can heal and maim…

Love is like a buoyancy
for one long treading
and about to sink – only
so much loneliness can
gulping heart drink – 

love can be missed by
a blink -- 

So, take a chance on love -- 
lips offered, the song played
no matter time and place – love
is a blessed grace 
though only the daring 
need apply and embrace – 
all we have to freely give 
and hopefully will receive

for love can joy and grieve...

by Tahira Parveen |
Categories: art, child, children, funny love, giggle, hilarious, love,

Little Bee

I've been given a fancy name for my illness
Clinically obese
It may be contagious
Never before seen in my colony
I can't work or lift a finger
Nice to see every one rally around me 
Even the queen bee is worried 
As what happened to me
Even sent the worker bees
All for one, hopefully one for all
Giving me a hand
I'm going to a special unit for unique bees.

by Ninette Carey |
Categories: betrayal, dark, destiny, grave, love,


Living in the Dark

Never truly finding the light

A glimpse here and there

Only to be stolen again

By Loves Selfish Snare

Resting in a open coffin

Awoken now and than

Only to be duped for Prince Charming Evil Sin.........

I close my eyes and heart once more

And return to my destine box

Hopefully Never to be Kissed
Putting Emily's Heart to Rest

And in Her Dreams

 She Once Again Couples Her Eternal Bliss.......................
The Corpse Bride......

by Alyssa Marie |
Categories: career, celebration, future, graduation, growing up, growth, world,

Your Journey Your Destiny

Graduating college where do I stand
I know God has a big plan
A plan for me
I'll just wait and see
Where my life takes me
And opportunities that arise
My future is definitely a big surprise
I have this feeling inside
That God will guide
He'll guide me through my life that is
Hopefully one day I'll be in show biz
I love to write and read and learn
To be successful is something I yearn
To make a difference in the world
No longer am I a little girl

by Audley Johnson |
Categories: care, change, cheer up, endurance, farewell, girlfriend, heartbroken,

Still Holding On

Still holding on to what I’ve lost
Still holding on to what was lost
Trying to move forward
But still the taste of tears scurry form my sight
My vision was clear
Now it’s all haze

Still gave my best
But now still I’m stressed
Holding on now to depress
My heart is sadden by such sudden grieve
My emotion now will never be free

My grasp of your love is tenderly gone
Gone hopefully not permanently still
Still holding on
On holding still

by Imran Nazeer |
Categories: dream, literature, poems, poetry, rain, romantic love, writing,

Love Poem

Why I wait for rain to hug you
Why I wait for a special day to hold you
Why I wait for night to kiss you
My love doesn't depend on occasion
I want to love you all the time
Thousands pirated laughters
Thousands impair nourishes
Made some misunderstandings
Now the time has changed
All the promises will come true
Hopefully you will smile again
No one will come between us
You will be mine
And I will be yours

by Sandra Dean |
Categories: love,

Love Again

Love Again

Life without love is an empty, lonely existence
Our birthright is to love and receive it without resistance
Pursuing this emotion like a mirage in the desert
Reflecting perceived notions left only to be hurt
Wide eyed loving innocence, oh what an oxymoron
Blinded by emotion and then the love is gone
Leaving the heart with scars that hopefully will heal
But at this very moment, pain is all you feel
With time, if you decide, to let go of the pain
Only then will your heart be open to love again

By: Sandra Dean